The Committee of Brain Tumor Registry of Japan
Classification of Tumor Sites and Histology for the Registry
Part I General Features of Brain Tumors
1. Total Registered Number
2. Resident Area & Birth Place
3. Occupation
4. Incidence of Primary Tumors (1969-1983)
5. Age Distribution of Primary Brain Tumors
6. Age Distribution of Supra- or Infratentorial Tumors
7. Brain Tumors in Children: Age 0-14
8. Primary Brain Tumors
9. Therapy
10. Metastatic Brain Tumors
Part II Details of Brain Tumor Data
Section 1 Individual Analysis of Brain Tumors
1. Location of Tumors
2. Incidence of Tumors in Special Sites
3. Cases with Other Malignant Tumors (1969-1981)
4. Macroscopic Features
5. Performance State after Treatment
6. Pituitary Adenoma
7. Pontine Glioma
Section 2 CT Findings of Gliomas
1. Characteristics of Gliomas on CT
2. Astrocytoma (Supratentorial)
3. Astrocytoma (Infratentorial)
4. Glioblastoma (Supratentorial)
5. Supratentorial Low Grade Gliomas
6. Supratentorial Malignant Gliomas
7. CT Findings and Relative Survival Rates
Part III Results of Treatments
Computation of Relative Survival Rate
1. Relative Survival Rate
1) 10-Year Relative Survival Rate (1969-1973)
2) 10-Year Relative Survival Rate (1974-1978)
3) 5-Year Relative Survival Rate (1969-1983)
4) 5-Year Relative Survival Rate (1979-1983)
5) 5-Year Relative Survival Rate (1969-1983): Relatively Rare Tumors
2. Relative Survival Rates of Primary Brain Tumors
(Operation, Radiation, Clinical Grading)
1) Meningioma
2) Malignant Meningioma
3) Neurinoma
4) Von Recklinghausen's Disease
5) Craniopharyngioma
6) Germinoma
7) All Gliomas
8) Malignant Gliomas
9) Glioblastoma
10) Benign Gliomas
11) Astrocytoma
12) Malignant Astrocytoma
13) Medulloblastoma
14) Pontine Glioma
15) Ependymoma
16) Malignant Ependymoma
17) Oligodendroglioma
18) Malignant Oligodendroglioma
3. Relative Survival Rates by Age
1) All Gliomas
2) Glioblastoma
3) Astrocytoma
4) Malignant Astrocytoma
4. Results of Treatments for Metastatic Brain Tumors
1) Mode of Metastases
2) Clinical Grading
3) Primary Site of Cancer and Survival Rate
4) Radiation Therapy
5) Extent of Cancer and Survival Rate
6) Results of Treatments for Metastatic Brain Tumors
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