The transient turbulent heat transfer coefficients in a short vertical Platinum test tube were systematically measured for the flow velocities (
u=4.0 to 13.6 m/s), the inlet liquid temperatures (
Tin=296.93 to 304.81 K), the inlet pressures (
Pin=794.39 to 858.27 kPa) and the increasing heat inputs (
Q0 exp(t/τ), exponential periods,
τ, of 18.6 ms to 25.7 s) by an experimental water loop comprised of a multistage canned-type circulation pump with high pump head. The Platinum test tubes of test tube inner diameters (
d=3 and 6 mm), heated lengths (
L=66.5 and 69.6 mm), effective lengths (
Leff=56.7 and 59.2 mm), ratios of heated length to inner diameter (
d=22.16 and 11.6), ratios of effective length to inner diameter (
Leff/d=18.9 and 9.87) and wall thickness (
δ=0.5 and 0.4 mm) with average surface roughness (
Ra=0.40 and 0.45 µm) were used in this work. The surface heat fluxes between the two potential taps were given the difference between the heat generation rate per unit surface area and the rate of change of energy storage in the test tube obtained from the faired average temperature versus time curve. The heater inner surface temperature between the two potential taps was also obtained by solving the unsteady heat conduction equation in the test tube under the conditions of measured average temperature and heat generation rate per unit surface area of the test tube. The transient turbulent heat transfer data for Platinum test tubes were compared with the values calculated by authors’ correlation for the steady state turbulent heat transfer. The influence of inner diameter (
d), ratio of effective length to inner diameter (
Leff/d), flow velocity (
u) and exponential period (
τ) on the transient turbulent heat transfer is investigated into details and the widely and precisely predictable correlation of the transient turbulent heat transfer for heating of water in a short vertical tube is given based on the experimental data and authors’ studies for the transient critical heat fluxes (CHFs) of subcooled water flow boiling in a short vertical tube caused by exponentially, ramp-wise and stepwise increasing heat inputs. The correlation can describe the transient turbulent heat transfer coefficients obtained in this work for the wide range of the temperature difference between heater inner surface temperature and average bulk liquid temperature,
ΔTL, of 10 to 160 K with
d=3 to 6 mm,
Leff/d=9.87 to 18.9,
u=4.0 to 13.6 m/s and
τ=18.6 ms to 25.7 s within ±15 % difference.
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