Online ISSN : 2759-2006
Print ISSN : 1342-4041
39 巻, 1 号
  • 坂本 光央
    2023 年 39 巻 1 号 p. 3-10
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/07/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    During the studies of two projects of the Institute for Fermentation, Osaka (IFO) and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), we isolated a large number of bacteria from the human feces and proposed 13 novel species until now. Among the novel species, there are butyrate-producing and succinate-utilizing bacteria, such as Lawsonibacter asaccharolyticus and Dialister hominis. In our studies, only strains that formed colonies on agar plate media were isolated. Recently, new isolation methods that do not rely on agar media have been developed. To understand microbe-microbe interactions, we investigated the growth behavior of co-cultured Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and succinate-utilizing bacteria, such as Phascolarctobacterium faecium and D. hominis. Co-existence with succinate-producing bacteria, such as Bacteroides, is essential for succinate-utilizing bacteria to inhabit the human gut and produce propionate. In this review, new insights into the isolation of novel microorganisms from the human gut are discussed.

  • ─駒形和男先生の研究の足跡─
    鈴木 健一朗
    2023 年 39 巻 1 号 p. 11-22
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/07/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    The great contribution of the late Prof. Kazuo Komagata to the taxonomy of coryneform bacteria is introduced. Coryneform bacteria have been defined as irregular nonsporing Gram-positive rods. Coryneform bacteria are widely distributed in, for example, animal pathogens, plant pathogens and soil habitat, and their taxonomy was in confusion. In 1958, glutamic acid-producing bacteria were found and developed for industrial amino acid production. The taxonomic position attracted attention because of a patent dispute. Prof. Komagata collected a wide variety of coryneform bacteria and studied the taxonomy using a polyphasic approach including newly introduced chemotaxonomy as well as morphological and physiological/biochemical tests and successfully classified them at the genus level. Since then, the chemotaxonomic approach, involving for example the peptidoglycan structure, menaquinone, and the cell wall acyl type, has played an important role in the progress of the taxonomy of coryneform bacteria. More recently, phylogenetic taxonomy based on 16S rRNA sequences has been used to construct the higher taxa and support the usefulness of chemotaxonomy as regards phenotypic characteristics. Harmonization of this work with that of microbiologists by sharing microbial resources to enrich the information obtained using culture collection is important for the future progress of microbial taxonomy.

  • 升屋 勇人
    2023 年 39 巻 1 号 p. 23-32
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/07/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    Japanese forests are facing serious threats linked to climate change. These threats include tree decline and mortality due to various tree pathogenic fungi, such as Grosmannia aoshimae, Dryadomyces quercivorus, Phytophthora cinnamomi and Fomitoporia spp. This review discusses their impact on Japanese forests in the context of climate change. Two species of ophiostomataceous fungi (G. aoshimae and D. quercivorus) are closely associated with the bark beetle, Polygraphus proximus, and the ambrosia beetle, Platypus quercivorus, respectively. Climate change has contributed to the abundance and/or widespread distribution of these beetles, and has resulted in the mass mortalities of Abies maresii and Quercus spp. in Japan. Phytophthora cinnamomi is well-known as a serious tree pathogen. However, it had been thought to have only a limited impact on tree species in Japan. Recently, this pathogen has been found in more northern areas of Japan and is expected to become a more serious problem. The distribution of Fomitoporia torreyae and F. punctata is determined by their respective optimum growth temperatures, and climate change will affect the distribution of these two fungal species. This suggests that tree decline and mass mortality will become more frequent. The function and mechanism of the associated pathogens and other microbes in forests should be elucidated in order to adapt to climate change and minimize their undesirable effects. In this situation, the role of culture collections and related organizations will become more important than ever.

  • ─藻類のポリアミン分析Ⅴ─
    浜名 康栄, 古地 壯光, 林 秀謙, 植村 武史, 新津 勝
    2023 年 39 巻 1 号 p. 33-40
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/07/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    藻類における細胞内ポリアミン成分構成のカタログ化のため,古色素体類(Archaeplastida)に位置する灰色藻植物門,紅藻植物門,緑藻植物門に属する新規の各2株(2種),14株(10種),27株(22種)から酸抽出したポリアミン画分を高性能液体クロマトグラフィー(HPLC)と高性能ガスクロマトグラフィー・質量分析(HPGC-MS)により追加分析した.灰色藻植物門の CyanophoraGlaucophyra はプトレスシンとスペルミジンであった.紅藻植物門では,単細胞好熱性 CyanidiumCyanidioschyzonCyanidiococcus はプトレスシン,スペルミジン,スペルミンで,Galdieria ではノルスペルミジン,ノルスペルミン,サーモスペルミンが追加.多細胞海産 Asparagopsisではホモスペルミジンとアミノプロピルホモスペルミジンなどが,多細胞淡水産 Hildenbrandia ではカルドペンタミン,サーモペンタミンなどが追加された.緑藻植物門では,CarolibrandtiaPicochlorumAuxenochlorella,葉緑体欠損 Prototheca はプトレッシン,スペルミジン.共生藻 Protodesmus にはノルスペルミジンが追加.Coccomyxa と共生藻 Asterochloris ではノルスペルミジン,ホモスペルミジン,スペルミンが追加.Graesiella と細菌食能を有する PyramimonasPterosperma ではプトレッシン,スペルミジン,ノルスペルミジン.氷雪藻 Chloromonas ではジアミノプロパン,プトレッシン,スペルミジン,ノルスペルミジン. Gymnomonas ではプトレッシンのみであった.
