Legislation in Hayek's Social Theory
Itaru Shimazu, Toyotake Moriike
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
It is illuminating for the understanding of Hayek's theory of law to summarize his arguments for the refutation of socialism, or collectivist economic planning, which were started in as early as 1935 and have constantly been enriched till his latest
Fatal Conceit. His theory of law is laid as one of the cornerstones of the normative part of his entire social theory, in which individual freedom under the rule of law is contrasted with serfdom in collectivism. But although his line of thought is attractive enough, I find his theory about what the law in the era of active legislation should be like not very clear and open to our imaginative interpretations. So, in order to proceed in the task of giving a more explicit Hayekian conception of legislative law, I start from his idea about what legislation should not be like, which is quite unequivocal.
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Makoto Ishida, Takao Yamada
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Hiroshi Onozaka, Tetsuya Fuzimoto
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Arguing against conventional ideas of power with negative and fixed nature like juristic ideas of power, Foucault asserted affirmative, positive and interchangable ideas of power. Taking leave of the conventional point of view which seeks the truth in places where there is no power, Foucault sees power-network in everyday micro relationships on the basis of his idea of "knowledge-power" spiral. He develops unique arguments on the disciplinary power and pastoral power as indivisualizing ones, and then "bio-power" as totalizing one.
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Toshio Nakano, Yoshiki Kurumisawa
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Yasuo Baba
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Einige Rechtstheoretiker (z. B. Teubner, Radeur) kritisieren Luhmanns Rechtssoziologie, insbesonders seine These über "Geschlossenheit des Rechtssystems". Ihre Krikik lautet: Rechtssystem funktioniert nicht ausschließlich seinem internen Kriterium (Systemrationaität) nach, es muß auch gesellschaftlicen (wirtschaftlichen, politischen, usw.) Bedingungen in Betracht ziehen.
Aber "Geschlossenheit" bedeutet, m. E., daß alle (innere
oder äußere) "Kriterien"und "Bdingungen" im System nicht als "Grund" oder "Spielraum", sondern nur als interne Operationen (neben zahllose andere; z. B. Gesetzgebung, Rechtsdogmatik, Rechtswissenschaft) entstehen. Es gibt keine "Systemrationaität", die das Rechtssystem als Einheit funktionieren lassen kann. Darauß folgt: Durch die Interaktion mit andern Operationen verursachen solche Ktiterien innen und außen unendliche und unerwatbare Ergebnisse. Das ist nicht anders als die Offenheit des Rechtssystems.
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Tomiaki Yamada
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Social Order in Psychotherapy
Aug Nishizaka
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Some behavior is observably free. Observably free behavior is often described as saved from constraints to which it might otherwise be subject. This description may or may not be correct, but this paper takes no interest in what description should be correct as that of free behavior or being free, nor in the condition of possible free behavior. The interest here is rather centered in the constitution of the fact of being free as an observable one, describable as the fact of being saved from constraints.
The fact of being free is jointly accomplished by all the parties to the interaction where some of them behave themselves observably freely and at will. The parties place their utterances and movements sequentially and it is in this sequential organization of their interaction that the fact of a party being free is made observable as such. In order to demonstrate this, this paper analyses two audio-visually recorded fragments of a play therapy session.
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From a Conversation Analysis of Kakunin Kyudan Kai
Hiroaki Yoshii
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
There are various phenomena of discrimination in Japan, such as Buraku Sabetsu, Syogai-sha Sabetsu, sexism. It is very important for the analysis of such phenomenon to make clear how we elaborately avoid these topics in everyday conversation. And ethnomethodology is of very use to focus on and demonstrate such methods as to avoid reflecting on these topics in everyday life. In this article, we try to do a conversation analysis of the Kakunin Kyudan Kai, which is the basic strategy of Buraku-Kaiho-Undou. There develop rational discourse on the discrimination and various practices to break avoiding methods and to reflect on this topic "here-and-now" in the Kakunin Kyudan Kai. We demonstrate these practices and explain that they are very important for us to deconstruct our practical sociological reasonings and categorizations in everyday life.
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Keiichi Yamazaki
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Two main issues are argued in this thesis. The first one is the problem of 'how we understand others?' or 'how we understand ourselves?'. The second one is the problem of 'how our society accept the presence of 'selves'?'.
The reason why we start from the problem of the presence of 'selves' is the ways that the selves exist in our society have some distinct relationships with 'community' and 'others'. And the problem of 'social norm' or 'law' cannot be resolved without consideration of those relationships.
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Yuriko Kaminaga
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Ethnomethodology has made considerable contribution to the study of judical process. It describes in detail and analyzes naturally occuring talk in court to find its structure, which constructs members' feeling of social reality.
In ethnomethodological study three major trends are representative; ethnographic, conversational and storytelling analyses. Brief information about prominent works in each trend is provided.
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Yoshitaka Wada
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Akira Morita
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
It is the principle of "rule of law" in modern states that administrative activities are conducted based on the laws which the legislative enacts. However, actual administrative activities are regulated not only by the principle of "rule of law", but also by the principle of "effectiveness", which means to take the responsibility for the result of their activities, and by the principle of "efficiency", meaning that administrative agency must do their activities as efficiently as possible. These principles sometimes contradict each other. So far there is very few works on the functions of laws in the field of public administration. I hope many disciplines such as public laws, public administration and sociology of law pay attention to this topic.
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Kuniaki Tanabe
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
I analyse the structure of the decision-making rule which prescribes the minimum standard of living and its change. Minimum standards are decided in the ordinary budgetary process. Therefore two functions, that is, the function of standard-setting which decides what is to be the minimum standard of living and that of allocation which decides how much resource is to be allocated to each program, cannot be separated. This structure of decision-making rule is changing according to how these two functions are combined. I examine the decision-making structure of the "Curing the gap method" by constructing a probability model. And I prove that the distribution of percent change of each unit which is subject to this decision-making rule can be described as a Double Exponential. Such a decision-making rule is constructed adaptively to the informational network of the organization. This rule has kept pace with the growing economy in Japan by relating the growing rate of the minimum standard to that of GNP. But as a result, the standard-setting function has been eroded and the minimum standard of living has become dependent on financial circumstances.
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An Empirical Study of Water Pollution Regulation by Local Governments
Yoshinobu Kitamura
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Violations of the Water Pollution Control Act are mostly dealt with thourgh informal instructions by local regulators. Several explanations are possible. First, violations of discharge standards are easily corrected. Second, more importantly, regulators would like to avoid using compliance orders to illegal dischargers because they fear that formal orders might deteriorate their relationship with regulated plants. Cooperative relationship would facilitate voluntary compliance with regulations and assure prompt corrections of violations. Third, since formal compliance orders are considered the last resort, which means that there is nothing to be done afterwards, regulators think that orders must be followed. Otherwise their prestige or authority might be affected. Therefore, when regulators expects resistance by violators, they will not issue orders and try to correct illegal discharge through informal instructions. Although in some governments formal orders are likely to be issued because the regulators tend to follow an enforcement manual, a gentle enforcement style is considered most efficient and effective from regulators' perspective.
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The Case of a Municipal Ordinance of Kyoto City
Masaki Abe
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
This case study of a municipal ordinance of Kyoto City shows that Japanese local governments are more autonomous and their assemblies are more influential than often considered. It also indicates that local autonomy is based not on the unified will of residents but on the conflict that occurs among several groups. In addition, this case study suggests that local autonomy in modern political-economic context is not a closed system but an open system in which a local government inevitably interacts with nationwide firms and the national government.
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Tomoaki Iwai
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Takao Tanase
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Contemporary crisis of tort law comes not so much from inefficiency of the legal system in delivering just compensation to the accident victims as from the perceived immorality of the tort law itself. Increasingly people resent to the invocation of the law as inimical to the continued health of the community.
In this context we need to reconsider the moral foundation of the tort law and to rebuild it to meet the moral aspirations of the people today. Especially, in addition to the much discussed two polar notions of justice; individual versus total justice, we need to have the idea of communitarian justice as imbuing the contemporary tort law its new mission, namely rebuilding the good community.
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Masanobu Kato
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
This paper introduces the "Comprehensive Compensation Scheme" which was proposed by the author several years ago. The Comprehensive Compensation Scheme is a fund system composed of three branches of liability insurance, self-defense insurance and fund indemnity. Each branch is devided into several sections, such as automobile accidents, industrial accidents, atomic energy damages, etc. The auther's proposal was followed by Professor Tanase's critiques. This paper also points out that Professor Tanase's argument lacks historical view points.
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A Recent Survey on the Medical Practice in U.S.
Norio Higuchi
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Many scholars have currently argued that the tort law in the U. S. is in a serious trouble. Legislators responded promptly to this crisis by enacting various types of tort reform acts, most of which aimed to give disincentives to bring lawsuits. A recent survey by a Harvard research group on New York state medical malpractice clearly shows, however, that the dysfunction of tort system has left many victims of medical accidents without any relief, which problem should have been resolved by tort reforms.
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Analysis of the French Legislation
Mikio Kawai
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
For the first time since the promulgation of the Napoleonic Code in 1804, the French government has reformed the law on traffic accident compensation, in 1985. On the one hand, the fault liability principle (résponsabilité civile) results in some unfairly non-compensated victims. On the other hand, there is an awareness that the traditional ideals of French socialism are not attainable.
The result was the government's decision to introduce an insurance system. This may indeed provide victims with monetary assistance, but it cannot really help the victims, who primarily need psychological aid. In this latter case, we must rethink the role of the injuror in the recovery process.
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Tsuneo Matsumoto
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Tanase's model on three theories of justice as a moral basis of tort law seems attractive at the first glance. However, the very idea of communitarian justice which he believes would settle the problems arising from "crisis of tort law" might not suit the situation we face in Japan, because Japan does not have such crisis as in the United States. I think one feature of expansion of tort liability is found in the increase of number of suits based on state tort liability.
So far, it is my impression that, although tort law as a rule of decision at the court is founded on the idea of individual justice, the idea of communitarian justice might make sense if we let process of settling accidents, injunction and rule of conduct come into view of tort law.
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Toshio Yamagishi
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
The Judicial Process in Relation to the English Magistrates' Court
Shin Oikawa
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
In order to promote the democratization of the judicial process, we examine the judicial process from the viewpoint of comparative legal sociology. The writer, as the one of four joint researchers, dealds with the study of the English Magistrates' Court as follows:
1) Preface
2) An Outline of the Study of the Comparative Sociology of Law -From the Viewpoint of the Democratic Control of the Judicial Process.
3) The English Magistrates' Court
4) Closing Remarks -The Magistrates' Court and the Japanese Summary Court (Kani Saibansho)
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It's Implications to the Japanese Career Judge System
Takashi Maruta
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
This essay analyzes structure and function of the judge appointment system in the United States. The aim of this analysis is to evaluate the Japanese career judge system which has been criticized as inflexible, bureaucratic and far from popular sense of justice.
In the United States the nominating procedures have been changed from partisan election to non-partisan election or nomination by politicians or Congress. Especially the merits of nomination system is to secure judges status and also popular control in the nomination process through citizen participation in the nominating committee. On the other hand, as a weak point, the political nomination is used as granting a judicial post as a reward of supporting a candidate in local or national election. Therefore in some states, they use nonpartisan election to retain judges. In any system, however, the idea to maintain popular control in nominating judges is considered crucial to guarantee popular justice.
In Japan, on the contrary, judges are exclusively chosen among new graduates of the Judicial Training Center in Tokyo where those who passed bar examination spend two years to be trained as lawyers. The bench itself has created judicial branch as an autonomous and criticism free institution by recruiting young unexperienced graduates and building up fellow-servant relations between judges as a professional system (it is called Career Judge System).
Adapting the system in the United States is not necessarily workable in Japan, but shifting from new graduates recruiting system to appointing judges among experienced lawyers is urgent and indispensable to overcome problems caused by the career judge system in Japan.
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Masaaki Toyokawa
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Now "the judicial reform" has become a big subject for discussion among lawyers.
Participation of the ordinary people in the judicial process is inevitable for the reform, and that will put life into the reform.
Here I'm taking up the mixed court system in criminal justice as one of the ways to achieve the lay people's participation in the judicial process.
Paticularly I have examined German mixed court system by comparing it with the criminal jury trials in England and America, and by pointing out merits and demerits of each style. By doing so, I hope to come up with the most suitable and possible form of judicial participation by the people in Japan.
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Sachio Shimomura
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
1) Reasons to Adapt the Unification of the Bench and Bar
2) On the Unification of the Bench and Bar: Anglo-American Non-Career Judge System
3) Mixed Court System (Sanshin sei) and Unification of the Bench and Bar
4) Continental (Civil Law) Non-Career Judge System
5) Bureaucratic Judiciaries and the Unification of the Bench and Bar
6) The Unification of the Bench and Bar as a Theory
7) History of the Unification of the Bench and Bar in Japan
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Yutaka Tejima
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Recently, along with the increased demand for legal council in areas such as succession, social concern about legal malpractice has begun to spread in Japan.
This questionnarie was created in order to discover attorney's consciousness of informed consent and legal malpractice. It is very important to know the degree of their consciousness because if an attorney doesn't think his fellow professional's conduct is legal malpractice, litigation will not be pursued at all. Therefore, the results may offer good information from which to predict the future of legal malpractice in Japan.
The results seem to indicate that although legal malpractice is not rare in Japan, very few incidents lead to litigation. At the same time, the results suggest that a major percentage of attorneys are apt to be reluctant to add the breach of informed consent to their liability catalogue.
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Am Rande der Einheit/der Kern der friedlichen Revolution
Atsushi Takada
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Die "friedliche Revolution" in der DDR verwarf die für andere Revolutionen kennzeichnende Absicht, die Gesellschaft nach dem souveränen und homogenen Willen des Volkes und nach einem bestimmten politischen Plan zu gestalten. Sie setzte die Vielfalt des Volkes (
Wir sind das Volk) voraus und entwickelte die der Gesellschaft innewohnenden Kräfte zur Selbststeuerung. Diese Charakteristiken der Revolution spiegelten sich in der neue Demokratievorstellung im Verfassungsentwurf des Runden Tisches wider. Die Verfasser dieses Entwurfs betrachten die Verfassung sowohl als die Voraussetzung der Selbststeuerung der Gesellschaft als auch als das wechselseitige Versprechen von Bürgern, das Dissens zwischen Bürgern zu ertragen. Trotz seiner rechtstechnischen Schwachpunkte eröffnet dieser Entwurf viele Phantasien für die Entwicklung der Demokratie, die auch für Juristen notwendig sind.
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Some Issues of "Child's Right" to Contraception, Abortion in England and America
Akira Hatsuki
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
This essay's purpose is analyzing some legal and social issues of minor's right to reproduction, in particular contraception and abortion.
I first view main decisons in superior court since 1970 and analyze 3 factors-1) medical paternalism 2) characteristic on reproduction 3) obscurity on minor's maturity-that make difficult to recognaize the minor's right to decision.
Then, I also investigate the present conditions of judicial-bypass-procedure in the U.S. courts and present some future subjects on minors' sexual behavior.
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A Case of Educational Law in Japan
Kenichi Baba
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
What implications might the trendy "Juridification Theories" have for the reality of law and jurisprudence in Japan? I choose the area of educational law and point out that there are some coincidental traces between the general legal discussions and those in one specific and domestic Japanese jurisprudence. As both deal with the triadic relations between law, state and autonomous spheres in society, the coincidence is of no surprise despite of the seemingly unexpected "encounter".
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Yasuko Goto
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Masato Gotoh
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
1) Introduction
2) Environmental destruction caused by the Order of Shinto shrine's Enshrinement
3) Kumagusu Minakata's actions for "Right to environment"
4) Character and elements of Kumagusu Minakata's thought and actions for "Right to environment"
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Yoshihiko Kawaguchi
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
1) The historical place of tenancy mediation law
2) Land law system under Meiji civil code and its agitation
3) Legal ideology in tenancy mediation law law and moral/live and let live/law as "reflex board"
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Atsuhito Eguchi
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Recently the social theories, which use "self-organization" as key concept, have got much attention. In this paper, I attempt to link this theoretical innovation to the ideas on the autonomy of legal thinking. For this purpose, I'd like to
1) give a general statement on Niklas Luhmann's autopoietic system theory,
2) associate it with the context of "legalization",
3) arrange the various modes of legal thinking into some types.
There are three ways to cope with legalization; the first is "effective implementation of law" or "displacement" as the technocratic response. The second is "delegalization" which seeks the point of contact with informal conflict management as the communal one. The third is "the revival of legal thinking", which focuses on rule and procedure, as the legalistic one.
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Satoshi Yamaguchi
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Diese Abhandlung ist ein Versuch, aus dem Gesichtspunkt von der Autonomie des Rechts Habermas' Rechts-theorie, Teubner's Untersuchung von der "Verrechtlichung" und seine These "Recht als autopoietisches System" zusammenzufaussen und damit eine Perspektive für die Forschung von der Rechtsentwicklung herauszubilden.
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Norihiro Ohashi
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Autopoiesis, the concept derived from biology, is applied in the system theory of law. This new approach brings the increasing legalization and shortcomings in legislative control the unique diagnosis and prescription. In this paper I concentrate on Teubner's reflexive law and point out its difficulty.
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Toru Otsu
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
A Bridge between Fact and Norm
Masahiro Iiyama
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
There is no reasons that the sociological and normative study in the sociology of law can directly wear the normative nature. Any factual assertion cannot be a norm without some mediate operation in the Law World. This paper shows the significance of Social Theory of Law as a bridge between "fact" and "norm".
Social theories of law have proposed each contemporary recognition of law corresponding to the perspective of the contemporary sociology. They have answered the question "What is Law?" and constantly re-defined the law. In this century many factual elements such as benefit, purpose, effect or actual order have taken in to the law through these re-difinitions of law. It can be said that social theories of law have expanded the concept of law and then created the law itself. In this sense law has no substance and law which has been referred to as law is the law.
Legal system can be described as closed but at the same time is opened to the outside through the definition of the difference of law from other categories proposed by the social theory of law. Thus, social theories of law have normatized the "positivity" which symbolizes this century.
The proper significance of the sociology of law is the above. The sociology of law built into the legal system should be illustrated. The sociology of law can ensure its own identity only when it is defined in relation to the law itself by the legal theory internally.
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Masaji Chiba
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
Akira Fujimoto
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
This study examines the complicated relationship between court knowledge and confidence in courts. Based on a data analysis and the findings of previous studies, I argued the significance of people's diffuse support for courts. The social function of the myth of court is also referred in the argument. The major finding is that the sign of the indirect effect of general court knowledge on the level of confidence in courts through perceived court fairness is positive while the sign of its direct effect on the level of confidence is negative. This finding gives a clue to understand why the previous studies have had a great confusion in their findings with regard to this topic.
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[in Japanese]
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009
[in Japanese]
1992 Volume 1992 Issue 44 Pages
Published: April 30, 1992
Released on J-STAGE: January 15, 2009