In oriental medicine, meridians, which are often called channels, are the routes that carry the "qi" and blood. If the qi and blood flow through the meridians smoothly, our body is kept healthy. But, if some meridians are injured by any factor, impairment of the meridians occurs in our body and we get ill. For example, obstruction factors are the six excesses: wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and summer heat. These stagnate qi. When these factors attack our body, the meridians' flows are not smooth and symptoms appear. The seven emotions are obstruction factors, too. The seven emotions are happiness, anger, worry, pensiveness, sadness, fear and terror. When these emotions are sustained for a long time or occur very suddenly, some organs are injured and the meridians' flows are not smooth. When giving acupuncture treatment for impairment of a meridian, we always observe why the symptoms occurred, how the symptoms appeared in the body and which meridian is injured. Then, it is important to choose the acupoint of the injured meridian.