(1) Apparently, peace-building is still our key concern in world politics. The reality is, however, that global peace has been too vulnerable to be long established. In fact, there are ample evidence on this in the international milieu. Why is “peace” so difficult to be achieved? Not only well-documented historic data, but scientific analyses of them are greatly required for answering this question. Nevertheless, it seems quite possible here to approach to the subject matter in terms of the negative side of peace.
Hence, it may be reasonable to set up a structural hypothesis; the state of war would be likely to occur if there were no any international system where conflicts between nations could be controlled and/or resolved without violent forms. This hypothesis becomes really relevant when we look at the so-called “random” structure in the present international relations.
There have been various efforts to change or transform the substance of the “random” structure in actions as well as in thoughts. International integration may clearly be a case in point. For it has undertaken to introduce the logic of integration into its rule of political behaviors. It is especially be symbolized in the politics of European Community. We shall call this a dynamics of peace which is not necessarily be found in the traditional framework of world affairs. (2) The purpose of this essay is, therefore, to theorize any form of correlation between integration and dynamics of peace, thereby attempting to explore where it can empirically be proved in behaviors of the EC. In this paper, however, it is not assumed that integration necessarily leads to peace;
vice versa. Our concern is clearly elsewhere. An analytical effort should be made toward questions of how and where dynamics of peace could be discerned in integration, and how and where it would have limitations.
To this end, we shall, first, try to argue implications of peace inherent in the behavioral rule of integration. Secondly. this calls for the analysis of relationship between integration and dynamics of peace based on the actual model of EC politics. So far as the “within-system” is concerned, the EC is highly unique in building and strengthening a peace-oriented behavior. The EC is now a mixed international system where both national and transnational actors are playing independent roles for resolving conflicted interests. As a consequence of this, an interesting dynamics is beginning to operate to fragment the tight structure of national interests. Thirdly, we shall discuss the problem of peace caused primarily by interactions between integration and non-integration systems. This point is very noticeable because the EC has recently expanded, to a greater degree, its external relations with outer systems. The latest Lomé Convention (1975) is just an example to this. This issue area has also been neglected, if not totally, in the literature of integration.
An important question is thus whether integration players would apply their behavioral rules establised within the system toward the outer world to newly create a symmetric structure. If this is the case, the EC will be likely to develope a structure of peace instead of posing a threat against peace. In order to handle this issue, much lights should be shed on the relationship between the EC and the Third World. For it has been strongly argued by some students of
peace research that the EC has more or less imposed the pattern of dominance on the Third World. We shall, finally, examine the extent to which this provocative proposition could reflect the reality of the EC.