As reported previously, tensile strength of dry carbon fiber sheets with 2 m length is only about 30-40% of that of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Meanwhile, the strength will further decrease with the increase of specimen's length. The purpose of this study is to improve the tensile behavior of non-impregnated (dry) carbon fiber sheets. A countermeasure by means of hybridization with ductile fiber sheets which are in a comparatively low stress state and have enough tensile capacity after the rupture of carbon fibers is proposed to enhance the tensile strength of dry carbon fiber sheets. Through a series of experimental investigations, it is realized that the tensile strength ratios of dry carbon fiber sheets with the countermeasure to CFRP sheets can be enhanced to 60.6- 65.4%, which have little reference to the hybrid ratio of ductile fibers and lengths of specimens with same separation of 400 mm between partial impregnation positions. Moreover, it is found that the limit of tensile strain of dry carbon fiber sheets hybridized with some normal ductile fiber sheets without specially high energy absorption capacity is about 8, 900-9, 700 με.