[Purpose] The aim of this study was to determine if gait index predicts the efficacy of weight-support treadmill training (BWSTT) in hemiplegic stroke patients. [Participants and Methods] In total, 21 patients who had sustained a hemiplegic stroke, on an average 71 days prior, and could walk independently on level ground were included in the study. BWSTT was performed under 20% of bodyweight unloading at the maximum speed possible for each participant to a perceived level of fatigue of 15 on the 20-point Borg scale. The immediate effects of BWSTT were evaluated as the change in the following variables, calculated from 5 level ground gait cycles; walking speed and rate, root mean square, coefficient of variability, auto-correlation coefficient, and single leg stance time ratio. All indices were calculated from the triaxial accelerometer attached to the waist of the participant. Linear regression was used to identify predictive variables of BWSTT effectiveness. [Results] Only single leg stance time ratio on level ground was extracted as a predictor of BWSTT effectiveness. [Conclusion] Single leg stance time ratio was a predictive factor of improved gait symmetry after BWSTT and therefore, could be used as a factor to select patients who might benefit from BWSTT as a component of stroke rehabilitation.
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to determine whether unilateral dominance exists in toe grip strength in Kendo players using a toe grip dynamometer. [Participants and Methods] In total, 15 male college Kendo players, who had no disability or pain in their feet, were included in the study. The participants completed a questionnaire to determine which foot the participants used as their front and rear foot while standing in Kendo. We measured toe grip strength three times on each side. We then extracted the maximum value of toe grip strength from the three measurements on each side and calculated the ratio of toe grip strength to body weight (%). [Results] All players used their right foot as the front foot. We found that the front foot toe grip strength was significantly stronger than the rear foot toe grip strength. [Conclusion] Our results suggest laterality of toe grip strength and the front foot toe grip strength is stronger than the rear foot toe grip strength in Kendo players.
[Purpose] The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with changes in both the physical and mental components of quality of life (QOL) in of community-dwelling frail older persons in long-term care and to clarify which aspects are important to maintaining physical and mental components of QOL. [Participants and Methods] In this 1 year follow-up cohort study, participants were older persons from a single day care rehabilitation center in Japan. The Medical Outcome Study 8-Item Short-Form Health Survey (MOS-SF8), which gives both physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores, was used as the main QOL assessment. Participants were divided according to their level of QOL maintenance according to changes in PCS and MCS scores over the study period, and the variables were compared between the groups. [Results] PCS domain was significantly associated with forced vital capacity and the MCS domain was significantly associated with the Geriatric Depression Scale and Dysphagia Risk Assessment for the Community-Dwelling Elderly Test. [Conclusion] Depression, reduced pulmonary function, and reduced deglutition ability were independently related to low QOL. Assessment of these factors could be beneficial for maintaining the physical and mental components of QOL in community-dwelling frail older persons in long-term care.
[Purpose] This study aimed to investigate the effects of visual feedback balance training on the pain and dysfunction of patients with chronic degenerative knee arthritis. [Participants and Methods] Twenty-six patients with chronic degenerative knee arthritis participated in this study; the control group (n=13) performed muscle strength training and the experimental group (n=13) performed visual feedback balance training. General physical therapy was applied to both groups three times a week for eight weeks. The visual analog scale was used to measure the patient’s pain scale, and the K-WOMAC (Korean Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index) was used as a tool to evaluate their physical function. [Results] In the intra-group comparisons, significant decreases in the visual analog scale and the K-WOMAC were observed for the control group and the experimental group. No significant difference was found in the inter-group comparisons after treatment. [Conclusion] Visual feedback balance training is considered to be an effective intervention method for improving pain and dysfunction in patients with chronic degenerative knee arthritis.
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to elucidate the age-related changes in the stability of the quiet standing posture based on the acceleration of the center of mass of each body segment under deteriorated somatosensory conditions. [Participants and Methods] The participants in this study were 18 healthy elderly persons and 11 healthy young adults. A foam surface was placed on the force plate for load-bearing onto the somatosensory system. The participants maintained a quiet position on the force plate under two conditions: a firm surface and a foam surface. The accelerations of the head, thorax, pelvis, and whole body center of mass when quiet standing in two conditions were measured by a motion capture system. In the statistical analysis, regarding the center of mass of each body segment, the interactions were examined by performing a two-way analysis of variance using age and surface condition as factors. [Results] A two-way analysis of variance detected an interaction between age and surface factors for anteroposterior acceleration at the center of mass of the head. For other body segments, interactions between the two factors were not detected. [Conclusion] The results of anteroposterior acceleration at the center of mass of the head suggest that under conditions of deteriorated somatosensory function in the lower limbs, minute anteroposterior position adjustment of the head is an essential characteristic of the standing posture control mechanism in the elderly.
[Purpose] Active unilateral knee extension in sitting (AUKEiSit) is a clinical test for lumbopelvic control during limb movements. We aimed to identify the normal upper limit for the angle of lumbopelvic sagittal alignment (θ) during AUKEiSit in young females. [Participants and Methods] The primary inclusion criteria of the participant included asymptomatic females 18–44 years of age. Lumbopelvic curvature from T12 to S2 was traced on paper using a flexible ruler during right AUKEiSit. The θ value was calculated using 2 methods: 1) 2-point-method, calculating the angle between 2 tangential lines at T12 and S2 on a trace line using Image J software; and 2) max-method, calculating θ by measuring the distance between T12 and S2 and the maximum depth of the curvature. A negative value of θ indicated lumbar lordosis. The mean and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were computed with bootstrapping. [Results] The data of 121 participants (mean age: 20.6 years) were analyzed. The mean and 95% confidence intervals of θ were −12.06° (−14.03° to −9.40°) with the 2-point-method and −5.40° (−7.62° to −2.73°) with the max-method. [Conclusion] In asymptomatic young females, the 95% confidence intervals of θ during AUKEiSit are negative regardless of the 2 different methods.
[Purpose] This study aimed to clarify the relationship between throwing distance and competitive performance in Boccia players in order to establish a training program based on this evidence. [Participants and Methods] In total, 40 athletes, who competed in the Japan Boccia Championships and are certified players of the Japan Boccia Association, participated in the study. Participants threw the Boccia ball as far as possible, and throwing distances were compared between certified players (Group I, n=8), those who participated in the final round (Group II, n=9), and those who lost in the preliminary round (Group III, n=23). [Results] The maximum throwing distances were 16.38 ± 5.17 m (Group I), 10.67 ± 2.66 m (Group II), and 8.34 ± 2.73 m (Group III). Group I threw the ball significantly farther than Groups II and III. [Conclusion] Boccia is a target sport and throwing farther distances requires more effort. In addition, being able to throw at a longer distance means that Boccia players can throw a stronger ball and use this for various tactics. The results of this study suggest that long-distance throwing training would be effective in improving the competitive performance of Boccia players.
[Purpose] To evaluate the relationship between stride length during a pitch and maximal ball velocity and define the determinants of stride length in collegiate baseball pitchers. [Participants and Methods] Eighteen collegiate baseball pitchers participated in this study. Using a standard tape measure, the distance between each participant’s legs was measured after maximal abduction of both hip joints in a standing position. The pitchers threw fastballs on an indoor pitching mound at an official pitching distance. The throwing motion was recorded with four high-speed video cameras (240 Hz), while the ball velocity was measured using a radar gun. The stride length at foot contact was calculated at the maximal ball velocity using a three-dimensional motion analysis system. [Results] The maximal ball velocity (mean 129.8 km/h) had a significant positive correlation with the absolute stride length during a pitch (r=0.55), but no correlation with the relative stride length (% body height, % lower extremity length, and % maximal open legs’ width). Stride length during a pitch did not significantly correlate with the pitcher’s body height, lower extremity length, and maximal open legs’ width. [Conclusion] A longer stride length contributes to a higher ball velocity in collegiate baseball pitchers.
[Purpose] Physical therapists frequently perform manual stretching of the ankle joints. Manual stretching procedures are challenging to define because they involve multidirectional joint motions and external forces. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method for quantitatively and statistically analyzing the manual foot stretching techniques used by physical therapists. [Participants and Methods] The participants were four physical therapists, and three patients who have a spastic foot. We investigated the manual foot stretching techniques employed by the physical therapists using a three-dimensional analysis system and an instrumented brace with force sensors. Principal motion analysis was applied to the obtained data, and principal motions were determined. [Results] The first principal motion was the application of force for the dorsiflexion of the foot; second, the pushing/pulling of the heel; third, the eversion/inversion of the entire foot; and fourth, the eversion/inversion of the forefoot. Furthermore, the manual stretching techniques varied among the physical therapists, even for the same patient, and some techniques occurred only between particular pairs. [Conclusion] This study demonstrated the effectiveness of the principal motion analysis for the statistical assessment of manual stretching techniques and clarifying differences in stretching technique among physical therapists.
[Purpose] This study aimed to examine the influence of social-networking service usage via smartphone on internet addiction and psychological stress in Japanese university students studying physical therapy. [Participants and Methods] This single-university cross-sectional study involved 247 physical therapy students in the second to fourth years (ages 19 to 22). By use of self-administered questionnaires, we collected information on daily time of smartphone usage, social-networking service usage via smartphone, and daily self-learning time outside of class hours. We assessed internet addiction and psychological stress using the Internet Addiction Test and Stress Response Scale-18, respectively. After excluding twelve participants, we analyzed the data collected for the other 235. [Results] Multiple regression analysis showed an association of the Internet Addiction Test score with gender and daily time of smartphone usage. “Surfing without any purpose”, which is one of the purposes of social-networking service usage, and the Internet Addiction Test score were associated with the Stress Response Scale-18 score. Other variables were not associated with the Internet Addiction Test or Stress Response Scale-18 scores. [Conclusion] Our results suggest that gender (males), longer time of smartphones usage, or using social-networking service usage passively cause internet addiction or psychological stress in Japanese physical therapy university students.
[Purpose] The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the gender and grade differences in interest and reasons associated with overseas volunteer participation among physiotherapy students using a cross-sectional survey. [Participants and Methods] The participants were 1,093 physiotherapy students who were enrolled at the International University of Health and Welfare’s Ohtawara, Narita, Odawara, and Fukuoka campuses in 2017. A cross-sectional design was used to study the differences between gender and among undergraduate grade levels. The degree of interest and reasons associated with overseas volunteer participation were evaluated by a questionnaire survey using a four-point scale. [Results] Female students were significantly more interested and active in overseas volunteer participation than male students. As for participation by students’ grades, significant differences were found in three items only among female students. [Conclusion] Female students were significantly more active at volunteering than male students. It was suggested that we need to encourage students to engage in overseas volunteer participation from the time of admission, especially female students.
[Purpose] To systematically review controlled trial evidence for the use of lumbar extension traction by Chiropractic BioPhysics® methods for the purpose of increasing lumbar lordosis in those with hypolordosis and low back disorders. [Methods] Literature searches were performed in Pubmed, PEDro, CINAHL, Cochrane, and ICL databases. Search terms included iterations related to the lumbar spine, low back pain and extension traction rehabilitation. [Results] Four articles detailing 2 randomized and 1 non-randomized trial were located. Trials demonstrated increases in radiographic measured lordosis of 7–11°, over 10–12 weeks, after 30–36 treatment sessions. Randomized trials demonstrated traction treated groups mostly maintained lordosis correction, pain relief, and disability after 6-months follow-up. The non-randomized trial showed lordosis and pain intensity were maintained with periodic maintenance care for 1.5 years. Importantly, control/comparison groups had no increase in lumbar lordosis. Randomized trials showed comparison groups receiving physiotherapy-less the traction, had temporary pain reduction during treatment that regressed towards baseline levels as early as 3-months after treatment. [Conclusion] Limited but good quality evidence substantiates that the use of extension traction methods in rehabilitation programs definitively increases lumbar hypolordosis. Preliminarily, these studies indicate these methods provide longer-term relief to patients with low back disorders versus conventional rehabilitation approaches tested.