Evaluations of “neatness,” “naturally accustomed to,” and “preference” were conducted using the stimuli of real clothes and images. Stimuli were the combination of a simple top and a straight/wide black pants with various lengths and silhouettes of the top. Four groups of women observers (students from Fashion, Human Life and Science, and Engineering departments, and a middle to senior group), participated. Regarding the “neatness” and “preference,” a tucked-in blouse style obtained high ratings, while a loose-tunic received low ratings. As for the “naturally accustomed to,” a tucked-in blouse with a wide-pants showed high scores, but a loose-tunic indicated moderate ratings. Based on the evaluations, formulas for the three terms were proposed using variables such as the ratio of the vertical lengths of the top and pants. A prototype of recommendation system using a small fashion-image database with user’s inputs of “neatness” and “naturally accustomed to” was developed and well rated.