This study aimed to examine the “ba” of multisport in Japan. Multisport means playing more than
one sport, and “ba” of multisport in this study is “framework that includes the components involved in participating in multisport, such as individuals and the relationships between individuals.” It is clear that multisport has educational and physical benefits, and although there is an abundance of research recommending multisport to reduce the risk of injury and acquire a high level of motor skills, there has been little discussion of multisport in Japan. It has been reported that the value of “Once you decide on one thing, you should follow it through to the end” in club activities as “single-mindednessism”. In particular, he criticizes the single-mindedness of Japanese club activities, which can have a negative impact from a modern educational perspective. He goes on to point out that in the United States, it is not uncommon for children to experience multisport throughout junior high and high school. In other words, the essence of these problems, including single-mindedness in club activities, is a type of coercion that prevents students from engaging in independent, spontaneous activities. The present case study analyzes the data collected by qualitative methods and relies on a single case study. The subject was a male athlete from A Prefecture Talent Identification and Development, who is both a track and field and skeleton athlete. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, asking questions such as “Why did you start track and field?”, “Why did you start skeleton?”, “Why do you balance track and field and skeleton?”, and others “About multi-sports and club activities”. As a result, we obtained mainly responses on how he started track and field and skeleton, his achievement of multisport, and the relationship between multisport and club activities. We also asked about his impressions of the training environment and instructors for both track and field and skeleton, as well as of his impressive activities in A Prefecture Talent Identification and Development. It was considered that the subject came to multisport through A Prefecture Talent Identification and Development and has continued in multisport to the present, and that the club activities that required him to devote himself to athletics activities in high school guaranteed his freedom of activity through an explanation of the skeleton federation and his own independent activities. From this, we conclude that it is essential for the “ba” of multisport in Japan to eliminate coercion and guarantee the freedom to participate in activities. The significance of this study is that it focused on multisport, which has seldom been discussed in Japan, and showed the process of multisport athlete. Wider accumulation of academic research on multisport is expected in the future.