Online ISSN : 1883-6135
Print ISSN : 0023-1908
ISSN-L : 0023-1908
1 巻, 3-4 号
  • 町田 都乎
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 67-69
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    On the phasic contraction of the uterus of the nonpregnant rabbit already reported many authors. But as for the contraction of the vagina, little is known.
    It is reasonably assumed, when ve consider the anatomical relation of the uterus and vagina and their mechanism, that some similar movement must occur to the vagina as to the uterus. Therefore the author intended to inquire into the contraction, if any, and to compare it with that of uterus.
    A balloon of proper size made of thin elastic rubber was put deep into the vagina from the introitus vaginae or the canal on the abdominal wall specially prepared for the purpose. If the balloon is expanded previously with adequate pressure, the change of its volume due to contraction of the vagina is recorded by means of the optical lever on the bromide paper.
    The contraction curve shows in most cases relatively regular phasic contraction, having one or one and half cycle per minute. But in some cases after 7-15 days experiments (one or two hours a day), groups of several contractions appeared, and between the e were observed only small or no contraction. These groups occurred roughly once in 5-10 minutes. This state of contraction is similar to that of uterus, which is observed on the rabbit administered with follicular hormone.
    From those results, it is concluded that the vagina of a non-pregnant rabbit has phasic contraction, which varies according to conditions.
  • 川田 深太郎, 眞中 はるゑ
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 70-72
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    眞中は家兎の腹壁に子宮瘻を作り之より子宮内に氣球を挿入して子宮運動の研究を行つていた際, 偶々週余に亘つて實驗を休止した際瘻孔が閉鎖したので之を開腹, 子宮の状態を觀察する機會を得たが共の際子宮は丁度妊娠子宮の如き有様を呈しているのを發見した.其の原因を按するに瘻孔閉鎖のため子宮内に分泌物等が蓄積しその内壓の増加によつて斯る變化が生じたものと思われる.即ち徐々に増加する内壓を子宮内腔より作用させれば子宮の擴大を起し得られるであろうことを豫想し之を實驗的に確めるため本研究を始めたのである,
  • 山添 三郎, 由上 修三
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 73-84
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have studied on the morning alkaline tide in the urine collected at the intervals or one hour. The pH, potassium and chloride were analyzed in the same urine specimens and the relatioaship between them were discussed. The results were as follows.
    1. The morning alkaline tide took place even when the subject stayed awake all night. This seems to indicate that the morning alkaline tide is not necessarily caused by waking up, namely the rhythmic activity of the respiration center has its own rhythm independent of sleep or waking up.
    2. The morning alkaline tide was observed generally associated with th e increased rate of excretion of urine, potassium and chloride, we confirmed the statement of Kobayashi who recently demonstrated that the excretion of urinary potassium varies inversely as the acid output.
    3. The time of beginning of the morning alkaline tide and the increase of potassium exretiou did not always coincide. This seems to suggest the increased rate of potassium excretion i; caused partly by the acceleration of renal glonerular filtration.
    4. when the subject took breakfast At after the morning alkaline tide had occurred the reaction of urine changed to the acide after about (acid tide) even in a hyperacidic individual, and thereafter turned to the alkaline side. If he did so prior to the occurreace of the morning alkaline tide the pH of urine did not decrease appreciably, and sooner or later begins to increase (alkaline tide). But even in the latter case titrable acid output per unit of time showed often slight increse in the urine specimen collected in about 30 minutes after the breakfast.
  • 山添 三郎, 関本 博
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 88-93
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    山添はこれまでにDonaggio反應を半ば定量的に改良した方法 (9) を用いて尿膠質に關する種々の研究を行つて來た.この方法は尿膠質の保護作用を利用したもので, 膠質そのものの絶對量を測定するものではないが, 適當な尿膠質測定法のない現状においては, 膠質量の相對的測定法として一應の實用價値を有するものと信ずる.
    さて尿膠質排泄量の日変動についてはまだ充分な研究がない.古くDonnanおよびDonnan (1) は尿の表面張力が朝の尿において低いことを見て, 甚だ興味ある問題であるがその理由は不明であるとしており, その後尿の表面張力と膠質濃度との關係が明かとなつてからの研究としてWohlgemuthおよびKoga (2) は早朝空腹時の尿は朝食後の尿に比して膠質濃度が高いことを認めた.しかし適當な尿膠質測定法がないために, この問題は特別の檢討をうけることなく今日に至つたように思われる.山添 (8) の研究によればWohlgemuth等の結論は必ずしも正しくない.またわれわれが以下に論ずるのは単位時間當りの膠質排泄量であつて膠質濃度ではない.
    朝起床後の尿に認められる諸種の物質の排泄増加は一般に “tide” (例えばchloridetide, alkaline tide, potsssium tide) と呼ばれているが, それは從來の研究方法が普通に睡眠時の尿と起床後の尿について比較しているために起床後に認められたに過ぎず, 起床あるいは覺醒と直接の關連はないものの如くである.われわれは尿膠質の排泄量が同様な変化を示すことを認めたので, 習慣に從つてこれを “膠潮” (motningcolloid tide) と呼ぶことを提唱するが, こは必ずしも起床あるいは覺醒によつて起るものではない.以下膠潮の發現およびその原因に關するわれわれの研究成績をのべる.
  • 宮本 晴夫, 赤眞 清人, 森田 悦子
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 94-98
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previously we observed the influences of the positive and negative colloidal substances upon the hemolysis, and remarked an interesting fact that the negative colloid ion inhibits the hemolysis and the equivalent positive colloid ion reactivates it. We made further research into the mechanism of this reaction and clarified that the inhibitory action of the negative colloid ion affects neither the hemolysis nor red blood cells but inactivates the complement reaction.
    In the present experiment the complement wa fractioateb by treatments such as introduction of CO2, heating at 56°C for 30 minutes, adding of yeast and NH4OH, and absorption by sensitized red cells. And we investigated which of the complement's 4 components is affected by the anticomplement reaction of potassium salt of polyvinyl alcohol sulphate as negative colloid ion, making it clear that the salt inhibits the combinations of the mid-piece and end-piece with the sensitized red cells hut that it has no effect upon the 3rd and 4th components.
  • 特に耳下腺, 顎下腺について
    二宮 貞雄
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 99-103
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since June, 1950 we have extracted and examined parotid and madibular glands from 15 cases of rabic clogs which occurred in Gurnma-ken, with the following results :
    (1) On parotid glands no remarkable degeneration or inflammatory changes were observed. There was generally noted atrophy.
    (2) On mandibular glands were observed interstitial inflammation with strong degeneration of eipthelium.
    (3) Interestitial inflammation developed diffusely or in scattered focuses and consisted in cell infiltration chiefly of lymphocytes, plasma cells and of some histiocytes. This reaction form is same as was observed on inflammatory focuses in the tissue of other organs of rabic dogs.
    (4) As for degenerative focuses were noted pictures of various stages ranging from vacuole and karyorrhexis to destruction of cellbodies.
    (5) The relation between the degeneration and interstitial inflammation of the mandibular glands cannot be said the sequence of the latter to the former as was reported by Orth, Gruber et al. We would rather regard it the interstitial inflammation accompanied by degeneration.
    (6) Negri's bodies could not be demonstrated.
    (7) We could not explain the cause of the remarkable difference in pathologic changes between the parotid and mandibular glands.
  • 岡田 正次郎, 田尻 哲夫
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 104-107
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    肺炎双球菌の胆汗溶解性は肺炎双球菌に特異な現象として既に知られているが, この感受性の高い菌を胆汁の入つたブイヨンに培養し, 胆汁の低濃度より次第に高濃度のものへ植えつぐと胆汁に耐性な変異株をうることが出來る.
    田尻は先に肺炎双球菌I型, II型, III型を用いて以上の方法により10%の割合に牛胆汁を含むブイヨンに發育し得る耐性株をつくり, 異性型物質より見た抗原構造上に原株と耐性株との間に著明な変化の起きることを明らかにした.
    又一方, 肺炎双球菌はペニシリンに對しても胆汗の場合と同様の方法によりペニシリン耐性株に変異するのであるが.このペニシリン耐性株の生物學的並に免疫學的性状については既に河野, 芳村, 中村等の報告がある.
    われわれは, 牛胆汁並にペニシリンに對してかなり高度の耐性株について, その生物學的性状特に糖分解能の変化, 及び牛胆汁並にペニシリン耐性株の相互間の感受性等について調べたので茲に報告する.
  • 松山 達夫
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 108-115
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    In construction of Gumma Ohashi (Gumma Grand Bridge) 5 caissons were used which reached the depth of 20 meters. And by the completion of one pier 20 cases of caisson diseases ocurred. 75.5% of the patients fell illl within 30 minutes after their leaving the caisson. Chief symptom was bends. Many were affected on the left knees because of Japanese custom to put strength into the left legs when they use seoops. Pressure under which the cares occurred was 19, 0#-29. 5#. The work was performed in three shifts a day, and most of the cases (60.6%) occurred in the 3rd shift (Oh a. m. -8h a. m.), and 65. 6% of the patients were extra hands. The patients were all recovered by recompression in hospital lock.
    To see the influences of high pressure upon human bodies we made blood examination with 9 nrinanalysis with 22 of those who engaged in the work. Andfurther with hospital loek we made experimentally develop caisson diseasse on guinea pigs. The results of blood examination were : decrease of erythrocytes, leucocytes and hemoglobin after 8 hours under the pressure of 10#-20. 5#. The result on guinea pig : decline of specific gravity of blood and serum (by copper slfate method) and hydremia were revealed.
    In the urine of all cases under the pressure of 32# were clearly observed beer-like bubbles. After 8 hour pressure of 14# albuminuria developed 20. 6% There are supposed due to bubbles generated in renal capillaries. With those who worked-8 hours under high pressure the Donnaggio reaction (by Yamazoe method) showed a little rise, but it is not reliable because only a few ca-es were available.
  • 布施 貞夫, 八木 一郎, 吉田 英二
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 116-118
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    To a patient of dysentery with soor was administered aureomycin internally and in troch. The dosage : 500 mg. per 6 hours totalling 4 g and 2 troches per 2 hours totalling 72 troches, both administered simultaneously. The result : After 28 hours disappeared most of the white patches, and after 48 hours no spur was noted. The effct was more evident than by any other therapies hitherto applied to this disease. The authenticity of the soor in this case was demonstrated bacteriologically. We have had no report of effectiveness of aureomycin upon the soor in Japan.
  • 宇津野 榮男
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 119-121
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since June 1949, we have ued a new method of artificial abortion (Shimizu's method) for 73 cases of pregnancy. The method and results are summarized as follows.
    Method : 50 to 250cc of physiological saline is injected into between the uterine wall and membrane with Nelaton catheter. At the 4-5th month of pregnancy chininum hydrocloricum and pituitrin are administered 4-5 hours prior to this operation so that the uterus may be sensitized.
    Results :
    (1) This method is simple and especially successful in the second half of pregnancy. We succeeded in 83.5 per cent of all 73 cases.
    (2) In cases of toxemia and nephropathia, use of glucose and magnecium sulfate is recommended instead of physiological saline.
    (3) Even when this method is without success in the first half of pregnancy, dilation of cervix and curettage are performed very easily.
    (4) There is no damage to fetus and mother.
  • 第2編聴空間の測定 (B) 動的測定 (第1報)
    桂 保平
    1951 年 1 巻 3-4 号 p. 126-139
    発行日: 1952/02/15
    公開日: 2010/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    We experience a sport-like sound image corresponding to a line-or a plane-shaped sound sources. Searching for the relationship of this phenomenon to the direction perception, the author established the following.
    When a point-shaped sound source is in a circular motion at various speeds in a frontal plane at a frontal distance of 1 meter, the sound image changes discontinuously in 6 stages with the increase of speed : (I) a circle at the lowest speed range, (II) an ellipse with reduced vertical axes, (III) an ellipse with redused vertical and horizontal axes, (IV) two glittering points right and left, (V) linear motion between two points, (IV) a fixed point. With variation in the direction or the distance of the sound source or the kind of the motion, various characteristic features are observed.
    The mono-and bin-aural sound images are quite similar on the side, but unlike in other directions. The qualitative different sound images are heared monoanraly according to whether the sound source takes place in front, on the side, at the back or on the upside, and binauraly according to whether it takes place in front, at the back or on the upside. The feature of the binaural sound image seemes to be that the monoaural ones are modified chiefly by the function of the association and commisure paths in the cortex of the brain. When a sound source is in a circular motion in the horizontal plane around the head, there is a stage that the direction of the motion of the sound image becomes reverse. Perhaps itchiefly depends on the relation between the angular velocity and the speed of sound. There is the time required to perceive the direction. About the various characteristic features of the sound images a concept of the subjective coordinates is a subject for consideration.