The conceptual foundations of transdisciplinary researches with the use of methods and means of artificial intelligence, including ontological engineering, have been developed. The stages of formation of the theory of transdisciplinarity are defined, in which the processes of building the categorical level of concepts and integration of subject knowledge, the formation of clusters of convergence of subject disciplines, the scientific picture of the world and the corresponding global network of transdisciplinary knowledge take a special place. In this case, a special role belongs to informatics as a system-forming branch of knowledge. The development of the NBIC-cluster of convergence opens wide, so far completely not assessed, possibilities of a global knowledge-oriented Internet, but with it also the whole of modern civilization. Obviously, this development will follow first the path of creation of the applied distributed systems in specific subject areas (Internet of Things, Smart systems in telemedicine, environmental monitoring, information support of goods and services, energy systems, utilities, etc.). Grid-, Block-chain-technologies and Cloud-computing, as well as virtual organizations, structures and services will occupy the central place in them.