Online ISSN : 1881-4751
Print ISSN : 0039-906X
ISSN-L : 0039-906X
20 巻, 2 号
  • 第3編体格, 体力, 運動能力の相互関係
    林 正
    1971 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 65-78
    発行日: 1971/06/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Among the data on physical fitness (records of side step test, vertical jump, back strength, grip strength, trunk extention, trunk flexion and modified Harvard Step Test) and motor ability (record of 50m dash, running broad jump, ball throw, chinning and endurance running) of school children in Kyoto City, those for children of 10, years old were analysed to reveal the interrelations among body build, physical fitness and motor ability. 1) The correlation matrix among variables concerning body build, physical fitness and motor ability, 2) the multiple regression equation of each variable concerning physical fitness and motor ability on variables concerning body build, 3) the multiple regression equation of each variable concerning motor ability on variables concerning body build and physical fitness, 4) the canonical correlations between body build and physical fitness, between body build and motor ability and between physical fitness and motor ability were calculated. The results were as follows.
    1) Any of correlations and multiple correlations calculated among variables concerning body build, physical fitness and motor ability was not very large, even though most of them were statistically significant at 1% level. Besides, it was found on boys and girls of every age that there were more than two significant canonical correlations between body build and physical fitness, between body build and motor ability and between physical fitness and motor ability, but even the maximum canonical correlation was not necessarily large.
    The above findings indicate that the ability which is summarized as physical fitness or motor ability consists of various abilities which are relatively independent each other, and accordingly none of the relations between body build and physical fitness, between body build and motor ability and between physical fitness and motor ability is not represented by a simple relation between two linear combinations of variables.
    2) The multiple regression equations calculated in this study may make it possible to estimate how each aspect of body build is contributing to each aspect of physical fitness and motor ability and how each aspect of body build and physical fitness is contrbuting to each aspect of motor ability. But in these estimations, it must be always kept in mind that the multiple correlation coefficients were not necessarily very large in every case.
    3) Relatively large differences by age and sex were found on interrelations among variables concerning body build, physical fitness and motor ability. This fact probably indicates that various aspects of body build, physical fitness and motor ability do not necessarily grow or develope at the same rate.
  • 大山 義之
    1971 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 79-95
    発行日: 1971/06/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    50歳以上の現在修練継続中の剣道高段者13名の身体計測を行なうとともに, 神経筋協応能を重点とする運動能力検査ならびに筋力測定を行なった結果, 大要次のような所見を得た。
    (1) 下肢周囲値には差がないが, 上肢周囲値は右側のほうが大きい。
    (2) 屈腕力及び握力ともに60歳までは右のほうが強いが, 70歳代では左側が強い。
    (3) 握力の前腕囲に対する割合は対照群より遥かに大きな値を示す。
    (4) 打撃力, 踏み込み圧の微分値には全く加齢低下現象がみとめられない。
    (5) 左右示指同時接触試験では, 顔面右向きの時の誤差が最小となる。
    (6) いわゆる壮年体力テストの成績のほか持久的体力指標となる諸数値は年齢相応の低下を示しており, 少なくとも剣道鍛練によって高度に維持されていると考えられる所見は得られなかった。
    以上のような諸事実から剣道を高齢まで継続修練することの効果は, いわゆる中枢神経系における運動機構を高度な状態に維持することに役立ち, 精神作用としてあらわれてくる大脳活動を高水準に保有するのにあつかっているものと推定した。
  • 富沢 政信, 鳥山 貞宜, 古矢 仁, 小野 忠彦
    1971 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 96-100
    発行日: 1971/06/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Kyudo (Japanese archery) is a most popular sport among Japanese as the Judo and Japanese fencing. Even some their athletes had complains of neck pain, joint pain and back pain, the investigations in the orthopaedic aspect were rare as compared with the Judo and Japanese fencing.
    The orthopaedical questionnaire were made to one hundred twenty-two athletes from eighteen to seventy-eight years old, average forty-three old, and the analysis by roentgenological and clinical findings were made to thirty athletes who were had severe troubles.
    The results were as follows :
    1) Because of most disorders were localized about the upper-extremity as main action were using of arm muscles, there were discovered the osteoarthritis and osteochondro-matosis of the elbow joint, periarthritis of the shoulder joint, atrophy of the deltoid and supra-infraspinatus muscles, injury of the hand and back pain.
    2) To prevent these disorders, we emphasized the necessity of warming-up and other systematic exercise as usually.
    3) We had obtained the conclusion that the periodical examination was most important for early diagnosis and procedures of over ten years experienced athletes.
  • 高野 敏雄
    1971 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 101-117
    発行日: 1971/06/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    冬期スポーツの1種であるリュージュ及びボブスレーは, わが国では歴史が浅く, また非常な危険を伴なう競技であるに拘らず, スポーツ医学的検討が行なわれていない。特に氷壁で囲まれた急カーブのコースを高速で滑降する際に生ずる遠心力が競技者に及ぼす影響は極めて重大な問題である。著者は今回両競技の選手あわせて48名 (うち女子4名) につき, 遠心力負荷実験, 体格・体力などの測定を実施して, 安全確保のための検討を加えた。おもな研究成果は次のとおりである。
    1) 人体用遠心力発生装置を用いてgrayoutを指慓とした+Gz耐性閾値を決定した。リュージュ選手は+5.67Gz (Range-4.0~6.1, SD=0.56) , ボブスレー選手は+5.80Gz (Range=4.7~6.1, SD=0.43) であって, +Gz負荷に伴なう血圧, 心拍数上昇も適正な生理的反応を示した。
    2) 自転車エルゴメータによる最大仕事量および最大心拍数は, 運動鍛練者として適正な値を示した。
    3) 軽い+Gz負荷中のCoriolis刺激によって, 約30%の被検者に操縦桿操作performanceの低下を示すものが認められた。
    4) 両競技の安全を確保するためには, 各選手は適正なG耐性とG負荷に対する生理的な適応反応を示すことが必要であり, また競技中のCoriols刺激による異常空間識を誘発しないよう訓練を行なう必要がある。このためには遠心力発生装置などによりG負荷の体験をさせることが望ましい。
  • 1971 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 118-123
    発行日: 1971/06/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー