Online ISSN : 2185-0976
Print ISSN : 0037-4342
ISSN-L : 0037-4342
36 巻, 3 号
  • 角田 博
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 191-199
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The microbioassay (MB) method was applied to the detection of galactose in paper chromatography. Mutabile-type variant (M) of Salmonella typhimurium or Escherichia coli, the growth of which is specifically inhibited in the presences of galactose, was used as the test organism. The paper disc was prepared from the sport of galactose on filter paper and placed on agar plate containing M (disc method) ; or the paper disc was cut into pieces and added into cup on the agar plate (cup method) . After overnight incubation at 37°C, the resulting inhibition zone around the disc or cup was measured.
    From the experimental results, the cup method appeared to be somewhat more sensitive than the disc method. Galactose could be detected only from the position of Rf =0.2 after the ascending chromatography using the solvent composed of n-butanol, acetic acid and water (4: 1: 5) . The end point of the positive inhibition zone in MB method was 1.2 r. On the other hand, that of the detectable spot by the color reaction (aniline phthalate) was 0.9 r. When galactose solution was mixed with glucose having near Rf value, the size of inhibition zone was almost unchanged, the position of galactose on the filter paper being able to be differentiated from that of glucose by the combination of MB method and color reaction
    The MB method proved also to be applicable to the thin layer chromatography of galactose.
  • 野村 健一
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 201-212
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    In our Department of Surgery, longterm intermittend hemodialysis has evolved for chronic renal failure as well as in our country for these few years.
    I intend to explore factors which contributed to prolonging the median survival of patient with chronic renal failure. Studies performed to examine hemodialysis for twentynine patients with chronic renal failure, from January 1968 to December 1973, and parted them, shorter survival group (died within three months after first hemodialysis), longer survival group (lived more than six months after first hemondialysis), compared them about chemical analysis of blood and circulatory dynamics respectively.
    Our data demonstrated that adequate intake and output of fluid was significant factor for prolonging the median survival of them.
    Therefore, considering administration of fluid, I confirm that a program of hemodialysis for them should be kept their cardiothoracio ratio under 55%.
  • ―実験的サルコイド様肺肉芽腫症―
    村越 章
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 213-221
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was studied that rabbit lung lesions and that cross-reactivities between lung tissue and microorganismus, e.g., Strept. haemolyticus, Kleb. pneumoniae, E. coli, Clost. welchii and Entero. faecalis
    The results were as follows;
    1) In rabbit immunized with the disrupted bacteria, it was observed the marked granulomatous lesions with epitheloid cells, lymph cells and giant cells
    2) On fluorescent antibody technique, the specific stainings were found at the lung and heart by the anti-Clost. welchii sera and at the kidney by the anti-Strept. haemolyticus sera
    3) Auto-antibodies (anti-lung antibodies) were observed in anti-rabbit sera immunized with Kleb. pneumoniae and Entero. faecalis.
    4) In passive haemoagglutination and inhibition test, there was some cross-reactivity between lung tissue and Entero. faecalis.
    5) Rheumatoid factor-like substances were found in all anti-rabbit sera immunized each microrogranismus.
  • 矢口 勇
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 223-231
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ophthalmofundoscopic tests were performed on 696 cases of hypertensive patients of ages ranging from the thirties up to the seventies and the following results were obtained.
    The examinations of f undus oculi were conducted simultaneously on both eyes and among the cases showing differences in the findings of f undus oculi between right and left eyes, those demonstrated such different changes as right fundus Group II b and left fundus Group III according to the Keith-Wagener classification method modified by Keio University, were found in 13.1% of the 696 cases.
    Changes in f undus oculi tended to increase with aging but any definite correlation could not be found between plasma lipids level and fundus findings.
    Extravascular leakages of fluorescent pigments which are found in fluorescent opthalmo-fundoscopy were observed in none of the cases classified according to the fundus findings into the Group I, in 7.1% of the cases classified into the Group II a, in 70.6% of the cases classified into the Group II b, and in all the cases classified into the Groun III and IV.
  • 成尾 昌欣, 猪口 清一郎, 木村 忠直, 岩本 壮太郎
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 233-242
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The inner circumference of 47 arteries from 152 human adults (male: 71, female: 81) was measured and the age-related changes were examined. The materials used in this studies were obtained from the autopsy subjects in Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Examiner Office and were examined in the non-fixed situation.
    1) The increasing tendency of circumference with age was remarkable for the all parts of the aortae in the male and the all examined arteries except those of abdominal organs in the female. The differences of the circumference between the age of seventy and twenty were statistically significant in these arteries.
    2) The A. renalis in the male and A. mesenterica superior and inferior in the female showed a decreasing tendency of circumference with age.
    3) The increasing tendency of circumference with age were middle grade for Tr. brachiocephalica, A. carotis communis, A. subclavia, A. axillaris, A. iliaca communis, A. iliaca externa, A. poplitea, A. tibialis anterior and posterior in the male. But the dif-ferences of circumference between the age of seventy and twenty were statistically insignifi-cant in these arteries.
    4) In the male A. femoralis, A. carotis interna and externa, and A. brachialis show-ed increasing tendency of circumference with age slightly.
    5) In the male A. facialis, A. ulnaris, A. radialis and the arteries in the brain, the age-related changes of the circumference were not seen.
    6) From these facts, it can be said that the age-related changes of the circumference of the arteries have very intimate relation with the histological composition of the artery wall and its age-related changes.
  • 木村 都
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 243-251
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    大脳および脳幹部のミトコンドリア分画を標品とし, 酸素電極法により, tyramineを基質としてMAO活性を測定した.MAO活性値は組織の乾燥重量あるいは含有蛋白量1g当りの1分間に消費する酸素量とした.
    出生直後のラット脳内MAO活性値は乾燥重量当りでも, また蛋白量当りでも成熟時の約50%であった.出生直後および1週齢のMAO活性は雌性ラットの方が雄性ラットより5-10%高値を示した.その後雌雄ともにMAO活性は増加し, 4週齢で成熟時レベルの約90%の値を示した.5-8週でも雄性では更に僅かに増加する傾向が認められたが, 雌性では7, 8週齢で逆に減少する傾向が認められ, 8週齢では雌雄の脳内MAO活性に有意の差が認められた.乾燥重量当りのMAO活性値の増加率は蛋白量当りのそれよりも大きく, また雄性での増加率は雌性のそれよりも高かった.すなわち, 8週齢において蛋白量当りのMAO活性の増加率は雄性では出生直後の183%, 雌性では152%, 乾燥重量当りの活性増加率はそれぞれ223%, 178%であった.脳組織1g当りの乾燥重量は出生直後では雄性は77mg, 雌性は78mgであり, 生後1-2週の間に急激に増加したが, その後は僅かな増加を示し, 2週以降の平均値では雄性で91mg, 雌性で89mgであった.含有蛋白量もほとんど同様の変化を示し, 出生直後で雄性では6.9mg, 雌1生では6.8mg, 2週以降の平均値は雄性で9.7mg, 雌性で9.3mgであった.
    ラット脳ミトコンドリア分画のMAO活性に対するtestosterone, 17β-estradiol, progesteroneのin vitroに於ける影響は, 性差並びに蛋白量, 乾燥重量当りでの差は認められなかった.これら性ホルモンの中, 17β-estradiolのみが, MAO活性を明らかに抑制し, この抑制作用はdose-dependentであった.すなわち, 17β-estradiolによるMAO活性の抑制率は1mMで24%, 0.1mMで11%, 10μMで5%であった.
    雌雄の10-14週齢ラットに性ホルモンを皮下投与した2時間後の脳内MAO活性はtestosterone4mg/kg投与ではほとんど影響が認められなかったが, 17β-estradiol400, ug, /kg投与では5-8%抑制された.なお, 雄性ラットにprogesterone 4mg/kgを投与してもMAO活性には変化が認められなかった.性腺摘出後6日目の雄性ラットのMAO活性値は対照群のそれの93-9096に減少したのに反し, 雌性ラットで108-11096に増加した.去勢4-5日目のラットにtestosteroneを1-2mg/kg皮下投与したとき, 脳内MAO活性は雌雄とも若干増加した.17β-estradio1 100μg/kg投与では脳MAO活性には雄性ラットでは有意の変化はみられなかったが.雌性ラットでは対照値の88%に減少し, 200μg/kg投与では雄性ラットでは対照群値の86%に, 雌性ラットでは79%に減少した.以上のin vitroに於けるラット脳ミトコンドリアMAO活性への性ホルモンの影響は乾燥重量当り, 蛋白量当りのいずれの場合に於ても, ほとんど同様であった.
    以上の実験結果からラット脳ミトコンドリア分画のMAO活性は17β-estradiol投与によって抑制されるが, その作用機序が直接作用であるか否かに就ては今後の研究結果に待たねばならない.
  • 生田目 公夫
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 253-262
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been generally accepted that the incidence of complication of gastric ulces in cases of cirrhosis of the liver (C.L. abbreviated as shown below) is relatively high. The author studied the incidence of gastric ulcer of C.L. statistically and its pathogenesis histologically, especially based on vascular changes of the stomach.
    The results are as follows :
    1) Among 2, 533 autopsy cases of the Second Department of Pathology, Showa University School of Medicine and three other hospitals during 10 years from 1965 to 1974, cases of C.L. came up to 115 ones (4.54%) . Out of 115 cases of C.L. the complication of gastric ulcer was revealed in 24 cases (20, 87%) .
    2) Gastric ulcer concomitant with C.L. were relatively small in the size (below 2 cm in diameter), situated in the fundic gland area along the lesser curvature and shallow from UL-II to UL-III. Multiple lesions were met in more elderly persons the single one.
    3) Both the liver and spleen in cases of C.L. with gastric ulcer were lighter in weight than those in cases of C.L. without gastric ulcer, the reason of which remained unexlained.
    4) Histopathological studies revealed that venous changes including chronic congestion, marked dilatation, thickening of the wall and so on, seen in the gastric mucosa and submucose were the most prominent in cases of gastric ulcer with C.L. Venous changes of the stomach in cases of C.L. without gastric ulcer and of gastric ulcer surgically exstripated were in lower degree.
    5) As the conclusion these venous changes in the gastric mucosa and submucosa following portal hypertation may be the most important pathogenetic factor in the development of gastric ulcer in cases of C.L.
  • 中村 直樹, 五味 邦英, 青木 良雄, 浜田 ミズ子
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 263-265
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    At present, to estimation of antistreptolysin-O (ASO) titer, Rantz-Randall's method has been usually used in routine laboratory. The Rantz-Randall's method, however, is cumbersome, time-consuming and requires more skillful technics, too.
    Recently, a new method for estimation of ASO titer with streptolysin-O combined polystyrene-latex reagent had been developed by Behringwerke and we have investigated it.
    In our examination, we have compared with the titers between Rantz-Randalls' and new method and examined the relationship between the results of CRP, RA, and betalipoprotein index and the results of this new method.
    Our conclusions were as follows:
    Samples which obtained above 250 or under 166 Todd units showed 96.6% and 31.4% positive, respectively, by this method. No relationship between the results of CRP, RA, and beta-lipoprotein and this method was observed. And so, it is found that this new method is very suitable screening test for ASO by the reason of it's simplicity and rapidity.
  • 矢代 昭夫, 末次 敏之, 森川 孝雄, 島本 正宏, 斉藤 真理子
    1976 年 36 巻 3 号 p. 267-273
    発行日: 1976/06/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Refampicin ointment in white vaselin base (1%) showed a satisfactory therapeutic result in 44 cases of herpes zoster. The efficacy was rated on the improvement of vesicle and a relief of herpetic pain. After 6 days of the treatment, about 80% of cases showed the formation of a crust and about 80% had a complete dryness of the vesicles in 12 days. Postherpetic neuralgia remained unimproved in 4 cases, but about 80% of the cases were relieved of pain and 70% were completely freed from the pain in 12 days. The above findings indicate that this drug may shorten the treatment period as compared with other topical drugs available.