The upper molar morphology of an enigmatic indeterminate artiodactyl (Mammalia), Artiodactyla indeterminate 1 (Tsubamoto et al., 2005, Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 50, 117-138), from the middle Eocene Pondaung Formation of Myanmar is described in detail and is compared with an enigmatic artiodactyl Aksyiria from the middle Eocene of Kazakhstan. This upper molar is characterized by bunodont cusps, a square occlusal outline, a hypocone, non-selenodont conules, a parastyle, and a straight ectoloph. This indeterminate artiodactyl is distinct from Aksyiria at the genus level in having a stronger parastyle, a large hypocone, non-selenodont conules without link to the cingulum, and a more mesially located protocone, and in being much larger. Although it represents a new genus and species because of its unique upper molar morphology, new taxa are not established here because of the scarcity and heavily damaged nature of the material.