Online ISSN : 2424-2691
ISSN-L : 2424-2691
  • 今井 奏太, 青木 立
    セッションID: 14A01
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In the network communication there are delay, packet loss, and jitter. Dely is most important for networked control systems, since this factor occurs the most frequently. When there is a delay in the feedback loop, the controlled system tends to be unstable. On the other hand, it is well known that Smith predicter is amazingly effective for a plant with long dead time. Thus, in this paper applicability of Smith predicter to networked control systems is examined. It is verified that this method is highly effective to stability of a networked control system by simulations. However, there is a delay on controlled response due to network time-lag. A real-time control cannot be achieved by Simith predictor. To compensate this delay, linear extrapolation is adopted. As a result of the simulation by using Smith predictive control and linear extrapolation, the proposed method is useful for real-time networked controlled systems or IoT.

  • 髙﨑 楓道, 岡本 峰基
    セッションID: 14A02
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    The shaking table is a device used in vibration tests to examine the vibration characteristics of structures. Currently, seismic waveforms used in vibration tests are recorded in terms of acceleration. Therefore, an acceleration feedback control is proper to control a shaking table. However, acceleration sensors have low measurement accuracy in the low-frequency range. On the other hand, displacement sensors can accurately measure low-frequency vibrations. Therefore, a method was considered to construct a single control system by fusing the acceleration control system and the displacement control system. However, this method has a problem that the target value tracking characteristic is degraded at certain frequencies due to interference. In this study, we propose a method to suppress interference by using an easy-to-design filter, formulate the interference suppression conditions, and verify them through experiments.

  • 村松 拓歩, 田島 郁哉, 中川 佑貴, 吉野 雅彦
    セッションID: 14A04
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Farrier therapy is a treatment for abnormalities in the equine hoof and limb, such as deformities and inflammation, using specially shaped horseshoes. Because abnormalities in the hoof cause equines to lose their ability to race, appropriate treatment must be given promptly. However, farrier therapy is based on the farrier's intuition and estimation, and there is a lack of quantitative evidence to support the treatment. It takes a long time for the effects of farrier therapy to become apparent, and it is difficult to measure the load on the internal tissues directly. Therefore, there is a need for a means to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of farrier therapy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical effects of farrier therapy on the racehorse forelimb flexor tendon by comparing experiments on a plastic horse limb model and finite element analysis on a 3D equine limb model. First, we created a 3D equine limb model using 3D-CAD software. Next, we made a plastic equine limb model based on the 3D model, and conducted static loading experiments. Then, we compared the simulation results with the experimental results using the material properties used in the model to verify the validity of the simulation results. Furthermore, we verified that the simulations with the actual equine limb material properties and the simulations with the model material properties showed similar stress distributions.

  • 藤尾 直史
    セッションID: 14A05
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Foreign ships came into the territorial seas in the late Edo period forced the shogunate to revitalize the general plan for defending the country. Defending with cannons was planned as a strategic choice and manufacturing of cannons was promoted using the technology in that period. Material processing especially related to the manufacturing of cannons has already been studied in the series of research on material processing and manufacturing in that period. Structures were required by cannons deployed against the foreign ships. Those structures were mainly batteries called Daiba, including other fortifications. They were constructed on the sea and by the seashore all over the country. Components and system for defense are incorporated into the structures for defense and larger structures are composed based on their components and system. The aim of this paper is to research how the components of the structures for defense by deploying cannons had been composed.

  • 張 紅葉, 富樫 盛典
    セッションID: 14A17
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    We developed the measuring system with two sensors for liquid volatile components. The first and second sensors were equipped with the distances of 15 and 30 mm from the liquid reservoir in the measuring tube, respectively. The five types of Chinese liquor with alcohol content between 33% and 56% were measured. The gradient ratio of the first and second sensor signals and the maximum value of the first sensor signal are extracted as the two feature indicators. The five types of Chinese liquor were mapped and identified using neural network in the machine learning library Scikit-learn. Moreover, the blind test with hide label were conducted to verify the Chinese liquor mapping. It was proved that the percentage of correct answers became 100%.

  • 宮田 大和, 佐伯 暢人
    セッションID: 14A18
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Plastic sashes have been widely used in the European countries, and they also have begun to be used in northern Japan. Since the sashes consist of rigid polyvinylchloride (PVC) and flexible PVC, it is difficult to separate them using ordinary separating method such as gravity or electrostatic separation systems with high separation accuracy. In this study, we developed a sorting system for recycling of plastic sashes using an optical sorting method. Wasted plastics were identified according to the difference in the color. Deep learning and convolutional neural network (CNN) were used for plastic classification. After CNN recognition, the plastics identified for removal are sorted by an air ejector and collected in a separate BOX from the one used to collect rigid PVC. The proposed CNN model achieved 94-100 % accuracy in identifying various plastics. In sorting experiments, the device successfully recovered rigid PVC with a recovery rate of 98 %, and a purity of 99 %.

  • 清水 裕貴, 松谷 巌
    セッションID: 14A19
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    A marker is a measuring instrument that illuminates horizontal and perpendicular reference lines of a building on a wall and is equipped with an inclinometer (bubble tube sensor) inside to measure the inclination of the marker. Although the inclinometer can measure angles with high resolution, it has the problem of picking up minute vibrations, resulting in frequent errors. We have developed a ball-lens type inclinometer that follows the structure of an electronic level and investigated the reduction of disturbance vibration due to damper action by introducing a viscous fluid into the lens system. In this study, we evaluated the performance of the inclinometer with the introduction of viscous fluid.

  • 石橋 正二郎, 岡田 隆光, 長谷川 寛
    セッションID: 14A20
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Understanding the topography and behavior of the deep seabed, as well as the phenomena that occur there, is important from the perspectives of disaster prevention, resource security, and national safety and security. In order to achieve this, visualizing the deep seabed in detail is one of intuitive and effective methods. On the other hand, Japan's waters are vast and deep as well known, and in order to efficiently visualize the seabed, a effective visualization sensor that can be mounted on underwater vehicles is required. Therefore, JAMSTEC has being developed an underwater laser scanner that complements the shortcomings of conventional visualization technologies such as cameras and sonars. Currently, a demonstration system of the underwater laser scanner has being constructed to be mounted on an underwater vehicle to conduct performance evaluation tests in deep waters, and basic performance has confirmed in shallow waters. Continuing from the previous report in 2023, this report explains the technological overview of the demonstration system, as well as shows a result of the shallow-water test conducted this year.

  • 松原 崚大, 阿部 結奈, 角田 直人
    セッションID: 14A22
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Rigorous humidity control is required in various industrial fields because water vapor in the air affects the quality of industrial products, food stuff, and others. We have developed a near-infrared imaging system that can determine the temporal and spatial variations of water vapor in an open space. To improve the accuracy or concentration resolution of water vapor, the noises derived from the system, i.e., mainly from the illumination device and detector, need to be reduced. Therefore, we investigated the frequency characteristics of the images and the correlation with light intensity from the illumination device not passing through the water vapor region.

  • 松元 洸, 齋藤 博史
    セッションID: 14A24
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    The turbine inlet gas temperature has been rising with high efficiency and output power of the gas turbine engine. Turbine blade cooling is necessary to solve the problem of thermal fatigue. Film cooling technique is to protect the turbine blade surface with forming a protective film by cooling flow blown out from cooling holes discretely opened on the surface. It is important to improve film cooling efficiency by using a limited cooling flow rate. In this research, in order to develop high efficiency cooling hole shape, the cooling performance was evaluated by flow visualization experiment and heat transfer experiment. As a result, it was possible to confirm the high film cooling performance in the new original shape.

  • 鳥居 大和, 麓 耕二
    セッションID: 14A25
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Previous experiments with mannequins have shown that when a fire suit is exposed to flame, the temperature rise between the fire suit and the body surface is not uniform. This localized temperature rise can cause severe burns. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a composite material that can mitigate the local temperature rise and slow heat transfer. As a method, we propose to create a layer of high thermal conductivity inside the composite material of the fireproof clothing to spread the incoming heat over a wider area and mitigate the temperature rise. Experiments were conducted in which a copper layer was added to a sample of current fireproof clothing and heated by conduction and radiation, respectively. The results showed that the temperature rise was mitigated under both heating conditions, and the amount of mitigation increased with an increase in heat flux.

  • 上野 晟太郎, 並木 豊, 勅使川原 応恭, 荘司 成煕, 木倉 宏成, 棚橋 隆彦
    セッションID: 14A26
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In CFD simulations, it is very difficult to match the simulation with the actual phenomenon, since the results obtained can differ greatly due to uncertainties in the initial conditions, boundary conditions, and numerical model of the equations to be analyzed. To solve this problem, data assimilation techniques have been developed to calibrate simulations using measurement data. However, since the measured data is sent to a computer for processing, there is a time lag, and simultaneous in-situ understanding and prediction of the phenomena has not been realized. In this study, we attempted to speed up the computation process using the CubicDEL method, which is a discrete nabla computation method based on a hierarchical cubic lattice structure. In the CubicDEL method, cubic lattices of the same size are arranged by shifting them by half to create a mutually dual main lattice and sublattice. The CubicDEL method generates a cubic lattice and a sublattice that are duals of each other, and the use of separate lattices improves the stability and accuracy of the numerical analysis. In this paper, we developed and evaluated a module for computing first- and second-order derivatives to demonstrate the effectiveness of the CubicDEL method.

  • 並木 豊, 上野 晟太郎, 勅使川原 応恭, 荘司 成熙, 木倉 宏成, 棚橋 隆彦
    セッションID: 14A27
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Numerical simulations are used in many scientific fields. However, the accuracy of numerical simulations is limited by uncertainties in initial conditions, boundary conditions, and numerical models. In recent years, data assimilation techniques have been rapidly developed to incorporate measured data into numerical models and improve the accuracy of simulations, making faster computation essential. The CubicDEL method, which integrates the Immersed Boundary (IB) method and the Hybrid Grid Adaptation (HGA) method, has been developed to achieve higher computational speed. We focused on the CubicDEL method and applied it to the basic equations such as Maxwell's equation, wave equation, and Navier-Stokes equation, and analyzed with a simplified model. In this report, we present the details of the CubicDEL method and the applied basic equations, and the results of performance evaluation in terms of calculation accuracy and calculation time.

  • 岡田 和也
    セッションID: 14A28
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    We have treated a suspension composed of polydisperse cubic hematite particles in an external magnetic field. We have investigated the dependence of the local internal structure of particle aggregates on the magnetic particle-field interaction strength and the standard deviation in the particle size distribution by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The results obtained here are summarized as follows. In the case of a polydisperse system with a small standard deviation, closely-packed structures are formed in a weak applied magnetic field. As the magnetic field strength is increased, closely-packed clusters are transformed into thick chain-like clusters along the direction of the magnetic field. This is because the magnetic moments of constituent particles are restricted to the magnetic field direction. In the case of a polydisperse system with a large standard deviation, a stronger magnetic field strength is required for the regime change into chain-like clusters. This is attributed to the strong magnetic particle-particle interaction between magnetic particles with large volume. In addition, magnetic particles with small volume can only be oriented to the magnetic field direction under a strong magnetic field. From these results, we understood that the standard deviation in the particle size distribution has a significant effect on the regime change in the internal structure of aggregates and the orientation characteristics in the magnetic field direction.

  • 山﨑 翔吾, 山崎 泰広
    セッションID: 14B02
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Adhesive resin bonding is widely used in industrial fields. It is necessary to understand the adhesion mechanism to ensure their reliability as structural adhesives. However, there are still many unclear points in the adhesion mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the bonding strength by quantitative test methods to understand the adhesion mechanism. However, it isn’t easy to evaluate the bonding strength using conventional methods due to the influence of the specimen size and shape. In this study, the test method to evaluate the bonding strength using a small column resin formed on the surface of the adherend was proposed, and the relationship between resin column diameter and the bonding strength obtained in this method was discussed. In addition, the cut-out specimen was prepared by cutting out portions of the resin column, and the bonding strength was evaluated. The main conclusions are summarized as follows. (1) The bonding strength decreased as the column diameter decreased by increasing the deformation of the resin column at the contact portion to the shear tool. (2) The bonding strength of the cut-out specimen increased due to reduced deformation of the resin column.

  • 奥田 拓夢, 山崎 泰広
    セッションID: 14B03
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In this study, the effects of the surface treatment condition on the bonding strength in the ABS resin directly formed on the aluminum alloy and its load mode dependence were investigated. The ABS resin was deposited as a column on the aluminum alloy treated by a laser surface roughening process using the direct-additive-manufacturing method. The tensile test, the tensile fatigue test, the shear test, and shear fatigue test of the direct-additive-manufactured resin/metal joints were performed. The experimental results revealed that appropriate surface roughness by laser roughening process improves the bond strength of the joints. In particular, the bond strength for the optimized surface roughness implemented sufficient strength as a structural member in both loading modes. On the other hand, the fatigue bond strength has a loading mode dependence and was significantly lower than the monotonic bond strength. It was found from the fracture surface observations that cohesive failure of ABS resin was observed on most parts of the fracture surface in the direct-additive- manufactured-resin/metal joints, in contrast, the adhesive failure was observed only at the edge part. Based on the experimental results, the fracture mechanisms were discussed.

  • 高木 蒼生, 細谷 優一, 粕谷 祐仁, 米津 明生
    セッションID: 14B04
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    To reduce aircraft structural weight, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) has been widely used. In addition, for the joining technology of dissimilar materials, adhesive bonding has been actively developed instead of mechanical fastening. For the practical use, it is important to clarify dynamic facture behavior of adhesive bonding subjected to impact loading as well as static mechanical characteristics. In this study, to evaluate interfacial fracture strength between CFRP and epoxy resin adhesive at high loading-rate, Laser Shock-wave Adhesion Test (LaSAT) was conducted. LaSAT can produce interfacial delamination using shock wave due to laser ablation. Moreover, to efficiently evaluate bonding strength with a reduction of experimental costs, LaSAT with CbA (Certification by Analysis) may be useful. For such an industrial claim, this study conduct FEM simulation to reproduce interfacial delamination by LaSAT. The present FEM simulated wave propagation and employed interfacial failure criterion, so that interfacial delamination was successfully reproduced in the numerical simulation.

  • 矢野 峻吾, 澤田 万尋, 鈴木 進補
    セッションID: 14B07
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Simultaneous cell wall fractures during compression of porous metals tend to cause the compressive stress drop. The objective of this study is to clarify the degree of regularity of pore arrangements that suppresses simultaneous cell wall fractures. Compression tests of porous metals with unidirectional through pores were performed with different interquartile ranges of the relative thickness (IQR) of the cell walls. As a result, the number of fractured cell walls decreased and the minimum compressive strain span between cell wall fractures increased with decreasing IQR. In addition, assuming that cell wall fractures progress from start to finish during a 3% increase in compressive strain, it was suggested that the IQR should be less than 0.6 to prevent simultaneous cell wall fractures.

  • 菊池 優杏, 稲村 栄次郎, 上瀬 竜之介
    セッションID: 14B08
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In our studies, material models for urethane rubber have been proposed for relationship with viscoelasticity. However, viscoelasticity only might not be sufficient to describe the relationship because it does not depend on strain rate. In this study, to investigate the contribution of internal friction, which is not viscoelasticity, a material model of the stress-strain relationship of urethane rubber under cyclic compression was assumed to consist of hyperelasticity and internal friction. The influence of the components was investigated by obtaining the parameters of each component when the strain rate or the maximum nominal strain was varied for a cylindrical specimen. To clarify the contribution of internal friction, the compressive nominal stress measured experimentally was subtracted from the value obtained from the Neo-Hookean equation. Then, appropriate equations for the obtained results on the process of loading and unloading were considered. As a result, the equations for the relationship of nominal compressive stress and nominal compressive strain were described as a sum of hyperelasticity, Mullins effect, and internal friction. Coefficients in the equations were obtained by fitting to the experimental results. The present material model expressed could correspond to the experimental results when the maximum nominal strain and strain rate were changed.

  • 本橋 航希, 柄澤 秀親, 新井 和吉
    セッションID: 14B09
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Aircraft are at risk of foreign object damage. Especially bird strike on an aircraft is a serious event that can cause extensive damage to the aircraft and endanger human lives. Therefore, mitigating impact damage to carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) and aluminum alloys used as aircraft structural materials is crucial. As resin coatings effectively reduce damage, this study investigated the effect of resin coatings on the impact resistance of fan blades by conducting soft-body impact tests on CFRP and aluminum alloy plates with polyurethane. To this end, four materials were tested: CFRP (T800SC/#2592) with a lamination composition of [0/45/0/-45]2S, aluminum alloy (A7075-T651), and specimens with polyurethane sheets adhered to CFRP and aluminum alloy. To examine the damage caused by impact, the flat cantilevered specimens were subjected to impacts by gelatin balls using a light gas gun. The impact tests showed that the polyurethane sheet had minor effect on interlaminar peeling, which is a typical damage of CFRP. Furthermore, the polyurethane sheet effectively reduced plastic deformation, which is a typical damage of aluminum alloys. Numerical analysis was conducted to thoroughly evaluate the damage behavior. The stresses and strains obtained from the numerical analysis were used to evaluate interlaminar peeling and plastic deformation.

  • (部材内の欠陥が衝撃吸収性能に及ぼす影響に関する基礎的検討)
    高 耀東, 黒田 純平, 内野 大悟, 小川 和輝, 池田 圭吾, 加藤 太朗, 遠藤 文人, 劉 暁俊, 加藤 英晃, 成田 正敬
    セッションID: 14B10
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the widespread utilization of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) due to its remarkable specific strength and rigidity. This material finds extensive application in various mechanical products, particularly in components that experience minimal or static loads, such as outer panels and structural elements. Moreover, researchers have been investigating the impact response of CFRP and have discovered its potential for exceptional shock absorption properties. By altering the orientation of carbon fibers and adjusting the number of layers, the structural strength of CFRP can be customized according to specific requirements. Based on these characteristics, the researchers conducted a drop weight test on test specimens with varying layer configurations to elucidate the shock absorption performance of the material.

  • 新井 萌々香, 山崎 泰広
    セッションID: 14B17
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Single crystal Ni-based superalloys, which have a γ/γ’ microstructure, are used for turbine blades and vanes in advanced gas turbine power generations due to their superior high temperature strength because the γ’ precipitate has the inverse temperature dependence of strength. Under operating conditions, the turbine blades are exposed to TMF loading, which is a superposition of temperature and mechanical loading. Understanding the fracture mechanism under TMF loading is important because turbine blades are damaged by TMF loading. In this work, the propagation behaviour of naturally initiated small cracks in a single crystal Ni-based superalloy under the In-phase (IP), the Out-of-phase (OP), and the Counter-clockwise diamond (CCD) cycle conditions was investigated. The experimental results revealed that the effect of the TMF conditions on the small crack propagation behavior is significant. Its effect was discussed, taking with the consideration of the γ/γ’ microstructure into account.

  • 奥村 忠晴, 山崎 泰広
    セッションID: 14B18
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Yttria stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings (YSZ-TBC) deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) are essential for advanced power generation gas turbines. On the other hand, the previous studies indicated that a suspension plasma sprayed TBC (SPS-TBC) with a columnar microstructure had superior thermal cycle fatigue resistance compared with the conventional APS-TBC. However, it requires improving the thermal shielding property in the SPS-TBC with a columnar microstructure. In this study, we proposed a novel composite TBC with two types of double top-coating layers consisting of YbTa3O9 (YTO) and YSZ: (a) columnar-SPS-YSZ/continuous-layer-APS-YTO, and (b) columnar-SPS-YSZ/columnar-SPS-YTO. Thermal cycle fatigue tests were conducted to investigate their damage behaviors. The experimental result indicated that the damage morphology due to thermal cycle fatigue depended on the coating microstructure. The result of the FEM analysis, which shows the former have a smaller strain concentration than the latter, indicates superior thermal strain accommodation. Hence, these results suggest that the combination of TBCs deposited with YSZ by SPS and YbTa3O9 by SPS has excellent thermal cycling resistance.

  • 千代 隼久, 秋田 貢一, 佐野 雄二, 水田 好雄, 玉置 悟司, 菖蒲 敬久
    セッションID: 14B19
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Currently, as motors become more efficient, demands on the durability of motor components are becoming increasingly stringent. Electrical steel sheets are used as the material for the rotor of a motor. A small area of about 1 mm wide and 0.5 mm thickness, called a bridge area in the motor, is subject to fatigue. Therefore, it is desirable to apply very shallow compressive residual stress to the surface layer by low-energy laser peening (LLP). In this study, the effect of residual stress on fatigue strength of electrical steel sheets (50HST780Y) was clarified, and then, an attempt to improve fatigue strength by LLP was made. The surface residual stress and depth distribution of the edge face are obtained after LLP by XRD. The results showed that the surface residual stress was about -500 MPa, and generated compressive residual stress decreased in the depth direction until it reached about 100 μm. The depth distribution on hardness was measured using a micro-Vickers hardness tester, and the hardness increased by up to about 16% after LLP. The fatigue strength with and without LLP was measured by a fatigue testing machine, and the fatigue limit was improved by about 27% by LLP.

  • 柏木 奏汰, 寺島 岳史
    セッションID: 14B22
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Au62.4Ag10.4Cu7.2Si10Ge10 metallic glass with an extremely low glass transition temperature Tg of 325K was developed. As a result of mechanical and thermal properties in the supercooled liquid state, it was found that the metallic glass have the high thermal stability and the low viscosity for superplastic-forming.

  • 白坂 仁, 島村 佳伸, 藤井 朋之, 井上 翼
    セッションID: 14B25
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Ultrasonic cavitation induced fragmentation is a simple way to cut carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in suspension. The lengths of fragmented carbon nanotubes are made shorter by iterating ultrasonication but approaches a critical aspect ratio. It is possible to evaluate the tensile strength of CNTs from the critical aspect ratio. In this study, the effect of annealing temperature on the tensile strength of CNTs is evaluated by using the ultrasonic cavitation induced fragmentation, where annealing of CNTs is known as a measure to improve the crystallinity of CNTs. Furthermore, the ends of CNTs after ultrasonic cavitation-induced fragmentation were observed by transmission electron microscopy.

  • 野口 廉太, 遊佐 泰紀, 村上 卓, 岡田 裕
    セッションID: 14C02
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    To analyze deformations of mechanical parts by metal additive manufacturing, the simplified heat source model is often used in previous studies. However, some disadvantages in these studies such as necessity of experiments and an inaccurate parameter for the use of the model are considered. To solve these problems, the purpose of this study is to propose a method for identifying the parameter to use the simplified heat source model, and to investigate the accuracy of the numerical results by the proposed method. The parameter was identified with equivalent stresses from the analyses of the moving heat source model. Balancing Domain Decomposition Method was used for faster computing. Furthermore, the number of layers was reduced to decrease computational time. The numerical result showed that trends and the order of the local displacement agreed the experimental result, and it was more accurate than the corresponding result by the previous study. However, error by reducing the number of layers was considered to have a bad effect on the numerical result. In addition, the experimental result could be significantly affected by error of angles on the part. Future studies will be mainly about reducing these effects, achieving reliable evaluations between the proposed method and previous studies.

  • 清水 竣平, 青葉 知弥, 稲田 雅也, 折田 純久
    セッションID: 14C03
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    This paper describes the bond strength of composite materials using a home-use LCD 3D printer and the tensile strength and strain of single materials under various conditions. Recently, 3D printers that combine and print materials using the optical fabrication method have appeared. Currently, there are no home-use ones, but their appearance in the future is conceivable. In this case, it is assumed that currently available materials will be used, as in the case of the thermal lamination method. In addition, home-use 3D printers are mainly empirical. Therefore, composite materials were created using a home-use LCD 3D printer in this study, and bonding strength was examined. We also tested the difference in bonding strength under different conditions. A tensile tester was used for the tests. As a result, the bond strength of the composite material was equal to the tensile strength of the weaker material. The strain was also found to be smaller. The changes in tensile strength and strain of the single material were also checked.

  • カチョーンルンルアン パナート, 有馬 佑, 黒江 紀太, 濵田 聡美, 西 智也, 和田 雄高, 檜山 浩國
    セッションID: 14C11
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In this paper, we report the establishment of a method that utilizes the astigmatism aberration in only dark-field optical microscopy in combined with total internal reflection microscopy. This method enables the continuous observation of the behavior of nano-particles after departing from the evanescent light field, until approximately 2 μm range far from the silica surface.

  • アブドゥル ファタビン ファリド ナシル, 阿部 結奈, 角田 直人
    セッションID: 14C12
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    This research proposes a near-infrared (NIR) thermal measurement method for investigating thermodynamics on the electrode potential at near interface of electrode during electrochemical reactions. The absorption spectrum of zinc aqueous solution in within the v1 + v2 + v3 water absorption band was characterized with zinc concentration. This technique of simultaneous measurement by electroanalyzer and NIR imaging, to acquire a 2D absorbance images of 10 mm thick-layer aqueous solution wherein a tri-electrode configuration, through a telecentric lens at the wavelength of 1240nm. As a result, the temperature coefficient of −1.4 × 10J−4K−1mm−1 was obtained from the negative peaks of water spectra and thermal changes can be observed in the absorbance images.

  • 松原 真己, 齋藤 彰, Chang Po-Siang, 河村 庄造
    セッションID: 14C21
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Modeling the road contact condition is an important issue because tires are used in contact with the road surface. The Receptance method, which derives the frequency equation from the boundary conditions at the coupled degrees of freedom, has been proposed for tire contact problems. However, the Receptance method cannot be applied to models with multiple coupled degrees of freedom. The Receptance method is a type of frequency based substructuring (FBS). In this study, we propose a ground vibration analysis method that applies the kernel Compliance Analysis (kCA) method, a type of FBS, to a three-dimensional elastic ring model including a contact spring that simulates tread rubber. First, a method for calculating eigenfrequencies based on eigenvalue analysis of the self-compliance matrix of the coupled degrees of freedom is presented. The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated by calculating the natural frequencies of the tire during ground contact using the model parameters obtained under ungrounded conditions and comparing them with experimental results.

  • - すべり-ロッキング振動系数値モデルの整合性について -
    小笠原 幸永, 栗田 勝実, 青木 繁
    セッションID: 14C26
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In order to understand rocking vibration characteristics of a small structure installed on the seismic isolation system using sliding mechanical system under various condition, we have proposed a numerical analysis model considered non-linerity for the restitution coefficient in collisions while rocking vibration between the small structure and the seismic isolation system using 2-DOF. In case of sine wave as an input, the phase of waveform and the rising of rocking vibration between the vibration test and the numerical analysis were good agreement.. And, in case of input wave using observed seismic ground motion, it was good agreement between waveforms in vibration test and results of numerical analysis. For these reasons, the model proposed in this study is effective to evaluate vibration behavior of the small structure installed on the seismic isolation system using sliding mechanical system.

  • 髙島 あかね, 栗田 勝実, 越水 重臣, 青木 繁
    セッションID: 14C29
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In order to establish an overturning prevention method of cultural properties fixed by nylon guts due to seismic ground motion, we obtained the overturning rate of specimen by vibration test and investigated the effectiveness of overturning prevention based on it. Peak acceleration amplitude of input waves, in case of 1995 Kobe earthquake, 2003 Niigata earthquake and 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, that is overturned the specimen fixed by nylon guts was around 4.5 times higher than without fixed one. Since the overturn of the specimen fixed by nylon guts has been due to sliding at the bottom of specimen, it is better to increase the friction coefficient at the surface of display table. Then it expects to improve overturning prevention.

  • 富田 一輝, 山中 晃徳
    セッションID: 14D02
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In order to realize carbon neutral society, the markets of carbon credit will grow. Soil attracts attention as a storage of greenhouse gases. Soil organic carbon (SOC) increases and decreases depending on the air temperature, soil moisture, and so on. The RothC model is often used to simulate the dynamics of SOC. To accurately predict the SOC dynamics, we have to calibrate the parameters included in SOC models. However, trial-and-error calibration of the parameter is not efficient. Therefore, this study proposes a method to calibrate the parameters in the RothC model using the Bayesian optimization (BO) which can find the optimal solutions with a small number of calculations. In this study, we estimated the four parameters of the RothC model using BO. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that the RothC model with the optimized parameters reproduces the real transition of SOC in Brigalow in Australia.

  • 工藤 博政, 門 万寿男, 髙橋 亜佑美
    セッションID: 14D03
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Concrete structures such as buildings and bridges that were intensively constructed during the high-growth period are now 50 years old, and the progression of age-related deterioration has become a major problem. This trend is becoming stronger with each passing year. Therefore, there is a need for a method to understand the state of deterioration of these structures and to maintain and manage them in a rational and effective manner. In this study, we examined a method for estimating the presence or absence of damage and the state of deterioration by classification, using wood as the test specimen, applying wavelet transform to the vibration waveform obtained by striking it, and training the obtained wavelet image with a convolutional neural network (CNN). As a result of performing a cut-out process of the vibration waveform to increase accuracy, the inference accuracy was improved from about 50% to about 80%.

  • 木津 孝太, 李 洛中, 峯苫 祐樹, 宮川 和芳, 岩田 直久, 本川 幸雄, 菊池 優
    セッションID: 14D04
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    We created an abnormality detection monitoring system through CFD and experiment using testing equipment to solve problems caused by flow channel blockage, which has become a problem in small-scale hydropower generation, which has been focused on in terms of carbon neutrality in recent years. In this study, we applied the system to an actual machine, confirmed its effectiveness, and conducted detailed analysis of the measurement data. Although the built system was unable to detect the extremely small signs of anomaly observed during this measurement, by conducting detailed analysis, we were able to confirm the differences caused by these signs of abnormality. At last, we conducted improvement of our system using python, and we confirmed that we can detect the abnormal sign observed at this hydroelectric power plant.

  • 高梨 和光
    セッションID: 14D05
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    This paper is described that textual information such as sentences is composed of three elements,these element combined of the concept for generative AI, it is possible to decipher the undeciphered scripts of ancient Greek civilization. The sentences related to the event from the three elements of shape, pronunciation, and culture, the concept of digital twins of custom is employed. As a result, it was found that the word order of the ancient Greek civilization script is SOV, SVO, and VSO, and the sentence pattern resembles that of kanji-kana mixed sentences.

  • 星 凜之介, 外舘 辰一, 山口 誠一, 宇田川 陽介, 二渡 直樹, 舘林 恵介
    セッションID: 14D07
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In this article, we focus on the waste heat in the low temperature at the range of 30℃ to 40℃ generated from the water-cooled chiller which cools data centers. This study investigates the characteristics of the water-cooled chiller and the heating air conditioning system when operated individually and when operated in combination, assuming a coupled system in which the waste heat is recovered through heat exchange with the cooling water from the water-cooled chiller and used in the heating air conditioning system. As a result, it was found that the system using waste heat has an optimum point for the temperature of waste heat. In assessing, we were able to quantitatively demonstrate the most efficient method of using exhaust heat for air conditioning

  • 大久保 建斗, 麓 耕二
    セッションID: 14D08
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Today’s society, self-heating of electric devices or machineries becomes serious problem, so the novel cooling device called Low Filling Rate-Pulsating Heat Pipe (LFR-PHP) has been invented. LFR-PHP is consisted of meandering flow path made from aluminum alloy and water as the working fluid. When the one side of LFR-PHP is heated, the working fluid start flowing through the flow path, and the heat is transported from the heating area with the flowing of working fluid. According to past investigation, the heat transfer coefficient of LFR-PHP is greater than conventional cooling devices. However, its mechanism of working fluid flowing and heat transportation is not clear. So, we conducted the neutron radiography experiment to LFR-PHP. The neutron radiography is a visualization technique using the neutron beam. In this paper, we introduce the result of neutron radiography experiment and consider the mechanism of LFR-PHP. According to the experiment, we observed the flowing of liquid slugs from heating zone to cooling zone, and the moving speed got faster when the heating power raised. Also, we observed some liquid slugs in the cooling zone or insulating zone had become shorter and eventually been faded with time passing. However, we had not observed the flux of working fluid from cooling zone to heating zone while the experiment.

  • 戸叶 敦也, 山口 誠一, 西口 翼
    セッションID: 14D09
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Currently, energy-efficient air-conditioning equipment is required to realize an energy-efficient society. Ventilation and appropriate dehumidification are necessary for human health and comfort. Therefore, we focus on liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems. Liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems use an absorption solution to absorb or release moisture from the air through direct contact with the air, thus enabling highly efficient air dehumidification without excessive cooling. This study aims to develop a control methot that can save more energy under control of the humidity ratio of the supply air. Therefore, we evaluate the response to a step input in which the solution flow rate on the regenerator side decreases under control of the humidity ratio of the supply air. The reduced solution flow rate on the regenerator side makes regeneration more difficult and reduces the overall solution concentration in the system. As dehumidification becomes more difficult due to the lower solution concentration, the control increases the solution flow rate on the dehumidifier side, resulting in a lower solution temperature throughout the system. By reducing the solution flow rate between tanks, it may be possible to raise the temperature of the solution on the regenerator side and thereby increase the COP. However, the effects of changes in temperature and concentration need to be considered.

  • 福島 優希, 折居 遼平, 宮崎 康行, 高野 敦
    セッションID: 14D19
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    The demand for lightweight and easy-to store antennas in space is increasing. We study planar antennas consisting of membranes and lightweight extensible booms. Previous studies have suggested that the antenna performance degrades when the antenna and transmission line mounted on the membrane is creased. In this study, the effect of the creases on the membrane shape was calculated numerically.

  • 陸 子越, 石村 康生
    セッションID: 14D24
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Shape memory polymers (SMPs) are a kind of smart material which can retain a temporary shape and recover to their original shape under outside stimulus. With its attractive characteristic, SMPs can be used in various industries. Deployable structure is necessary for achieving small launching size for large space structures. Using SMP as the material for deployable space structure can have the benefit of light-weight compared to traditional materials. In this study, a self-deployable fan-shape structure is proposed. The relationship between temperature and recovery ratio of the structural member is discussed. The structural member performs the best at glassy temperature and recovery ratio decreases with temperature rising. The stiffness and natural frequency of the fan-shape structure are simulated using FEA. A functional self-deployable structure is made, and the structure can achieve complete recovery after several times of deployment.

  • 菊谷 冬馬, 小野寺 隼作, 定村 嵐, 石村 康生, 大山 伸幸
    セッションID: 14D26
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In order to improve observation performance, it is necessary to maintain high precision in instruction alignment. One of the major factors which lead to lose alignment precision is bimetallic deformation of the mounting interface. In this study, we designed thermal Stress-Relief Mechanism (SRM) made of invar alloy to suppress the thermal deformation. The SRM has a bipod shape and a bending hinge. The SRM was applied to the interface of the DemonstRation Experiment of Alignment Monitor (DREAM) being developed by the authors. As a result, it is shown that the displacements of aliment monitor device can suppress within 300 μm (5.83 mm → 0.28 mm).

  • 鬼原 周平, 石村 康生
    セッションID: 14D27
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    In this paper, geometrical approach is introduced to find latch completion condition of kinematic coupling. The kinematic coupling is a fixture that exactly constrains 6 degrees of freedom between two parts with high repeatability. Therefore, the kinematic coupling is used in various types of deployable space structures. In previous studies, a latch completion equation which shows the relationship between the slope angle of v-groove and allowable upper limit of friction coefficient is calculated through algebraic approach using force and torque equilibrium. The derived latch completion condition can provide a guideline for designing latch mechanism. However, it requires whole new calculation to find latch completion condition again when the point which nesting force is applied is changed. With the geometrical approach, allowable upper limit of friction coefficient for given slope angle of v-groove can be estimated in a short amount of time by drawing figures and doing a few simple calculations. In order to verify the applicability of geometrical approach, 2-dimensioned kinematic coupling model consisting of v-groove/sphere pair and flat/sphere pair is considered. The latch completion condition is calculated in both geometrical and algebraic way, and the same equation is derived, which proves that the geometrical approach is also applicable for solving latch condition problem.

  • 笠井 晃博, 山田 俊輔, 船見 祐揮, 中村 元
    セッションID: 14E02
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    HFO-based refrigerants, which have a very low environmental impact, are considered as one of the solutions to global warming. Among them, R1233yd and R1336mzz(E) and R1336mzz(Z) have attracted attention as alternative refrigerants to R245fa in binary power generation, and many studies on their boiling heat transfer characteristics in horizontal microchannels have been conducted. However, there is a lack of data on boiling heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop in thick circular tubes. In this study, the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of R1336mzz(E) were measured in the range of mass flux 100-300 kg/(m2∙s) and heat flux 2.0-11 kw/m2 by using a horizontal circular tube heating apparatus with an inner diameter of 10.8 mm. Simultaneously, the flow pattern was observed and compared with the conventional flow pattern map. It was found that the observed flow pattern and the flow pattern map generally agreed with each other, but the correspondence tended to shift in the low mass flux region. The heat transfer coefficient was in good agreement with the organizing equation at low mass flux. The pressure drop tended to increase as the mass flux increased, and did not increase easily as the saturation temperature increased.

  • 井上 寛大, 天野 嘉春
    セッションID: 14E03
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Against the recent global energy crisis, energy management systems (EMS) are developed to perform appropriate management and there is a method using mathematical optimization. The mathematical formulation must be done in a way that explicitly expresses the characteristics of the machine and can be formulated as a mathematical optimization problem. Furthermore, considering the point of "Check" in the PDCA cycle, it is desirable to identify parameters in a mathematical model based on actual operational data. Based on the above, we propose a series of data utilization methods for heat pumps, which are to monitor the daily operation data, construct a data-driven mathematical model, and solve the optimal operation planning problem. Using the proposed method, we could create an optimal operation plan based on actual data that expresses that COP varies depending on the cooling water temperature and load factor of the heat pump.

  • 丸山 達也, 佐藤 大智, 天野 嘉春
    セッションID: 14E04
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    This study developed a framework for estimating correlation and causality of time-latency returns in geothermal reservoirs from a data-driven approach using PV values measured at surface facilities. Conventional tracer tests are conducted only once every few years or decades due to high costs and long testing periods. Therefore, it is difficult to estimate the conditions within a geothermal reservoir, which change from time to time. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of this method by comparing it with conventional methods and the knowledge of field engineers. Using LPCMCI for enthalpies at each well, we obtained hypotheses of causality with time delays between wells. The method was compared with tracer tests, and the results generally agreed with the maximum re-injection time or re-injection start time, validating the effectiveness of the method. The results obtained with this method are hypotheses based on observed data. It is recommended that intervention tests be conducted on the targeted wells to verify the hypotheses obtained from the results of this study before developing operational measures for the reinjection wells.

  • 潮田 航祐, 川上 忠重
    セッションID: 14E08
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Although the use of plastics is being reduced and reused, some plastic waste is simply incinerated or landfilled. For effective utilization of plastic waste, the use of waste plastic decomposition oil (WPDO) as fuel by oil conversion was considered.

    Since it is difficult to use WPDO by itself, it is considered to be used by mixing it with general-purpose fuel. Using a single-cylinder general-purpose two-stroke engine, which is less affected by fuels, the effects of commercially available fuel alcohol (FAL), biofuel (BIO), and WPDO feedstock on combustion products were compared. Results are as follows.

    1) When WPDO-P is used, no increase in combustion products occurs until significantly up to 45 vol.% addition compared to gasoline alone.

    2) When WPDO is used as an additive fuel, the raw materials to be produced must be considered.

    3) When using a small two-stroke engine, a BIO advantage occurs with respect to NOx emissions.

  • 張 奕欽, 川上 忠重
    セッションID: 14E10
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Nowadays, the small generators are widely used as a primary power supply to protect family health care and infrastructure while the cut-off happens at extreme weather or disasters. However, the stabilizing fuel supply is a problem under that situation. It is urgency to looking for renewable substitute fuel. From these viewpoints, this study focused on the exhaust characteristics of small power generation engines with alternative fuel as alcohol fuel addition ratio in Ethanol,1-Butanol,Methanol and Toluene on engine performance and emission characteristics.

  • 岩崎 琢人, 崔 埈豪
    セッションID: 14E11
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/09/25
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり

    Locally generated electricity is becoming more popular as a result of global warming as well as natural hazards that cause power outages from primary electricity grids. In this research, a generator using bicycle roller for training was developed in order to achieve both carbon-free and locally generated electricity. In the previous research, a car alternator was used in the viewpoint of cost. However, the efficiency of which was under 20% at the low loads. Therefore, in this research, permanent magnet synchronous generator was used in order to improve its efficiency for local electricity generation. Permanent magnet synchronous generator is expected to have a higher efficiency because it doesn’t use electrical power at its rotor. The developed electricity generation control system consisted of a buck converter and a digital potentiometer. As a result, the efficiency of the system was improved by up to 16% from the efficiency of the system using car alternator in the previous research.
