The Establishment of a Self-Consistent Nuclear Energy System (SCNES) attempts to meet the following four requirements -energy production, fuel production, the burning of radionuclides, and system safety with a strong reliance on excess neutron generation. Based on several milestone studies, it has been pointed out that a fast fission reaction provides an appreciable neutron excess to incinerate fission products, while MA (Minor Actinides) may be treated as a fuel along with Pu in this system. To improve both the quality and quantity of neutron excess for the transmutation of radiowastes, neutron generation in the external neutron sources based on accelerator and/or fusion technologies was evaluated. Our results suggest that multi-component SCNES supplemented by accelerator-driven and fusion-based neutron sources may approach the final goal of the development of a nuclear energy system that is safe, wasteless, and supported by reliable fuel resources.