Following the polyamine analysis of glaucophytes, green algae and red algae, to propose cellular polyamine distribution catalogues of algae, polyamine components in other seven algal groups evolved by secondary and tertiary endosymbiosis were analyzed. Acid extracts from an additional 42 organisms belonging to them were newly analyzed by HPLC and HPGC-MS. The additional new polyamine data of the seven algal chlorarachniophytes (Rhizaria), euglenophytes (Excavata), haptophytes (Haptista), cryptophytes (Cryptista), dinoflagellates and chromerids (Alveolata), and heterokontophytes (Stramenopila), furthermore three protist-like cercomonads, imbricates and plasmodiophorids (Rhizaria) and the two fungal-like labyrinthulids and oomycetes (Stramenopila) were combined into our polyamine catalogues of the previous 65 organisms. In the phylum Cercorozoa of Rhizaria, chlorarachniophytes contained putrescine, norspermidine, spermidine, norspermine and spermine whereas the seven other species belonging to cercomonads, imbricates or plasmodiophorids contained putrescine and spermidine. In the phylum Euglenida, 1,3-diaminopropane, putrescine, norspermidine, spermidine, norspermine were found in most of the Eutreptiella, Cryptoglena, Euglena and Trachelomonas species, whereas norspermine was not detected in non-photosynthetic Astasia longa. Norspermidine spermidine and norspermine were distributed in the phylum Haptophyta, and norspermidine and spermidine in the phylum Cryptophyta. In the phylum Dinophyta, photosynthetic Symbiodinium, Pyrocystis, Peridinium, Glenodiniopsis and Amphidinium species and non-photosynthetic Noctiluca and Crypthecoidinium species contained ubiquitously norspermidine and norspermine, furthermore spermine and thermospermine (and caldopentamine) were found in the former two and the last species. A species of the phylum Chromerida, Chromera velia contained putrescine, norspermidine, spermidine, homospermidine, norspermine and thermospermine. In the phylum Heterokontophyta, homospermidine, penta-amines and hexa-amines in addition to algal common diamines and triamines, were distributed in most of the 12 species of diatoms including Nitzschia palea. Major polyamines of eustigmatophytes were putrescine and spermidine in the eight species and cadaverine, norspermidine, norspermine, spermine and thermospermine were sporadically distributed. A freshwater brown alga Heribaudiella fluviatilis as well as six marine brown algae (seaweeds) and a raphydophyte contained the penta-amines caldopentamine, homocaldopentamine and/or thermopentamine in addition to norspermine, spermine and/or thermospermine. Putrescine, norspermidine, spermidine, norspermine, spermine, thermospermine, caldopentamine, homocaldopentamine and thermopentamine were found in the phylum Labyrinthulomycota and the phylum Oomycota, however species-specific differences were observed in their penta-amine levels. 1,6-Diaminohexane, N-methylpolyamines and 2-hydroxypolyamines were detected sporadically in some algal species, as a minor component.
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