Online ISSN : 1881-4751
Print ISSN : 0039-906X
ISSN-L : 0039-906X
41 巻, 5 号
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 517-529
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The electromyographic (EMG) activities of the back and thigh muscles while pedaling a bicycle ergometer at different load levels (300, 450, 600 and 750 kpm/min) and during walking and running at top speed up and down a staircase were investigated in children classified as physically less and more active than average. Each child underwent a battery of physical fitness tests to determine his physical fitness level relative to the national standard. Although the physiques of the inactive and active children did not differ, there were considerable differences between their back-lift, grip and knee-extension strengths, and the maximum anaerobic power, and 50-m dash performances of the two groups. The EMG data for each of the different tasks over selected periods (bicycle pedaling: 5 complete revolutions, staircase task: 5 stepping cycles) under different workload conditions were full-wave rectified and integrated (IEMG) . Under low workload conditions (ergometer tasks at 300 and 450 kpm/min and walking up and down stairs), the mean IEMG values (mIEMG) of all the muscles tested did not differ significantly in the inactive and active children. However, for all the higher workload tasks (pedaling at 600 kpm/min and running up and down stairs), the mIEMG values of the erector spinae muscles in the inactive children were significantly lower than those of the active children, and the difference increased gradually as the workload increased. This trend was even more marked when normalized mIEMG values were used. When the children ran up and down stairs at top speed, the inactive group had lower thigh, gluteus maximus and erector spinae muscle mIEMG values than the active group, and the difference between the normalized mIEMGs of the erector spinae muscles of the two groups showed a particularly strong statistical significance (P<0.01) when running both up and down stairs. As a similar trend was observed when the workload was maintained at a high level for the bicycle pedaling task, we concluded that at least part of the difference between the muscular activities of the two groups of children demonstrated when they carried out the running task was attributable to differences in the development of the muscle fibers and neuronal mechanisms of the erector spinae muscles.
  • 春日井 淳夫, 小笠原 正志, 伊藤 朗
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 530-539
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to evaluate iron balance in the human body, we studied the effects of exercise on iron excretion in urine, sweat and feces. The subjects were five healthy male, college athletes. The daily intake of nutrients by the subjects was regulated by a prescribed diet (Calorie Mate, Ohtsuka), and the control measurements and the exercise measurements were performed within seven days. Excretion of iron in the urine during the exercise period was significantly higher than in the control period. The excretion of iron in the sweat was 1.076±0.118 mg, i. e, , about 70% of total iron physiologically excreted from the human body. The excretion of iron in the feces during the exercise period was significantly lower than during control period. Feces volume was positively correlated with energy expenditure and negatively correlated with the excretion of iron in the feces. Iron absorption during the exercise period was significantly higher than during the control period. These findings suggest that exercise stimulates not only iron excretion via urine and sweat, but iron absorption, and that iron balance remains positive in healthy male subjects who have normal iron status.
  • 中井 誠一, 寄本 明, 森本 武利
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 540-547
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Deaths and morbidity due to heat disorders during physical activity were gleaned from newspaper reports between 1970 and 1990. The environmental temperatures (dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity) recorded at the closest meteorological observatory at the time of occurrence were used to calculate the wet-bulb temperature and WBGT (wet-bulb globe temperature), and the relationship between heat disorders and environmental temperature was analyzed.
    During the 21-year period, 108 cases of heat disorders (91 deaths and 477 casualties) were reported in newspapers. Of the 91 deaths, 9 were in females and 82 were in males, and mean ages were 23.3 years, females and 19.0 years, males.
    It was possible to record the environmental conditions at the time of the heat disorder in 99 cases. The results indicated that almost all disorders occurred at ranges higher than 25.5°C, dry-bulb temperature, and 20.0°C, wet-bulb temperature, 40% relative humidity, and 24.0°C, WBGT. The mean WBGT was 28°C at physiological intensities less than 12-RMR (Relative Metabolic Rate) and 25.8°C at RMR higher than 15.
    The seasonal distribution was from April to November. In cases observed in April, May and November, abrupt rises in WBGT in the 1.2-3.4°C range were observed on the day of occurrence in comparison with the previous day, suggesting that the degree of heat acclimatization is olso an important factor in preventing heat disorders.
  • 金 憲経, 松浦 義行, 田中 喜代次, 稲垣 敦
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 548-558
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Excess body fat has generally been considered to influence physical fitness and motor ability in obese boys. However, very few studies have been done on the relationships of percent body fat (%fat), body fat and fat-free mass with physical fitness and motor ability. The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationships between body composition and selected physical fitness and motor ability elements in obese boys. The subjects were three hundreds and five boys aged 12-14 years. Eighteen physical fitness and motor ability elements were tested and skinfold thickness was measured at six sites using an Eiken-type caliper. Impedance (Z) was measured using a tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance plethysmograph (Selco SIF-891) . Body density was calculated from the formula of Kim et al. Variables which represented muscular power and endurance were negatively affected by %fat, while muscular strength was positively related to %fat. Flexibility variables were found not to be affected by %fat. In order to further examine the effects of %fat on physical fitness and motor ability, the subjects were categorized into three groups according to %fat: lean= less than 12% (n=64), average=12-20% (n=192), and obese=greater than 20% (n=49) . The results of comparison among groups clearly indicated that the obese group was significantly poorer in muscular power and endurance but was better in muscular strength than the other groups. To analyze the factorial structure in obese boys, principal factor analysis was applied to the correlation matrix which was calculated with 18 variables, and then six factors were extracted. The differentiation and integration of factorial structure was investigated from the hierarchical factor model. Two factors (muscular power and speed, and flexibility) were extracted at a lower level of rotation. The body fat was found to be one important factor that affects many physical fitness and motor ability elements. The relationships between physical fitness, motor ability and degree of fatness seem to be rather complicated, and a great deal of data should be accumulated for analysis of influence of body fatness in the obese.
  • 本山 貢, 入江 尚, 入江 公, 角南 良幸, 佐々木 淳, 清永 明, 田中 宏曉, 進藤 宗洋
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 559-566
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究では高血圧症や冠動脈疾患をもつ65歳以上の高齢男女を対象にして, 血中乳酸濃度が運動強度の増加に応じて非直線的に増加し始める点, LTを運動強度とした運動を1日30分, 週3~6回, 9ヶ月間実施し, 血中脂質とリポ蛋白に及ぼす影響を検討した.
    1) 運動群における運動療法前後のLT強度に相当するスピード (時速) は, 男女共に有意に増加し (いずれもP<0.05) , 平均変化率は男性が9.0%, 女性が11.8%の増加であった.
    2) 運動群のHDL-cは, 男女共に運動療法9ケ月後には前値に比べいずれも有意に増加し (いずれもP<0.05) , 平均変化率は男性が19.2%, 女性が20.9%であった.コントロール群の場合, 男女ともに有意な変化が認められなかった.
    3) 運動群女性のTC/HDL-c比は運動療法9ケ月後には前値に比べ有意な低下を示し (P<0.05) , 平均変化率は14.7%0の低下であった.男性の場合は統計上有意ではなかったが低下傾向を示した.コントロール群は, 男女ともに有意な変化が認められなかった.
    4) TC, TG, LDL-cは運動群, コントロール群男女共に有意な変化は認められなかった.
    5) 運動群とコントロール群の群間比較では研究期間前値において男女共, すべての項目において有意差が認められなかったが, 9ヶ月後には男女共にHDL-cは運動群がコントロール群よりいずれも有意に高値を示した (いずれもP<0.02) .また女性の場合, TC/HDL-c比で運動群がコントロール群より有意に低値を示した (P<0.02) .以上の結果から, LT強度の有酸素的運動は, 高齢な有病男女においても実行可能であり有酸素的作業能の改善をもたらす効果的な方法であること, また抗動脈硬化危険因子の改善を男女同様にもたらす有効な方法であることが示唆された.
  • ―運動持続時間との関連―
    藤井 宣晴, 北野 勇信, 福岡 義之, 曽根 涼子, 池上 晴夫
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 567-575
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    運動時の交感神経と副腎髄質の相対的活動度が, 運動持続時間の延長にともなってどのように変化するかを検討するために, 6名の被検者に対して2種類の間欠的自転車運動を実施した.すなわち, 100%VO2maxに相当する強度の2分間の運動を10分間の休息をはさんで6回反復する場合 と, 80%VO2maxに相当する強度の10分間の運動を10分間の休息をはさんで3回反復する場合である.分析項目は, 血漿ノルアドレナリン濃度 (血漿NA) , 血漿アドレナリン濃度 (血漿A) , 心拍数 (HR) , 心電図RR間隔変動係数 (CVRR) および血中乳酸濃度 (血中La) である.得られた主な結果は以下のとおりである.
    1.いずれの強度の運動においてもHR, 血漿NAおよび血漿Aは運動の反復にともなって徐々に上昇する傾向を示したのに対して, CVRRは最初の運動で著しく低下し, 以後はその低値を維持した.
    2.NA/Aは, いずれの強度の運動においても最初の運動で上昇するが, その後は運動の反復にともなって徐々に低下する傾向を示した.
    3.100%強度の運動において, 血漿CAは初回よりも2回目の運動の方が低い値を示す傾向にあり, 血漿NAについてはその差は統計的に有意であった.
    以上のことから, 運動開始時には交感神経活動の亢進の方が副腎髄質活動のそれよりも相対的に著しいのに対して, 運動時間が延長すると副腎髄質の活動亢進の方が相対的に著しくなると考えられる.
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 576-585
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    A study was conducted to investigate the validity of bioelectrical impedance measurement (BIM) for determining changes in body composition during treatment of obesity with an exercise and diet regimen. Eleven obese women, aged 38-57 yr (44±6.0 yr), participated in a weight reduction study. Before and after the weight reduction period, body composition was measured by the deuterium oxide (D2O) dilution and BIM methods. For both methods, the correlation coefficients were of the same order of magnitude under both pre- and postregimen conditions. Mean weight reduction was 3.59±1.518 kg and loss of total body fat was estimated to be 4.8±1.72 kg by the D2O method and 2.5±1.14 kg by the BIM method. Thus the BIM method underestimated the change in body fat compared with the D2O method. Changes in resistance (R) and height squared divided by R were not significant at the p>0, 05 level. However, the mean change in fat-free mass (FFM) found by the D2O method was significantly greater than that found by the BIM method. Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the changes in FFM estimated by the D2O and BIM methods. These results show that after weight reduction the BIM method overestimates body composition. It is concluded that the BIM method is not a valid approach for measuring the small changes in body composition that occur during treatment of obesity.
  • 本間 幸子, 福岡 義之, 藤井 宣晴, 江田 英雄, 池上 晴夫
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 586-594
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Using near-infrared spectroscopy, we monitored changes of oxygenated hemoglobin and myoglobin contents [oxy (Hb+Mb) ], deoxygenated hemoglobin and myoglobin contents [deoxy (Hb+Mb) ], and total hemoglobin and myoglobin contents [total (Hb+Mb) ] of the thigh muscle at rest and during incremental bicycle exercise and recovery in 10 healthy male volnuteers. Gas exchange parameters were also measured in breath-by-breath mode.
    The following results were obtained :
    1) During low-intensity exercise (216 kpm/min), oxy (Hb+Mb) increased, while deoxy (Hb+Mb) and total (Hb+Mb) decreased. These changes are thought to reflect an increase in arterial blood flow to the exercising muscle and an increase in venous return.
    2) During high-intensity exercise (above 972 kpm/min), oxy (Hb+Mb) decreased, while deoxy (Hb+Mb) increased. These findings probably reflect increased O2extraction.
    3) Upon cessation of exercise, oxy (Hb+Mb) and total (Hb+Mb) increased, and deoxy (Hb+Mb) decreased abruptly. These changes probably reflect post-exercise hyperemia with decreased O2extraction.
    4) Oxy (Hb+Mb) level at ventilatory threshold (VT) was the same as or higher than that of resting condition, indicating that VT occurs when the level of O2in the vessels of the thigh muscle is relatively high.
    5) Spontaneous fluctuation of oxy (Hb+Mb) with frequency of 7-10 cycles/min was observed. This fluctuation was more marked during exercise than during rest or recovery.
    These findings suggest that the influence of increased blood flow and venous return on oxy (Hb+Mb), deoxy (Hb+Mb) and total (Hb+Mb) are greater than that of O2extraction during low intensity exercise, whereas the influence of O2extraction increases with exercise intensity.
    Near-infrared spectroscopy provides valuable information with regard to O2transport and O2extraction in the exercising muscle.
  • 前田 清司, 宮内 卓, 後藤 勝年, 杉下 靖郎, 松田 光生
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 595-597
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大野 誠, 池田 義雄
    1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 598-604
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1992 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 605-614
    発行日: 1992/10/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー