The Mode II interlaminar fracture tests of hybrid composites with non-woven carbon tissue (NWCT) were carried out using the end-notched-flexure (ENF) specimen. The hybrid composites were made by interleaving NWCT prepreg between CFRP layers. CFRP specimen [0
24] as well as hybird specimen [0
12] were prepared to compare the Model II interlaminar fracture tough-ness. Here, the symbol “/T/” means that NWCT prepreg is located at a 0/0 mid-plane of the hybrid specimen. Three kinds of interlaminar cracks which have different positions in the NWCT layer were introduced to the hybrid specimen. It was found that the NWCT layer has the short fiber bridging effect due to in-plane random short carbon fibers and increases the interlaminar fracture toughness of laminated composites. The fracture surfaces and side-sections of the hybird specimens were observed with an optical microscope and a scanning elelctron microscope, and the failure mechanism was discussed.