日々の営業活動報告はテキストデータで登録され、表現、内容、スタイルが既存の NLPシステムの学習データセットに含まれていないため、解析して AI で活用したくてもできていない。本研究では、先行指標が記載されているため、ビジネス上価値があると認識している「お客様の声」文の解析をもとに定義を明確にし、学習データを作成した。最初に、お困りごとと課題の特徴をお客様の「事象」と「心象」を軸に定義した。「お困りごと」とは、現在の状態と理想の状態とにギャップがあり(事象)、そのギャップに対して困っている(心象)。「課題」とは、お困りごとを解消するための行動(事象)であり、行動に前向き(心象)。事象と心象の条件をクリアした文のみ学習データとして分類器を開発、営業日報からお客様の声文の抽出を試みた。テキストデータの AI 活用に手ごたえを感じる結果を得ることができた。
In recent years, the labor share has been declining in Japan, causing a hollowing out of the realeconomy. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between labor shares and payout ratios. Weplan to examine whether the relationship between the labor share and payout ratio can be demonstrated byusing nonlinear analysis such as machine learning methods.
近年、工場では原材料、部品、完成品等の輸送に関し、無人搬送車 (AGV) を用いた自動搬送システムが利用されている。ジョブショップ型の工場では、搬送車の渋滞が生じた場合や適切なタイミングで製品を製㐀装置に供給ができない場合は、納期遅延等を引き起こす可能性がある。本研究においては、ジョブショップ型の工場である半導体製㐀工場を想定し、マルチエージェントシミュレーションを用いた工場内無人搬送車システムにおける交通流量の解析を行ったので報告を行う。
ニュースは金融市場の資産価格に大きな影響を与える.ニュースと株価変動の関係性を分析し,ニュースを評価する取り組みはこれまでに多く行われており,ニュースと株価変動の間には関連性があると報告されている.しかしながら,ニュースは非構造化データであり,定型的に精度高く処理し,分析に用いることは難しい.本研究では,多くの自然言語読解タスクでSOTA(State of the Art)を達成している BERT を用いて株式変動を説明するニュース評価モデルを構築し,実証分析を行い,従来の分類モデルよりも高い正答率を得られるか検証を行った.本研究における分析の結果,BERT を用いたニュース評価モデルの精度が最も高かった.
SNS が世の中に与える影響が拡大しており、特にインフルエンサーが人々に与える影響が増してきている。本研究では、株のインフルエンサーを特定した上で、Google Cloud NaturalLanguage API を用いた感情分析を行い、ツイートとニュース及び株価の関係を明らかにすることを試みる。
At present,a compliance problem tends to be a company crisis, and the unrecognized fraud tends to result inhuge losses. On the other hand, it is difficult for large companies to detect frauds on the contracts because they arecontracted by various person and in various place. Therefore companies need early to introduce a fraud detectionsystem from the transaction history of contracts. We developed the fraud detection model without supervised labelbased on the anomaly detection and succeeded in detecting certified fraud contracts in the top rank.
Japan is suffering from a serious labor shortage due to the economic expansion anddemographic change in the non-regular employment of the labor market. In particular, non-regularemployees account for 80% of employees in the food-service industry is a critical issue. The purpose ofthe present study is to analyze a mechanism of job matching focusing on non-regular employmentthrough agent-based modeling.
There are many previous studies on IPO open prices. In particular, underpricing,where the public price is lower than the initial price, is an important issue from themanagement's point of view, as it causes loss of opportunity for issuers. Various hypothesesabout the cause of underpricing have been made by previous research. In this research, wefocus on the calculation of corporate value when determining the open price. Specifically,SCDV was created based on patent documents owned by the company. Next, a similarcompany comparison method was performed by selecting similar companies based on thecreated document vectors, and the validity of the open price was attempted.
Urban parks are public spaces indispensable for realizing a sustainable society. On the otherhand, urban parks are also annoying spaces that make people uneasy. Urban parks are attractive andrevitalizing the city must be a space that can accommodate diverse people. But the reality is an exclusiveand crippled space. That is because diverse people have not been in harmony for a long time. In this study,we aim to develop a dynamic model for urban parks to become truly open public spaces, and to examinethe state transition of urban parks. This study is in progress.
Investors refer to a variety of information when making investment decisions: The amount ofavailable information is increasing day by day due to the spread of the Internet, and it is difficult to graspall information such as causality. In this study, we attempt to construct an understanding support model thatcan visualize news through Attention-Based Bi-LSTM model using Reuters News as an analysis target.
In Japan which faces population decline and labor shortage, it is obvious that low productivityis an essential social issue that cannot be avoided.On the other hand, it is also true that Japanese technology is highly evaluated from a micro perspective.Based on these, low productivity in Japan can be said to be an organizational management issue.From the above, in this study, we identify an organization formation model that maximizes the productivityof organization by analysing how individual productivity and behavior patterns affect the productivity oforganization.In addition, these productivity of organization is generated by complex social systems such as individualinteractions, so we try to demonstrate the macro social order generatively using Agent-based model(ABM).