日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
28 巻, 2 号
  • 一木 彦三, 臼井 和哉
    1966 年 28 巻 2 号 p. 45-56_4
    発行日: 1966/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    動物がはなはだしい疲労に陥いると,当然各部にさまざまの病変を生ずる.本報告では,そのうち,とくに骨に生ずる病変と,疲労との関係を究明した.実験動物としてラッ1・を用い,運動として遊泳を強制負荷し,極端な疲労を作成した.まずラットを四群に分け,一群は無処置の群とし,これを対照として,他の三群,すなわち,強制遊泳運動負荷群,両側副腎摘除群,両側副腎摘除後Cortisonc連続投与群における骨の変化を生化学的,組織学的に追求した.1)遊泳群においては,体重増加が著しく抑制された.2)副腎摘除群(Adx群)の体重増加は,対照群と差がなかった.副腎摘除後Cortisonc投与群(Adx+C群)では,むしろ遊泳群に近かった.3)遊泳群の骨では,水分の増加,灰分および窒素の減少が著明であった.これらの変化は,Adx十0群における変化と全く類似の傾向を示し,いずれも対照群およびAdx群に比較して,明らかな有意の差が認められた.4) Adx群の下顎骨においては,水分は減少し,窒素は増加し,対照群に比較して明らかな有意の差が認められた.しかし大腿骨においては,差力玲忍められなかった.5) Adx+C群の脛骨は,病理組織学的に見て,Cortisonc過剰投与の結果と思われる明らかなOstc-oporosisを示した.また遊泳群における同-・一部位は,前者によく似た病変を示した.しかし下顎骨における組織像には,両群とも著変がなかった.6) Adx群の脛骨および下顎骨の組織像は,対照群のそれと同様で,なんら病変を示さなかった.7)遊泳群の副腎重量は,対照群のそれに比較して著しく増加し,著名な有意差を示した.8)遊泳群の副腎の組織像には,皮質の肥大,増生および細胞の空胞変性が認められ,とくに束状帯において著明であった.9)副腎皮質における脂質顆粒は,対照群においては,皮質全般にわたって一様に認められた.遊泳群では,わずかに球状帯に認められたのみで,束状帯および網状帯からは,ほとんど消失していた.10)以上の所見から,強制遊泳運動の負荷は,ラットに対しては強いStrcssとして作用し,疲労にともなって生ずる骨の障害は,Cortisonc過剰投与によって生ずるOstcoporosisに類似した代謝障害であって,下垂体副腎皮質系が,このMcchanismに関与することがうかがわれた.
  • 大越 伸, 北野 訓敏
    1966 年 28 巻 2 号 p. 57-61_1
    発行日: 1966/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 藤倉 孝夫
    1966 年 28 巻 2 号 p. 63-68_1
    発行日: 1966/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 藤倉 孝夫
    1966 年 28 巻 2 号 p. 69-72
    発行日: 1966/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    ブドウ球菌は,同種の菌;1朱の間ばかりでなく,Protcus,Hacmophilus,Influcnzaウイルスなど異種の微生物に対しても,培地中で増殖を促進すると,またこれらとの混合感染が,しばしば問題となってきた。本報告においては,さきに検討したレプトスピラ(以下「レ」と略す)の角びん内閉鎖系での集落形成法を応用し,ウシ乳房炎材料より分離したStaPIlylococcusaureusS9-2株のhcartinfusionbrothでの培養濾液をもちい,「レ」集落におよぼす作用につき検討した。上記のブドウ球菌株の37°C,18′~24時間培養液を SeitzEKで濾過し,無菌試験ののち,培養濾液として用いた。LePtosPirabfexaUrawa3株のKorthor培地10~14日培養原液を,0.2%tryptoscphosphatcbrothで,10~1,000集落形成単位を含むように希釈した。その0.2mlと,培養濾液1.8m1を37゜C,60分感作後,ゴム栓を施した角びん内閉鎖系で,10%正常ウサギ血清加Cox培地を用い,33°Cで培養した。形成された「レ」集落数および,集落形態を,heartfunsionbroth,および,Korthof培地感作の対照と比較したところ,150ないし170%の集落増の数加を認めた,集落形態については,いちじるしい所見は認められなかった。この作用は,ブドウ球菌の培養時間と連関して変化した。24時間培養濾液が,最も本作用がいちじるしく,48時間以降次第に減少するようであった。また,培養濾液を,56°Cで1時間加熱しても,この作用は低下することなく,1二8ないし1:16希釈までこの作用は保持されていた。またLePtosPirasemarangVc1dratS173株についても本作用を認めた。L.icterohaemorrhagiaeほか4株では,著明でなかった。
  • 渡辺 幸男
    1966 年 28 巻 2 号 p. 73-81_2
    発行日: 1966/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to cultivate in vitro equine infectious anaenaia (ERA) virus with equineleucocyte culture, it is absolutely indispensable to gain a prosperous cultrue of equineleucocytes themselves. The following experiments were performed to attain these purposes.Heparinized blood samples were collected from 13 healthy horses 1 -2 years old andemployed to remove blood plasma. Leucocytes harvested by centrifugation of the plasmawere suspended in a culture medium cornposed of media No. 199 plus 40% bovine serumand incubated at 37C. The results of leucocyte cultivation were compared among thehorses from which the cells had been collected (Tables l and 2).The results were strikingly diverse among the individuals, indicating that the culturalharvest seerned quite dependent upon individuals. In particular, more or less sufficientgrowth of leucocytes was found in only a few horses. This finding seemed to be some-what similar to the discription of Kobayashi et al.However, the interval between the initiation of growth and the cornplete fall ofdegenerated cells was [1 days at the longest. This interval of time was fairly short, as compared with that reported by Kobayashi et al., or 21 days.Such poorly grown and short-living cultures of leucocytes were ernployed to cultivateETA virus at intervals of 5 -7 days. Reversion tests were also carried out on horseswith the cultured virus. In these tests, cultivation in vitro of both strains of ETA virus, Wyoming and Goshun, was proved to be positive until the 6th passage. Judging fromthis result, the cultivated equine leucocytes were considered to have a fairly sharpsusceptibility to the virus strains.The infective titre of the virus was determined with the original and diluted (at10, 10, and TO ) suspensions of the 5th-passage culture of the Wyoming strain. As a result, only the original suspension was positive in action to the horse, which manifestedstrikingly mild clinical signs. These findings seem to indicate that the proliferation ofETA virus cultivated in poorly grown leucocyte culture is carried out at only a remark-ably low level.Furthermore, alternative passages of ERA virus were tried between tissue cultureoriginated from an equine embryo and equine leucocyte culture, but in vain. Theseresults were considered to be due to the use of poor growth of cultured leucocytes.a result, only the original suspension was positive in action to the horse, which manifestedstrikingly mild clinical signs. These findings seem to indicate that the proliferation ofETA virus cultivated in poorly grown leucocyte culture is carried out at only a remark-ably low level.Furthermore, alternative passages of ERA virus were tried between tissue cultureoriginated from an equine embryo and equine leucocyte culture, but in vain. Theseresults were considered to be due to the use of poor growth of cultured leucocytes.
  • 古川 義宣, 池田 三義, 大久保 義夫
    1966 年 28 巻 2 号 p. 83-87
    発行日: 1966/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    To determine the effect of pressure and stretching on the release of 5-hydroxy--tryptamtne (5-IIT) from the intestinal wall at the time of distension of the lumen, artexperimerrt vvas carried out with the small intestine isolo.ted frorrn a male guinea pig.When pressure and stretching were inflicted upon the intestinal wall, the release of 5-HTfrom the intestinal wall was compared with that taking place when no pressure norstretching had been placed upon the intestinal wall (control). The 5-FIT release in theexperimental group was about 2.5 tirnes as much as that in the control group. Whenpressure alone had been added to the incestinal wall there was no increase in 5-FITrelease.When intestinal segments hacl been treated with cocaine (10 g/ml) or hexamethonium(TO ?/ml)m the increase in 5-TIT release caused by the stretching of the intestinal wallwas not affectccd the rate of its increase by the cocaine arxd hexarnethoniurn treatrraentwas calculated to be 1.4 and 2.6, respectively.The results thus obtained suggest that the increase in 5-HT released frorrn theintestinal wall may be more closely related to the stretching of the intestinal wall thanthe role of the nervous system. In the experiment rnentiomted above, the intestinal wallwas subjected to higher pressure and stronger stretching thtrn those for the physiologicalintestinal movements so that the effects of pressure and stretching might be magrrifiedon the release of 5-IHT frorm the nntestinal wall. Under tTtese conditions, the intestinalmovement never appeared. Therefor"e, it was assurned that the 5-HT release rnightresult in no intestinal motility, but stimulate the existing intestixaal motility.
  • 五藤 精知, 中松 正雄, 森田 迪夫
    1966 年 28 巻 2 号 p. 89-92_1
    発行日: 1966/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Septembert 1964, two spontaneous cases of pox disease of swine were found amongpigs in Tottori Prefecture in Japan. They were examined rrnainly for pathologicalfindings of tlte sl<in.They were 3.5-month-old hybrids betvveen the Middle Yorkshire and Landracebreeds>consisting of a male and female. They had shovvn no clinical signs other thand3zspnea, which was observed just before death.Macroscopically, papules were present on the skin.Microscopicallyt thickening of the epidermis and vacuolar and reticuJar degencrattornof the prickle cells were observed in the damaged parts of the slain. In some papules, prickle cells corrtairned acidophilic inclusion bodies, and these cells of the deep layer ofthe epidermis sometimes slightly basophilic inclusion bodies, Both type of ine[ustonbodies were positive for PAS reaction, slightly positive and stained pale blue with Giernsastain, eale red with Gram stain>and nesative vviLh Sudan III stain. Furthermore, theprickle cells contained such nuclear vacuoles as observed in the case of infectnorn Withthe original swine p0X virus and as described by some authors. The eorium exhnaiteacongestion, hyperemia, edema, and cellular infiltratiotn with rneutrophtls, eosirtophils, amta[ympItocytes, and per"ivascuJar histioeytic proliferation. In the subcutis, thesechangeswere present, though they were milder than those in the coriurn. Sometimes, abscessformation, incrustation, ulceration, and regeneration were observed in the epiderrnis.In addition>localized parenchymatous myocardial degeneration, relatively severestagnation edema of the lungs, sometimes accompanied by hemorrhage, and such circu-latory disturbances in the central nervous system as hyperernia and stagnation x.vithoccasional slight hemorrhage were observed in both eases. Ulcer was fortned in the largeintestine of one case.No etiological investigation was carried out.