Online ISSN : 1882-9457
Print ISSN : 1342-310X
ISSN-L : 1342-310X
77 巻, 1 号
  • 水谷 伸治郎
    2018 年 77 巻 1 号 p. 3-15
    発行日: 2018/12/20
    公開日: 2019/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー

    In this time of year of 2018, I have recieved a special prize (called "Distinguished Service Prize") from the authorized committee of the Sedimentological Society of Japan (SSJ), for which I have no word to express my cordial thanks to all of the office members of the society. I am extremely happy to have this prize, and I thought that I should say thanks to all of the students and graduates, members of SSJ. In stead of saying thanks, it will be more fruitful to all of them to write something on the sedimentary geology, particularly based on my own experiences of the studies during my own academic works in these years. Fortunately, I have found my notes each of them being filed, and stored in a study room of my home. They were compiled at the time of my original paper had published, for example, 1957, 1959 and so on. I had read many papers mainly foreign papers written in English or German. Imagine that in 1950’s we have no copymachine or photo-copier, all the information, which should be memorize, had to be hand-written in my notebook. Most of the table, map, figure, were recorded in the notebook. It had been time-comsuming work for the students, and I has been clearly reminiscent of my old days by reading these notes. By referring them, I would like to describe the essential part of my papers published. It will contain the fundamental idea, e.g. of Kolmogorov, or those of German geologists. Topics treated in this paper are exclusively concerning the sedimentary geology; however, related sciences are so wide in their fields covering petrology, mathematics, chemical kinetics and so on. I believe that my notebooks are reminiscent of what I read, and what I thought, at the time of my research works on each subjects described herein.

  • 荒戸 裕之
    2018 年 77 巻 1 号 p. 17-28
    発行日: 2018/12/20
    公開日: 2019/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー

    1990(平成2)年,ピーター·ヴェイル氏の来日セミナー「Seismic Stratigraphy: Fundamentals and Practical Application」が開催された.そこで紹介されたシーケンス層序学の概念は,地震探査記録断面の解釈手法を学ぼうとセミナーに参加した国内石油企業の探鉱技術者に大きな衝撃を与えた.シーケンス層序学の大きな有用性に実感した技術者たちは,自分たちがそれまで扱ってきた地震探査記録断面の見直しを開始しながらも,地質学的論証を待たずに地震探査記録断面を堆積学的に解釈することの正当性や堆積様式を海水準変動との関係から論ずるシーケンス層序学の基本的概念に僅かながらもわだかまりを感じていた.一方で,シーケンス層序学に将来性を認め萌芽的な研究をすでに開始していた国内の堆積学研究者たちは,セミナーの内容に強い関心を抱くとともに,石油探鉱技術者の動向にむしろ肯定的な視線を向けていた.そして,このセミナーと相前後して,堆積学研究会,筑波地層の会,石油技術協会,日本地質学会は精力的に勉強会やシンポジウムを開催し,堆積学研究者と探鉱技術者が互いに切磋琢磨しながらシーケンス層序学を活用した堆積盆地解析や石油探鉱活動を展開するようになった.産業界や官界もこうした動向を支援する方向でタイムリーに活動を行った.その結果,わが国の堆積学界,石油鉱業界は世界に劣後することなく,むしろ世界をリードする形でシーケンス層序学に取り組み,その発展に貢献することができたのである.
