The aim of this research is to acquire the data for planning the provision of information and the layout of space, in accordance with pedestrians' needs. In order to clarify the useful and informative elements of space, through the action of pedestrians who use the space, experiments were conducted to determine which information becomes the key to action. By analyzing the relationship between the time required for locating the information and the physical element of space, the desired data can be obtained. As the subject of the experiment, and underground center was chosen since it is a limited space of wide public use, where the correlation between pedestrians and the space can be clearly observed and the number of variables is limited. In order to clarify the effect of information gathering on the pedestrians actions, it was necessary to determine the field of vision of the pedestrian under these circumstances. Accordingly, a sign was used to obtain the limits of the ability to read letters as the expression of field of vision. 1. As a result, it was found that the distance needed to recognize the sign and the range of ability to decipher the most easily read letters were neary equal. 2. It is not known clearly about what kinds of information a pedestrian acts upon in a space like an underground center, which is closed off from the outer environment. Therefore, by using these elements in the experiment, the key information, necessary for action in ordinary activities and emergency procedures was determined. It was found that the information used differed, according to the type of action and the plane form of the space. 3. In the experiment explained in 2, as an indicator of the difficulty of collecting information, the time needed in locating it was analyzed in its relationship with the physical elements of the space. The time used in locating information in ordinary action was two to three times longer than the average in emergency procedures (3.89 seconds). As the area of unobstructed view increases, the time required for locating information decreases.