This paper treats 1880s design education movement in the history of art education in England. Main theme is the relation hetween manufactures and design education in the Industrial Revolution. Contents (1) Object of this paper. (2) Demand for design education, its social back ground. (3) Design education system. (4) Practice of design education. (5) Infuluence upon art and craft education in England. (6) Foot note and quotation. At that time manufacturer were in the habit of buying or copying much of their "ornamental design from the French, and frequent trips to Paris for this purpose. But disquiet at continental competition in many markets where ornamental design was of commercial importance, eventualal led to the appointment of the 1835 Select Committee of the House of Commons, which was required to"consider the Best Means of Extending a Knowledge of the Arts and of the Principles of Design among the People (especially the manupacturing poqulation of the country)" The Commitee considered that the Government should aim at the development and extention of art. And the British Government at last decided to support art schools. Consquently a School of Design opend at Somerset House in 1837. Here, State-aided art training in England started. But, design education in these days strictry drew a distinction hetween art and crafts, and the aim of education craftsman in the the factory. In the Great Exhibition which heled in 1851 at Hyde Park, "notional taste" were compared each other. The failure in the Great Exhibition lead to the extension of more specialized design education and art education general. In otherwards, to cultivate national taste, theyrecognized the necessity of art education for all as well as design education for specialists.