日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
35 巻, 5 号
  • 谷地田 俊介, 清水 亀平次, 広瀬 恒夫, 佐藤 基佳
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 357-365
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鈴木 直義, / / , Paul JANSSEN, R. VISWANATHAN
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 367-376
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 末永 義圓
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 377-387_2
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the morphological changes of the skull of the Yezo brown bear (Ursus arctosyezoensis Lyd.) showing growth with postnatal development were observed the abrasionpatterns of teeth. And the relative growth between the abrasion patterns of teeth and the obliteration patterns of suurae to the basilar skull length (B-P) was analyzed statis-tically.The materials used in this study were 52 skulls (34 male and 18 female) which hadbeen described in the previous part of the present series (Table I).The abrasion degrees of teeth were determined by the method employed by MARTINand SALLER (Table 2).The local gradation of abrasion was recognized in both male and female upperincisors, but not in the lower incisors.Of the upper incisors, the first incisor was the first to show abrasion and followedby the second and the third incisor in this order with this regard.The relative advance in abrasion pattern of the upper incisor to the basilar skulllength (B-P) was showen by diphasic allometry with one critical point on the growtltcurve (Fig. 5). The position of the critical point on the growth curve was found atabout 285 mm in the male skull and at about 250 mm in the female skull by B-P. Inthe front of the point, the formula of growth curve was y:::0.12x -20.07 for the maleany y::: -0.0lx-[-13 for the female. In the backward of the point, it was y::0.63x -164.79for the male and y:O.87x -206.40 for the female.The relative advance in obliteration pattern of fifteen suturae and synchondroses tothe basilar skull length was also shown by diphasic allometry with one critical point onthe growtlx curve (Fig. 6).Tlte position of the critical point was found at about 290 mm in the male and atabout 260 rnm in the female.In the front of the point, the formula of the growth curve was y:O.O6x -4.87 for themale and y: -0.05x-[23 for the female. In the backward of the point, the formula wasy:J.24x -359.14 for the male and y:l.48x -375.70 for the female.An individual variation was noticed in the front of the critical point among thefemale skulls.The abrasion of teeth and the obliteration of suturae and synchondroses seemed tobe enhanced rapidly in the late stage when there was an increase in the basilar skulllength.It is reasonable to consider it an effective method for studying the indivi
  • 渡辺 徹, 白 泳基
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 389-401_8
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Tlae gross anatomy of connections and distributions of llexus celiacus and Plexusmesentericus cranialis, and their relations to the splanchnic nerves in the fowl weredescribed and illustrated in detail on the basis of studies on 26 cases of macroscopicaldissection. Discussion was made at full length on the nomenclatures appearing in litera-ture and on tltose adopting in the present paper. The results obtained are shown inTable I. l-lae following findings warrant emphasis.The thoracic sympathetic nervous system is generally represented by seven pairs of ganglia and two trunks, Rami interganglionares and Rami interganglionares accessorii.The Nn. splanchnici majores arise from tlte second to tlxe fifth tltoracic ganglia and rundownward to the turning point of tlte celiac artery derived from the abdominal aorta(Table 2). They form some small ganglia, Ganglia celiaca, there. Nerves originated fromtlaese ganglia, collectively called the Plexus celiacus, are accompanied by the celiac artery.The plexus receives some anastomosing branches, collectively called the Plexus celiacusaccessorius, from Ganglia suprarenalia cranialia and Plexus mesentericus cranialis at eachlevel of the turning point of the right glandular gastric artery and the distal point ofthe caudal splenic artery. The Plexus celiacus extends along the branches of the celiacartery to form Plexus gastrici, Plexus lienalis, Plexus hepaticus, and Plexus pancreati-coduodenalis. The N. intestinalis anastomoses with the Plexus pancreaticoduodenalisnear the opening of the pancreatic duct.The N. vagus anastomoses with the Plexus gastrici at an intermediate level betweenthe glandular and the muscular stomach. Some peripheral branches of the N. vagussupply the liver along the left hepatic artery, while they are distributed in the muscularstomach. A part of the Plexus celiacus extends to the ileum and cecum along the cranialileocecal artery.Nerves from the fifth to the seventh thoracic ganglia and from the first lumbosacralganglion form the Nn. splanchnici minores (Table 2). These, nerves gather togetheraround the adrenal and form the Ganglia suprarenalia cranialia and caudalia. There areanastomosing branches between the Nn. splanchnici majores and minores. The Plexusceliacus accessorius arises from the Ganglia suprarenalia cranialia. Some nerves originatedfrom the Ganglia suprarenalia caudalia become the Plexus aorticus around the abdominalaorta. Other nerves from these ganglia form other ganglia; that is, the Ganglia mesentericacranialia located on the lateral surface of the caudal vena cava. The Plexus mesenteric
  • 宮木 孝昌
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 403-410_5
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The distribution of blood vessels and bile ducts of the liver was studied with celluloid-acetone and acrylic resin cast preparations. The riglnt hepatic hilus is composed of theright portal vein, the right hepatic artery, the Ductus hepatoentericus, autd the Ductushepatocysticus. The left hepatic hilus consists of the left portal vein and the left hepaticartery (Fig.lB). The small Robe is located between the right and the left lobe. Theventral portion of the left lobe is subdivided into the lateral and medial portions (Figs. IAand JB).The Venae laepaticae consist of the Vena ltepatica dextra coming out of tlae rightRobe and the Vena hepatica sinistra collecting the Ramus lateralis lobi sinistri, the Ramusmedialis lobi sinistri, the Ramus dorsalis lobi sinistri, and a branch coming out tlae smallRobe. Tlae small Vena laepatica accessoria enters tlte Vena cava separately, as shown inFig. 4. The umbilical vein (black; arrow in Figs. IA and 4).flows into tlte Vena hepaticasinistra witltout supplying tlte left Robe (Figs. IA and 4). Tl?e Venae portae hepaticae consist of the Vena portae dextra and sinistra. Theformer branches iutto the Truncus dexter and the Truncus sinister near the right hepatichilus, and supplies each lobe. The latter communicates with the Ramus lateralis lobisinistri of the Truncus sinister and supplies the lateral portion of the left lobe (Fig. 6).The Arteria hepatica dextra supplies the right lobe and the Arteria hepatica sinistratire left lobe. Both arteries are connected with each other by the Ramus communicanswhich runs along the left trunk of the portal vein (Fig. 8).The Ductuli biliferi dextri collect bite ducts from the right lobe and the Ductulibiliferi sinistri from the left lobe. The former communicate with the latter to form theDuctus hepatoentericus, which opens into the duodenum. The Ductus hepatocysticuswhicla branches from the right bite duct enters the gallbladder, from which the Ductuscysticoentericus originates and opens into the duodenum (Figs, 3 and 10).The variation in the ramification of blood vessels and bite ducts is described andillustrated (Figs. 5, 7A, 7B, 9A, 9B, IIA, and IIB).
  • 輿水 馨, 児玉 義勝, 尾形 学, 木野 津南夫, 三百田 聡視, 三村 二雄
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 411-418
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 坪倉 操, 大槻 公一, 板垣 啓三郎
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 419-424
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 新林 公一, 米村 寿男, 出口 宣夫, 中村 正詞
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 425-432
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 徳力 幹彦
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 433-446_2
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    四足獣の歩行運動の研究は,19世紀以来科学的に研究されてきているが,ほとんど解明されていないというのが現状である.今回著者は,キネジオロジーの立場から,この問題の解明を試みた.1.完全に訓練したエアデール犬に, トレッドミルにより,60m/min.の常歩運動walkを賦課し,(1)50種類の骨格筋の筋電図,(2)16mmシネカメラによる1完歩の連続引伸ばし印画,(3>引伸ばしフィルム上で計測した13カ所の傾斜角および関節角のダイアグラム,および(4)サイクログラムの4種類の方法を用いて,當歩運動における個々の筋の働き方,四肢関節周囲筋の協同運動および前後肢の働き方の相違などについて論議した.2.躯幹と肩帯を結ぶ筋の多くは,スタンス期に抗重力的に活動する.3.上腕三頭筋(M.tricepsbrachii)の長頭(caput10ngum)が,外側頭(caputlateralc)および内側頭(caputmediale)と筋の活動位相を異にするのは,それが2関節性筋のためである.長頭はスイング期に肘関節の伸筋として,外側頭および内側頭はスタンス期に肘関節の固定筋として活動する.膝関節における2関節性筋である大腿直筋(M.rcctusfemoris>と外側広筋(M. Vastuslatcra11s)および内側.広筋(M.vastusmedia11s)のあいだにも同様の現象がみられる.なお,上腕二頭筋(M,bicepsbrachii)は,スタンス期に活動を持続するので,スタンス期における肘関節は,両側性に固定されることになる.4.前肢の筋の活動様式は,後肢のそれに比べるとはるかに複雑である.これは,前肢がpropel-1crとしての働きよりも,balanccrとしての働きがより強いことを示している.5.後肢には,スイング期後期からスタンス期前期にかけて活動する筋が多い.前肢では,重心線からもっとも離れた位置に肢端が着地するので,着地から負重までに免重期間が存在し,その間に,賦課に対応する支柱としての構築を組み上げればよい.これに対して,後肢では,重心線にもっとも近い位置に肢端が着地するので,着地と同時に負重に対処しなければならぬから,すでにスイング期後期に,賦課に対応する構築を作っているためである.
  • 大槻 公一, 坪倉 操, 板垣 啓三郎, 平井 克哉, 和 秀雄
    1973 年 35 巻 5 号 p. 447-448
    発行日: 1973/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー