Open Hole Compression (OHC) tests sometimes provide most critical strength data in CF/epoxy compositesstructural design. The current de facto standard method, SACMA SRM 3R-94, exhibits some drawbacks such as utilization of very long specimen and complicated fixtures. A new substitute method, NAL-III, was proposed based on modified ASTM D 695 type fixture with the same size window as SACMA. The other maintained point is a ratio of the hole diameter to the specimen width, 1/6. The first step was an examination of this new test method for four types of carbon/epoxy composites. A comparison of OHC strengths obtained by SACMA andNAL-III methods shows almost identical results. Based on this knowledge, round robin tests by nine organizations were conducted for the establishment of Japan Industrial Standard, JIS. The results confirmthat NAL-III provides less scattered and identical average OHC strengths as SACMA. For some portion of these tests, in-situ observation of failure process using a fiber optic microscope was conducted and someimportant features of mechanics to failure were recognized. Fiber micro-buckling in 0-lamina induced at rather low loads is the most probable trigger of delamination onsets. The final phase of the failure is controlled by delamination propagation transverse to the compression load, which is quite similar tocompression-after-impact (CAI) tests. This failure mechanism implies no effect of the specimen length onthe OHC strengths.