This article traces the US policy toward the Atlantic Alliance since the end of the Cold War. The US has initiated and has led the transformation of NATO in political and military terms in order to adopt it to a changing strategic environment and to make the Alliance serve US interests.
As for military transformation, the US has promoted the enhancement of interoperability with its highly sophisticated forces and to narrow the gap between the US and NATO allies by introducing various initiatives including “Prague Capabilities Commitment, ” as well as “NATO Response Force.”
The successive US Administrations took the lead in the eastward enlargement of the alliance and of launching “out-of-area” crisis response and peace support missions in the Balkans and Afghanistan. NATO is currently training Iraq security forces on the spot and supporting the African Union's mission in Darfur.
Longstanding disagreement in the Alliance between the Atlanticist countries and France and its followers, which attaches importance to developing “autonomous” EU military capabilities, has been a structural problem. The US has been suspicious of the development of the ESDI (European Security and Defence Identity) and ESDP (European Security and Defence Policy). Besides this, the problem between Turkey and Greece has made cooperation between NATO and the EU less easy.
The US war on terror divided the US Allies. Immediately after the 9.11 attacks, NATO invoked its article five of the collective defence clause in order to help the US. However, the US did not use NATO military assets but organized a coalition of the willing, which caused disappointment and concern among its European Allies. In their view, for Americans, NATO is one of the tools and is not important. On Iraq, there were notable differences between the US and the UK on one side, and France and Germany on the other side.
Another example of differences is the “Global Partnerships” initiative. The Global Partnerships was a US initiative which would institutionalize cooperation with Japan, Australia and other democratic countries in order to cope with terrorist threats and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Some countries were concerned about “Global NATO” which might dilute the core mission of collective defence. Finally, it was not institutionalized, but bilateral cooperation with these countries was realized.
Another future difficult agenda for striking out cooperation in NATO will be the US missile defence project in Czech Republic and Poland.
Although there has emerged different positions on various issues in the Alliance, for the US, the NATO will continue to be important since its European Allies and Canada shares the same values and interests. In order to cope with terrorist threats, the US needs allies. However, the military credibility of its peace support operations in relation to terrorist threats will depend on their success in Afghanistan.