Online ISSN : 1349-7413
Print ISSN : 0911-4300
ISSN-L : 0911-4300
4 巻, 3 号
  • 最近のトピックス
    稲生 綱政
    1981 年 4 巻 3 号 p. 107-110
    発行日: 1981/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 若杉 尋, 押味 和夫, 宮田 道夫, 森岡 恭彦
    1981 年 4 巻 3 号 p. 111-115
    発行日: 1981/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    We studied whether a streptococcal immunopotentiator, OK-432, could reactivate natural killer (NK) cell activity following the readministration of OK-432 in cancer patients.
    Microassay methods were employed for a 5-hr51Cr release test using mononuclear cells separated from peripheral blood as effector cells and 51Cr-labeled K562 cells as target cells with an effectorto-target ratio of 20: 1.
    In the patients before or after surgery, the first course of OK-432 strongly augmented the NK activity within three days after the initial administration of OK-432.
    Enhanced cytotoxicity occurred with reintroduction of OK-432. But the maximum level was lower than that of the first course when the duration between the first and second course of OK-432 administration was short, whereas the maximum level of cytotoxicity was high and almost same as that of the first course when the duration was long.
  • 山内 邦彦, 高屋 正敏, 郡山 健治, 市川 幸延, 有森 茂
    1981 年 4 巻 3 号 p. 116-123
    発行日: 1981/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Salivary amylase values in serum (amylase-s) were evaluated before and after sialography in 19 patients with Sjögren's syndrome (SjS) and were compared to those in 10 patients without SjS. Non-SjS patients consisted of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ulcerative colitis and chronic pyelonephritis.
    Amylase-s in non-SjS patients increased 3 to 6 hours after injection of Conray-400. The amount of that increase was 40±16 SR/dl which was approximately 93% increase from the pre-injection levels of 43±15 SR/dl. In base of maximum elevation of amylase-s after injection of Conray-400, SjS was divided into 3 types: an increase of more than 56 SR/dl (high response type: H type), the same increase of 40±16 SR/dl as in non-SjS patients (control type: C type) and an increase of less than 24 SR/dl (low response type: L type).
    Most patients with H type of SjS showed diffusely punctate sialectasis in a sialogram, very mild sialadenitis in histopathology and negative keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). Conversely most with L type of SjS showed verious changes in sialogram from normal feature to diffuse sialectasis and recognized severe sialadenitis histopathologically and positive KCS. These findings suggest that SjS with L type is more advanced and SjS with H type is milder in severity.
    Some SjS patients with L type and normal feature or locally punctate sialectasis in sialogram demonstrated histopathologically severe sialadenitis in sublingual glands, so that biopsy of sublingual glands is essential in SjS with L type even if they appeared normal feature on sialogram.
    Most patients with SjS alone or both SiS and SLE were severely invaded in their salivary glands, comparing with those of the patients overlapped with SjS and chronic thyroiditis, with or without progressive systemic sclerosis.
  • 森藤 隆夫, 渡辺 一雄, 西間木 友衛, 吉田 浩, 粕川 禮司
    1981 年 4 巻 3 号 p. 124-128
    発行日: 1981/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Anticomplementary activity (ACA) of five liver disease sera with no hemolytic complement activity and one IgG-myeloma serum was examined before and after heating at 56°C for 30 min.
    The ACA of IgG-myeloma serum was found only in the heated sample. However, the ACA of liver diseases sera was found in both unheated and heated samples.
    Since ACA of liver disease sera was inhibited by rheumatoid arthritis serum but not by normal serum, IgG antibodies combined with some antigen or aggregated IgG were suspected as factors eliciting the ACA.
    They might participate also in decreasing of hemolytic complement activity in the cold, which was frequently found in chronic liver disease sera.
  • 恩地 森一, 山下 善正, 太田 康幸
    1981 年 4 巻 3 号 p. 129-135
    発行日: 1981/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    著者らは, macrophage migration inhibition assayにかわり,マクロファージの活性化を3H-glucosamineの取り込みで検討したマクロファージ活性化試験について臨床応用を試みた.まずpurified protein derivatives (PPD)を抗原に,結核感作したモルモットの単核球を用いて基礎実験を行った.マクロファージはモルモット腹腔内にMarcol 52を注入し,滲出してきた4日後のものを使用した. PPDを抗原に単核球培養上清をマクロファージ浮遊液に加え培養し,マクロファージの活性化は3H-glucosamineの取り込み率(SI)で求めた.マクロファージの培養時間は3日間,培養マクロファージ数は1×106cells/mlが至適であった.次に,以上の条件を用いて微量全血培養法で診断しえた薬物アレルギー性肝炎10例, 12薬剤で本試験を行ったところ, SIは全例200%以上であり,また微量全血培養法のSIより高値を示す症例がほとんどであった.本試験はmacrophage migration inhibition assayより簡便であり,薬物アレルギー性肝炎の診断に有用である.
  • 直江 知樹, 本田 仁, 内藤 和行, 赤尾 幸博, 平岩 明和, 吉川 敏
    1981 年 4 巻 3 号 p. 136-142
    発行日: 1981/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    マイクロプレート法にてADCCのeffector cell (K cell)%の同定を行い,各種疾患と各臓器にて検討した.対象は, 1.正常人16例の末血, 2.正常人3例の骨髄液, 5例のリンパ節,重症筋無力症2例の胸腺腫, 3.肺結核24例,未治療固形癌29例,悪性リンパ腫5例,自己免疫疾患8例での末血である.方法はリンパ球層を分離後PBS洗浄し, RPMI 1640液に2×106個/mlとした.ヒツジ赤血球をマイクロプレート上に単層付着させ,その上にリンパ球液1μlと抗ヒツジ赤血球家兎血清1μlを加え3時間インキュベート.プラークの比率をK cell %とした.
    結果1.正常人末血K cellは6.6±2.4%であった.
    2. K cellはリンパ節および胸腺腫中に認めなかった.
  • 井関 幹郎, 岩田 崇, 倉辻 忠俊, 加藤 達夫, 番場 正博, 広岡 幸祐, 神吉 耕三, 今村 景意子, 韮沢 真理, 佐久間 正成, ...
    1981 年 4 巻 3 号 p. 143-148
    発行日: 1981/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Immunodeficiency with short-limbed dwarfism is a rare disease and only one patient was previously reported in Japan.
    Two and 9/12 year old girl visited our hospital in July 1980, complaining of frequent respiratory infection and the growth retardation. In brief, physical examination revealed short stature at her age, height 66cm (Mean-7.3 S. D.)weight 6, 560 grm (Mean-4.3 S. D.), upper and lower segment ratio 1.64 (average 1.51). Moist rales were audible on bilateral lung field and bulged abdomen was observed. Her hair was thin and light colored. She had hyperextensibility of the fingers and deformed chest. X-ray film of the long bones revealed a marked osteoporosis and distal end flaring. No abnormal findings in endocrinological examinations were observed.
    Immunological examination disclosed lymphopenia (932/mm3), normal B-lymphocyte count (EAC-RFC, 274/mm3)and low T-lymphocyte count (E-RFC, 93/mm3), normal levels of serum immunoglobulins (lgG, IgA, IgM, IgE), normal levels of isohemagglutinin titer, normal response to DPT vaccine. Negative delayed type hypersensitivity skin reaction to PPDs, Candida and SK-SD, very low 3H-TdR uptake of the patient lymphocytes stimulated by PHA were observed. PMN function tests were normal.
    The patient was diagnosed Type II of Immunodeficiency with short-limbed dwarfism (cell-mediated immunodeficiency but intact antibody-mediated immunity)whose clinical and laboratory findings were similar to those of the patient previously reported in Japan.
    The patient respiratory infection was well controlled with broad spectrum antibiotics and has been followed at the outpatient clinic.
  • 日野田 裕治, 藤田 英雄, 谷内 昭
    1981 年 4 巻 3 号 p. 149-152
    発行日: 1981/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    カニンガムチェンバーを用いたprotein Aプラーク法によってリゾチーム分泌単球の検出を試み以下の結果を得た.
    1. 出現プラーク数は抗リゾチーム血清および補体の至適濃度において, incubation時間3時間でプラトーに達した.
    2. これらの条件下にConray-Ficoll法で分画される末梢血単核細胞の18.4±8.0%がプラークを形成し,従来のアガロース法に比較して著明な検出感度の改善を認めた.
    3. 単核細胞から付着性細胞を除去することにより出現プラーク数は著明に減少し,プラークが単球に由来するものであることが確認された.