Design for smart mobile integrated solution design is complex, as it requires striking a balance among research, interactive, UI, ID design, and technology feasibility and a good coordination between hardware, software design and development in the design process. A clarification of the design process flow, events and participants involved in each phase is needed. This paper proposed a service oriented smart mobile integrated solution design process model with 8 sub-process: solution proposition process, solution design theme creation process, use case creation process, UI specification proposal process, UI and ID proposal process, hardware and software development process, hardware and software joint test process, and usability test process. The goal, difficulty, research, ID, UI, hardware, software design and development events, related design methods, and participants of every sub-design process were further discussed and described in the design case, the WAWA smart mobile integrated solution for children and parents, to illustrate the application and efficiency of the service oriented design process model. A reflection of the process and improvement suggestions were discussed at the end of this paper based on feedback from usability test and interviews of team members involved.