Online ISSN : 1883-6135
Print ISSN : 0023-1908
ISSN-L : 0023-1908
24 巻, 1 号
  • 岸 紘一郎
    1974 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 1-10
    発行日: 1974/01/01
    公開日: 2010/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is clarified that there are common antigenicities between somatic antigens of Escherichia coli 2B-V, O6 and O86 and human blood group antigens H, A, and B respectively. On the other hand, the presence of any E. coli somatic antigen and blood group-active antigen was not detected in E. coli K-12 sublines.
    An Hfr his+ strain from E. coli K-12 was crossed with smooth E. coli his- recipient 2B-V, O6, and O86. Most of the his+ recombinants which received the E. coli K-12 his+ genes were phenotypically rough. This finding suggests that defective E. coli K-12 rfb genes had replaced the functional rfb+ genes of the smooth recipients. Also these recombinants were lost the somatic antigen and blood group-active antigen of respective recipient. In the reversed cross of a his+ strain of E. coli donor 2B-V, O6, and O86 with an E. coli K-12 his- recipient, most recombinants which received the his+ (rfb) genes were smooth and expressed a somatic antigen and blood group-active antigen of the respective donor strain, indicating that the parental E. coli K-12 has the capacity to attach E. coli 2B-V-, O6- or O86- specific repeating units. It is concluded that in E. coli the genes for somatic antigen and blood group-active antigen biosynthesis in strains of 2B-V, O6, and O86 are near his locus.
  • その2嗅覚経路傷害のニオイの識別に及ぼす影響
    梅沢 久男
    1974 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 11-20
    発行日: 1974/01/01
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    ラットがナラマイシンを忌避する習性をもつのを利用してこれをニオイと組合せて条件づけ, 外嗅索, 前交連前肢, 嗅球のニオイの識別に果す役割の大きさを比較した.ニオイとしてはAmoore (1962) の分類に基づき樟脳臭4種類, 薄荷臭4種類, また Allen (1937) の分類に従い嗅神経のみを刺激するニオイを3種類, 三叉神経と嗅神経の両方を刺激するニオイを3種類用いた.ラットは正常群の他に外嗅索切断 (LOT cut) 群, 前交連前肢切断 (AC cut) 群, 外嗅索と前交連前肢の切断 (AC + LOT cut) 群, 嗅球除去 (OB out) 群の5群を作りニオイを識別させた.
    1.通常の水道水と0.02%のナラマイシン 2 滴を加えた水道水はどの群のラットも識別の成功率は 60% 前後で差はなかった.従ってナラマイシン自体のニオイは識別に関与しないと結論した.
    2. Anise (10-6%) と Camphor (10-4%) の濃度を稀釈してゆくとき識別の成功率は各群とも次第に低下した. Anise が 10-8% 以下, Camphor が 10-6% 以下となると LOT と AC の識別能力には差がなくなった.また前者が 10-12%, 後者が 10-10% となると正常群と AC cut 群, または AC + LOT 群との問に識別能力の差は見られなくなった.しかし LOT + AC cut群と OB out 群との間には尚識別能力に差が認められた.
    3. dl-Camphor (10-3%) にナラマイシンを添加し他の8臭との識別を行わせた所ひとつの例外を除き正常群に比して AC 切断, LOT 切断, AC + LOT 切断の順に成功率は低下し, さらに OB 除去群では最低となり偶然率の50%に近い値も得られた.従ってラットのニオイ識別能力は一般に外嗅索の方が前交連前肢より大きいことが証明された.
    4. 嗅球除去群について酢酸など三叉神経刺激臭とそうでないものとの間に識別能力を比較し明白な差が認められ (表4), ニオイの識別に副嗅覚神経のかなりの寄与が証明された.
    5. 外嗅索と前交連前肢の両方を切断した群とOBを除去した群との間には明白な識別力の差が認められた. そこでその原因について考察を行った.
  • 大木 舒洋
    1974 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 21-42
    発行日: 1974/01/01
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    Crude Habu snake venom was injected in the femoral muscle of mice and the ultrastructures of the microvessels in the lesions were examined by electoron microscopy. Most of the vessels encountered between the damaged muscle cells were capillaries, partially containing postcapillary venules. The results were as follows.
    1. There were various injuries of the endothelial cells, such as formation of villous projections and intravascular blebs from cells, degeneration of cellular organelles, especially decrease and disappearance of pinocytotic vesicles, swelling, darkning and thinning of cells, formation of endothelial gaps and celullar necrosis.
    2. The fluffy changes, discontinuities and deficiency of the basement membrane were observed.
    3. The hemorrhage by Habu snake venom were occured by discontinuities of both the endothelium and the underlining basement membrane.
    4. It is considered that the increasing hemorrhage may be caused not only by the destruction of capillary wall, but also by the disturbance of coagulant activities.
  • (5) 新生児期 Hirschsprung 病
    松山 四郎, 長島 起久雄, 鈴木 則夫, 最上 健治, 松島 正視, 渡部 岩吉
    1974 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 43-46
    発行日: 1974/01/01
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case of neonatal Hirschsprung's disease in a 25-day-old female infant was presented. She had passed her first meconium stool about 48 hours after the normal delivery. Since then, the bowels had moved only every two or three days. She became distended on 21st day of life and began to vomit on 23rd day of life. The abdominal scout film revealed distended loops of small as well as large bowel with air-fluid levels and situs inversus totalis (Fig. 1).
    A gstrografin enema examination demonstrated a normal calibered rectum and dilated sigmoid and descending colon. There was a distinct caliber difference at the recto-sigmoid junction and spastic irregular bizarre contour changes were seen in the rectum (Fig. 2).
    Enemas failed to decompress and the emergency transverse colostomy was made. Her postoperative course was uneventful.
  • 高橋 滋, 横井 晋, 市川 英彦
    1974 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 47-56
    発行日: 1974/01/01
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    Clinical and neuropathological studies of a sporadic case of sudanophilic leucodystrophy are reported here.
    The patient, 48 years old housewife, developed dementia and spastic paraplegia at the age of 45. Her mental and neurological status became worse and finally she fell into decerebrated rigidity or akinetic mutism. General weakness was superimposed and she died after a total clinical course of 3 years and 9 months.
    Brain weighed 910 gm and was very atrophic in general appearence. Neuropathologically the diffuse demyelination was observed symmetrically, bilaterally in the cerebral white matter, mostly intense in the frontal lobe. Cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord were only slightly demyelinated, except for the secondary degeneration of the pyramidal tracts. But pons was partly demyelinated in ascending tracts.
    In the demyelinated foci, there was no perivascular inflammatory cell infiltratio but numerous lipid droplets which were stained reddish with Sudan III, were found. The transportation of the myelin breakdown products was retarded. The myelin breakdown products consisted of neutral fat, cholesterol ester and prelipid. The prelipid did not show a metachromasia with acetic acid cresyl-violet (Hirsch-Peiffer) staining and acriflavin reaction was also negative.
    Some of the granular cells and glial cells contained lipopigments which showed a yellow color and a positive iron reaction and most of them were found in the frontal lobe.
    Gliosis was relatively slight in the deep part of the cerebral white matter because of loss of glial cell. In some areas i.e. cortico-medullary junction where there was slight loss of myelin sheaths, a striking proliferation of glial fibers occurred.
    In the middle layer of the cerebral cortex, there were indistinctly limited demyelinated foci accompanied by the spongious state, where loss and shrinkage of nerve cells were found. There was myelin-axonal dissociation in the demyelinated foci and surviving axons were swollen.
    Neuropathologically and histochemically, this case was diagnosed as Sudanophilic leucodystrophy of simple form of Hallervorden, van Bogaert-Nyssen type.
  • 小川 栄一, 鈴木 史郎, 都築 博, 川尻 睦子, 鬼頭 寛和
    1974 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 57-64
    発行日: 1974/01/01
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    203Hg-phenylmercury acetate (203Hg-PMA) was given to mice, and its retention, excretion and distribution were investigated. Furthermore various drugs were examined for 203Hg-expelling effect.
    1. Retention : the retention after the s.c., i.p. and p.o. administration were daily explored. The biological half-life was short, about 1-2 days in all cases.
    2. Excretion : The daily excretion was usually high in feces and low in urine.
    3. Distribution : The radioactivity after i.p. administration was highest in the kidney already at 1 hour, and attained the peak at 4 hours. At 1 hour, next in order were the pancreas, blood, liver, spleen, brain successively. At 24 hours, the liver exceeded pancreas.
    The subcellular distribution of 203Hg-PMA in the liver and kidney 24 hours after i.p. administration was greater in the supernatant fraction in both organs than the other fractions.
    4. Effects of administration of various drugs : In 3 day experiments on the whole-body retention of 203Hg-PMA was decreased by BAL only. L-CySH·Gly., EDTA, ZnSO4 were often found to increase 203Hg retention. BAL decreased 203Hg activity among the kidney, liver, pancreas, spleen, blood, but it significantly increase only the cerebral concentration of 203Hg. 2-Mercaptopropionyl glycine decreased 203Hg concentration in the pancrease and spleen in the experiment after i.p. administration of 203Hg-PMA, and in the kidney in experiment after oral administration of203Hg-PMA.
    5. Effect of starvation : The fecal excretion of 203Hg was decreased and the retention of it was increased by the starvation, and they were recovered by feeding.
  • 第7報ヒトの日本脳炎非流行年におけるウイルスの動態
    中村 忠義, 重原 進, 田中 興一, 高橋 ふみ代, 原田 賢治, 曾田 研二
    1974 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 65-70
    発行日: 1974/01/01
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    In an attempt to explore the reason of sudden decrease in number of cases of Japanese Encephalitis observed in Gunma Prefecture as well as in all Japan since 1968, ecological fild study has been carried out. Following findings have been disclosed through the study;
    1) During the period from 1959 to 1967 when the epidemics of Japanese Encephalitis were observed at the interval of every three years in Gunma Prefecture, size of epidemics tended to be possitively associated with the number of mosquitoes carrying the agent virus in the year.
    2) The fact that no patient has been confirmed in the Prefecture since 1968 may be attributed largely to remarkable decrease of mosquitoes in number which resulted in decrease in quantity of the agent virus in the vectors followed by delay in time for the virus affecting the vectors.
    3) In contrast with the years of epidemics before 1967 when the infection rate of the pig population, as measured by HI titers in serum against Japanese Encephalitis virus, had reached 100% by the August, in the non epidemic years after 1968, the infection rate did not rise to 100% until the end of observation period of the end of October.