哺乳動物学雑誌: The Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1884-393X
Print ISSN : 0546-0670
ISSN-L : 0546-0670
7 巻, 2 号
  • 古林 賢恒, 丸山 直樹
    1977 年 7 巻 2 号 p. 55-62
    発行日: 1977/05/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Food habits of sika (Cervus nippon) were studied in Fudakake, Tanzawa Mountains, Kanagawa Prefecture from 1972 to 1975. This area was situated from 370 to 870m in elevation. Eaten plants by sika, 53 families, 80 genera and 106 species were recorded; 72 species of them were trees and shrubs, and 34 species were forbs and grasses. Few plant species, eaten all the year round, were observed. Rather, highly utilized plants, wide-spread and dominant species in this area, successively appeared every season. In winter intensive utilization of sasa (Sasa purpurascence) was exactly effective for sika survival through the critical season of winter when most food plants were unavailable. Parts eaten varied widely with the season and the plant species; especially from late autumn to early spring, barks of a few species, such as Clero-dendrum trichotomum, Aralia elata and Zanthoxylum piperitum, were intensively taken. Since the winter of 1973/1974, new food-taking behaviors, such as“branch breaking”and“culm breaking”, have conspicuously occurred. Simultaneously, not a few plants, which had been utilized at low level or not, became to be taken conspicuously. Those trends were seemingly dependent on sika density and plant succession in the study area.
  • Hisashi ABE
    1977 年 7 巻 2 号 p. 63-73
    発行日: 1977/05/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Variations, age, sexual, or altitudinal, of Soriculus caudatus, S. baileyi, S. nigrescens, Mus cervicolor, Rattus fluvescens, R. niviventer, and R. nitidus from central Nepal were studied, and taxonomic reviews were made. Two subspecies with allopatric distributions were recognized in S. caudatus, and M. cervicolor from central Nepal, respectively. Additonal diagnostic characters of R. fluvescens and R. niviventer were given. New collecting data on S. baileyi and R. nitidus were recorded.
  • 後藤 信男, 橋詰 良一, 崔 郁虎
    1977 年 7 巻 2 号 p. 75-85
    発行日: 1977/05/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    本邦産ハタネズミ (Microtus montebelli) を実験動物化するにあたって, 計画生産を可能ならしめるために, まず, 本種の産子数と単独飼育, 雌雄接近および同居など種々の条件下における膣垢像 (スメアと略称) の挙動を観察し, つぎの結果を得た。
    1.近交 (兄妹交配) 世代別産子数は3世代で平均2.56頭とやや小であったが4世代 (3.29頭) までとくに減少しなかった。産次別には9産次までは漸増したがそれ以降は減少した。産次間隔日数も9産次までは平均28~38日とあまり差異はなくそれ以降は大となった。刀別産子数は10, 11月でやや増大したものの厳冬, 酷暑期にも観察され, 室内 (20~25℃) では周年繁殖が可能であった。
    2.雌雄同居区における精子確認時のスメアとPMS投与区のそれらから, スメア像の角化細胞の存在が雌ハタネズミの発情判定の指標になり得ると思われた。
    3.単独飼育雌10頭のスメアは, どの個体も白血球, 有核細胞優位の像を呈したが, 不規則ながらも周期的に角化細胞が出現している個体が5頭認められた。雌雄接近区では, 雄を接近させた後にスメアの組成に変化を生じたものが10頭中4頭で残り6頭は変化がみられなかった。角化細胞が周期的に出現している個体はとくに認められなかった。雌雄同居 (1対1) させた場合には, 一応周期的とみられる個体が24頭中13頭で単独飼育区とその出現率に差はみられなかった。
    4.そのほか, 他種ハタネズミの産子数, スメア像に関する研究結果と本種における結果とを比較, 考察した。
  • Takeshi AKASAKA, Naoki MARUYAMA
    1977 年 7 巻 2 号 p. 87-102
    発行日: 1977/05/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The social organization and habitat use of Japanese serow (Capri-cornis crispus) were studied in Kasabori, Niigata Prefecture from July 1970 to October 1974. Through the observation of 17 identifiable serows, 4 social units were classified. The pair, consisting of a male and a female, was formed from late autumn to early winter and maintained till parturition in late May and early June of the next year. The family, consisting of a pair and its young, appeared after parturition and was maintained till early autumn when the male left. Then, the mother-child group appeared, and lasted till the next summer. Members of those units did not necessarily act together. In a family and a pair, a male took a role as a leader. The solitary was also observed. Although several serows moved in or out of the study area in early summer and autumn, they each stayed in a certain area when their social bonds were maintained. Home range sizes were also calculated; they apparently enlarged as members were added. Vegetation communities, found on thirteen home ranges, were oak shrubbery, Japanese white pine forest, grassland and rocky ground; the first and the second were essential habitats. Since chases after intruders and signpost behavior were observed, the possibility exists that serows are territorial.
  • 前田 喜四雄
    1977 年 7 巻 2 号 p. 103-109
    発行日: 1977/05/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    ユビナガコウモリMiniopterus schreibersi, KUHLにおいて, ホルマリン液浸標本と新鮮標本の外部形態および頭骨計測値の差違を調べた。それらの差違の検討は令段階に別けて行なわれ, 令変異も付記した。
    頭骨計測部位のすべて, および計測外部形質のうち前腕長と後足長を除いた他の部位において, ホルマリン固定の影響がみられ, ホルマリン液浸標本が新鮮標本より有意に小さかった。特にその傾向は頭骨に関する計測部位において顕著であった。
    外部形質において, 令に伴なう変化はみられなかった。しかし, 頭骨に関する部位のうち, 乳様突起間幅, 脳函幅, 下顎歯列長を除く他の部位において, 顕著ではないにしても, 令に伴なう変化があることが示唆された。
  • 今泉 忠明, 茶畑 哲夫
    1977 年 7 巻 2 号 p. 111-113
    発行日: 1977/05/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The authors had an oppotunity to observe a fresh nest containing four youngs of the Ryukyu wild boar, Sus riukiuanus KURODA, 1924, on October 23th, 1975, at Iriomote Island, Okinawa Prif., Japan. The nest was found in grassland of the tall miscanthus, Miscauthus floridulus, at the foot of Mt. Nakama in the east of the island. It was made of many stems and blades of these grass mowed by their mother pig. The external form was similar to the large muskrat mound, 60cm in height, 1.8m in diameter. The mound contained a main entrance, an estimated emergency exit and a nest chamber. The main entrance was measured 30×30cm in height and width, and seemed to be used generally by the family. The other one was about 7cm in width and was estimated to be an emergency exit. The nest chamber was about 35 cm in height and 65 cm in diameter, and no bedding was found in it.
    The young mother pig was dead outside of the nest near the entrance. The youngs were found in the nest silently, but when we approached the nest they ran away through the small exit of the mound, not the main entrance.
  • 牧田 米雄
    1977 年 7 巻 2 号 p. 115-118
    発行日: 1977/05/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) コウベモグラは直射日照下 (やや曇天気味の日も含めて) においても30~36℃の範囲内なら40~60分の生存が可能であり, 30℃の場合, 健康体なら勿論のこと, 多少衰弱気味な個体においても60分の生存が可能であった。また, 40℃を越す日照下の高温にあっても20分にも及ぶ生存時間があったこと等を総合して見る時, 適当なる採餌地へ地上を歩行して移動することは可能なこととなる。尚, 気象条件と日照下における生存時間の長短とは密接な関係があり, 高温となるに伴ない短時間となる傾向があり, また, 急激なる温度の上昇も生存時間を短かくする。
    2) 長い年月にわたり, 土中生活に適応する如く進化した結果が, 直射日照下における生存時間を短くしたものと推測することができる。