Online ISSN : 1880-3555
Print ISSN : 0918-6638
ISSN-L : 0918-6638
14 巻, 1 号
  • 近赤外画像による果実表層の打ち傷の検出
    永田 雅輝, ビンプラサド シュレスタ, 槐島 芳徳
    2002 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 1-9
    発行日: 2002/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper addresses the problem of detecting bruises on strawberry fruit surface. Bruises were caused in a controlled manner on the freshly harvested fruits. The intensity level of reflection from the bruised and non-bruised surfaces were measured and analyzed by using a spectrometer within the range of 600 to 1000 nm. The particular wavelengths critical for bruise detection were determined and spectral images were acquired with suitable filters. The effective wavelength with the constant differences between bruised and non-bruised areas was selected as 945 to 975 nm.
    The image subtraction was carried out between bruised and non-bruised strawberries acquired with 960 nm and 860 nm filters respectively. Two methods of image subtraction are proposed, first between the images of the same samples for recognizing the possibility of bruise detection and, second between test and standard strawberry images for online sorting.
    The former method has confirmed the possibility of bruise detection by using NIR image processing. The judgment result from the latter method has agreed with the visual judgment for online sorting of strawberries.
  • ロクイイ ヒン, 大山 克己, 久保田 智恵利, 古在 豊樹
    2002 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 10-17
    発行日: 2002/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    Multiplication ratio (number of average of harvestable propagules per stock plant, M) and electric energy consumption per propagule (Ep) at four levels of planting density (59, 118, 236 and 473 m-2) were investigated for sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) vegetative propagation in a closed transplant production system. After n multiplication cycles, total number of harvestable propagules (Nn) and electric energy consumption per propagule (Ep, n) in the system were estimated by using mathematical models. Single nodal cuttings were used as propagules and grown to 14 days under photosynthetic photon flux of 140, 200 and 320μ mol·m-2·s-1 during 1 to 5, 6 to 10 and 11 to 14 days after planting, respectively. Other environmental conditions included photoperiod of 16 h·d-1, air temperature of 29°C, and CO2 concentration of 920μmol·mo1-1. At the planting densities of 59, 118, 236 and 473 m-2, M were 5.9, 6.4, 3.8 and 2.3, respectively, and Ep, 1 were 0.41, 0.19, 0.16 and 0.13 kWh (electricity cost : 6.2, 2.9, 2.4 and 2.0 Yen), respectively. Results suggest that production can be optimized and electricity cost can be reduced by manipulating planting densities.
  • 賀 冬仙, 平藤 雅之, 古在 豊樹
    2002 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 18-24
    発行日: 2002/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    A binocular stereovision system has been developed to estimate growth variables of a transplant population. In the present study, the image analysis system was improved by adopting a three-layered artificial neural network model (ANN model) based on a back-propagation algorithm. Inputs of the ANN model were average height, leaf area, projected leaf area, and mass volume of the transplant population obtained from the image analysis system. Outputs of the ANN model were average height, number of unfolded leaves, leaf area, and fresh and dry masses of the transplant population, which give a more accurate assessment of the transplant growth status than that obtained from the image analysis system. The number of nodes in the hidden layer of the ANN model was determined through trial and error. The growth variables thus obtained from the ANN model using a sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) transplant population were more accurate than those obtained from a regression model. The image analysis system, after being improved by using the ANN model, successfully identified the transplant growth status with a high degree of accuracy.
  • ワッチャラ チンタコーウィッド, 久保田 智恵利, W.マクネア ボスティック, 古在 豊樹
    2002 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 25-31
    発行日: 2002/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    Evapotranspiration rate (ET) of a sweetpotato transplant canopy (TC) under artificial light was measured at three levels (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5ms-1) of air current speed (ACS) in a wind-tunnel-type growth chamber and at leaf area indices (L) of 0.9, 1.5, 2.6 and 4.0. The ET was measured based on the weight change over time of a transplant tray, consisting of 72 transplants, soil mixture, water and a plug tray. The Penman-Monteith model (P-M) was used for estimating aerodynamic conductance (ga) above the TC based on the measured ET and canopy conductance (gc). It was found that ET of the sweetpotato TC increased as ACS and L increased. The increase in ACS increased ga above TC. Increase in L increased the gc and also ga. Understanding the effect of ACS on ET makes it possible to control ET in the transplant production system with artificial light (TPSAL) by manipulation of ACS. Effects of ACS on the net photosynthetic rate and growth of TC should be further investigated to determine the optimum ACS in the TPSAL.
  • 桝田 正治, 山口 朋之, 村上 賢治, 向阪 信一
    2002 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 32-37
    発行日: 2002/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究はメタルハライドランプと高圧ナトリウムランプを用い, 連続光の光強度がナスとピーマンの乾物生産と葉面積ならびに葉の生理障害とSOD活性に及ぼす影響について調査したものである.
    ナスは光強度50μmol m-2 s-1でも葉に障害が生じた.ナス第2本葉展開時から光強度100 (低), 250 (中), 480 (高) μmol m-2 s-1の3段階に移して8日後に第3葉のSOD活性を測定したところ, 障害未発現の (低) で活性が高く, クロロシス発現の (中) および, ネクロシス発現の (高) の葉の2倍の値を示した.16日後には, (低), (中), (高) ともネクロシスにまで発展し, 葉のSOD活性はいずれも8日後のクロロシス発現の (中), (高) レベルと同値となった.ナスのSOD活性は連続光下で葉がクロロシス発現に至るまで上昇し, その後, ネクロシスへ進むと急速に減少した.これより, 葉の障害に酸素ラジカルが関与しているものと考えられた.
    一方, ピーマンの生育は旺盛で葉面積は光強度200μmol m-2 s-1で最高値を示した.乾物重は300~400μmolm-2 s-1で高く, 光強度500μmol m-2 s-1付近になると乾物増加量が緩慢となり, 葉脈間クロロシスもわずかに観察された.また, ピーマンのSOD活性はナスより低く比較的安定しており, 乾物生産の最適光強度300μmol m-2 s-1付近でも葉のSOD活性は低レベルに維持された.
  • 位田 晴久, 薮押 睦幸
    2002 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 38-43
    発行日: 2002/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of sucrose and agar concentration in the media, and light intensity on growth and carbon absorption were observed using the plantlets of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.), The stem cuttings with one leaf dissected from in vitro cultured plantlets were cultured under 12 degrees of combinations of three sugar levels (5, 20, and 45 gl-1) and two agar levels (5 and 10 gl-1) in medium, and two levels of PPFD (50 and 100 μmol m-2 s-1) maintained at an air temperature of 25±1°C and a carbon dioxide concentration of 1, 000 μmol mol-1. The dry weight of the plantlets increased as the sugar concentration and/or light intensity increased. Under high agar concentration, the shoot growth declined, but the root growth accelerated. Absorbed molar quantity of carbon dioxide was more in high concentration of agar or high light intensity. The plantlets which was inhibited the sugar absorption by the high agar concentration seemed to depend more on CO2 as a carbon source. It may be suitable that the media contain high sugar and agar concentration in early stage for heterotrophic or mixotrophic growth of the plantlets, and then CO2 concentration and light intensity are gradually raised for their mixotrophic or autotrophic growth according to the status of the plantlet.
  • 島崎 一彦, 恒石 次郎, 福元 康文
    2002 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 44-48
    発行日: 2002/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    Addition of paclobutrazol (PAC) to modified MS medium induced prptocorm-like body (PLB) formation from rhizome segment cultures of Cyrnbidium kanran Makino (terrestrial type). The combination of BA with PAC reduced the number of PLB. Application of BA induced shoot (protocorm-like pseudobulb with short leaves) without root. Single addition of 10μMBA had a significant effect on induction and increased the number of shoots. PAC in culture medium inhibited BA-induced leaf formation from rhizome cultures.
    Application of GA3 to PLB cultures of epiphytic type Cymbidium (C. Hiroshima Golden Cup 'Sunny Moon') resulted rhizome formation. GA3 treatment at 100μM was effective for rhizome formation from FLE cultures. Single addition of 10μMPAC was effective for proliferation of PLB from 'Sunny Moon'.
  • レーザ距離計を用いた検出基礎実験
    門田 充司, 鐘ケ江 修司, 毛利 建太郎, 難波 和彦, 近藤 直
    2002 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 49-55
    発行日: 2002/03/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    人間協調型農業用ロボットのためのセンシングシステムの開発を目的に, レーザ距離計を距離センサに用いたセンシングシステムを構築し, 実験を行った結果, 以下の知見を得た.
    1) レーザ距離計を用いた物体の検出実験においては, 距離3m以内では平均±5mm程度の精度で物体の幅を検出できた.
    2) レーザ距離計を上下移動させて三次元距離情報を得ることにより, 物体までの距離だけでなく, 大きさや主幹の枝分かれした部分や葉の形状も良好に検出することができた.
    2) レーザ距離計と赤外線センサの情報を融合することで, 人間と背景とを識別し, 人間の動きだけを検出することができた.