The subject of this essey is a study concerning type design in practical use, through the materials of the playbills of England in mid-nineteenth century, and this report is written concerning the appearance of Sans Serifs especially. Main interesting is that how did Sans Serifs use in playbills practically, what shape did Sans Serifs appear in earlier, and how many did Sans Serifs use in playbills with Fat face, Egyptian or another. The materials are bought by the writer at the shop of Mr. Andrew Block in London, as follows. 1. Jan. 18, 1841 6. Aug. 22, 1856 11. Mar. 7, 1864 2. Feb. 8, 1841 7. Jan. 15, 1859 12. Mar. 27, 1866 3. Jun. 28, 1847 8. Jan. 25, 1859 4. Mar. 8, 1849 9. Apr. 11, 1859 5. Sep. 26, 1853 10. Apr. 15, 1861