Online ISSN : 1883-6844
Print ISSN : 0002-1407
ISSN-L : 0002-1407
24 巻, 10 号
  • (第11報)深部培養に就て(増殖生理,その4)
    山崎 何惠, 里村 幸男, 山本 武彦, 藤井 久雄, 渡邊 賢一
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 443-446
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 當赤色酵母は本來その増殖速度が遅くそのGeneration Timeは6時間位である.
    2) 當赤色酵母の増殖過程には細胞が先ず蛋白質を主に合成する時代と,それに續く脂肪,多糖質物等の貯藏物を合成する時代との2時代が比較的明瞭に認められる.
    3) 當赤色酵母はその墳殖の終期に於いて供與ベプトンの約40%に相當すゐ非資化性の窒素物を殘す.
    4) 當赤色酵母の増殖には培養液のC:N=12~15:1の時が最適であり,脂肪質物30%を含む菌體が消費糖に對し約50%得られる.
    5) 窒素源としてはベプトンが最適である.アスパラギン等の場合は増殖誘導期が著しく延びるが,終局の菌體量は左程劣らない.
  • 小松 榮太郎
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 447-451
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author has isolated a fungus-like organism (RP) which grew scantily but showed inhibitory action among the colonies of Penicillum chrysogenum Q176 on a CZAPEK's agar plate. The culture filtrate of RP, besides Q176, retarded the growth of several strains of Penicilla and a strain of black Aspergilli, but had not activity against a strain of each species of Aspergillus oryzae, Rhizopus, and Mucor. Furthermore several type cultures of Aspergilli and Penicillia were tested for RP by the so-called streak plate method on koji-extract agar, It was found that all strains of Aspergillus flaves-oryzae, group, only one of the black Aspergilli, and two of Penicillia were not inhibited. Then classification of Aspergilli or Penicillia would be possible in view of their behaviors towards RP or its active substance (s). Even the strains considered as insensitive here, however, are also inhibited to a certain extent on CZAPEK's agar by RP. This fact suggests that the active substance (s) produced by RP might inhibit. the early stages of the cell-material syntheses by the above organisms from inorganic salts contained in, the medium.
    RP is willing to grow submerged in synthetic liquid media, such as CZAPEK's one, instead of surface growth, producing antifungal substance (s). Three thousand times dilution of the culture filtrate is not enough to make it inactive against a strain of black Aspergilli. The shaken culture have little advantage both on the growth of RP and on the formation of active substance (s). On the synthetic solid media, RP shows scant growth but develops deeply into the agar. RP has long and branching hyphae, of ca. 2.5 microns, having no septa. The masses of hyphae, namely the flocculent colonies, in liquid media, do not submit to lysis for a long time, and the culture broth is clear and not liable to change in reaction. Sporulation has not been definitely recognized.
    Against bactria, that is, Bacillus subtilis, Esherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus, the culture filtrate of RP is not active.
    The isolation of the active substance (s) and the more detailed study are to be reported in the following papers.
  • 肉及び肉製品の貯藏・加工に關する化學的研究第1報
    佐々木 林治郎, 藤巻 正生
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 452-455
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 住江 金之, 小崎 道雄
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 455-456
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Nitrogen fixation by Dematium pullulance is studied, using glucose as the carbon source.
    2. Nitrogen fixed per lg of glucose reached 1400mg. So that this fungus has the highest power of nitrogen fixation ever known. It is about 100 times of that of Azotobacter.
    3. The velocity of nitrogen fixation is very great.
    4. The smaller the concentration of glucose in the medium (in the range of 0.2_??_2%), the greater is the nitrogen fixation.
  • 住江 金之, 津田 國雄
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 457-459
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) The effect of chlorides (chiefly NaCl and CaCl2) to restrain multiplication of Bact. xylinum (the chief bacteria which causes turbidity of vinegar) is studied.
    (2) It multiplies when 1.75% of sodium chloride is added to Koji ext. (Ball. 7°), but does not multiply when 2% of sodium chloride is added.
    (3) It multiplies when 0.8% of sodium chloride is added to Koji ext. (containing 1% of acetic acid) but does not multiply when 1% of sodium chloride is added.
    (4) It multiplies when 0.6% of calcium chloride- is added to Koji ext. (containing 4% of acetic acid) but does not multiply when 0.8% of calcium chloride is added.
    (5) It does not multiply in Koji ext. (Ball. 3°, containing 3% of acetic acid) in the cases, when 0.2% of sodium chloride and 0.5% of calcium chloride, 0.3% of sodium chloride and 0.5% of calcium chloride, or 0.4% of sodium chloride and 4% of calcium chloride are added.
    (6) It does not multiply in Koji ext. (Ball. 3°, containing 4% of acetic aid) in the cases, when 0.1% of sodium chloride and 0.5% -of calcium chloride, 0.2% of sodium chloride and 0.5% of calcium chloride, 0.2% of sodium chloride and 0.4% of calcium chloride, or 0.3% of sodium chloride and 0.3% of calcium chloride are added.
    (7) It does not multiply in Koji ext. (Ball. 3°, containing 4.5% of acetic acid) in the cases, when 0.2% of sodium chloride and 0.3% of calcium chloride, 0. 3% of sodium chloride and 0.3% of calcium chliride, 0.4% or of sodium chloride and 0.2% of calcium chloridep are added.
  • (第1報)アリルアルコール脱水素酵素に就て
    大塚 謙一
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 460-464
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author has succeeded to isolate an alcohol dehydrogenase in the cell-free state from Escherichia coli by which allyl alcohol and 2, 3-butylene glycol are s_??_ecifically attacked, but other primary and secondary alcohols and glycerol are not. The process of allyl alcohol. dehydrogenation is as follows: CH2=CH•CH2OH-2H→CH2=CH•CHO
    The optimum pH zone lies befween 7.6 and 7.7 at 37°C. Besides, the action of a suspension of resting cells on allyl alcohol was effected by the presence of inorganic phosphate.
  • 植物ホルモン性物質の研究第4報
    三井 哲夫
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 465-470
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    A test method of growth-promoting activity based on the epinasty of tomato-plant was designed.
    A typical example of epinasty produced by an active substance was shown in Fig. 1. This example suggests that the distribution of the cells sensible to the stimulation of plant-hormone is represented by the spotted part in Fig.2 The suitable part of a tomato-plant for treatmeant with a test substance was determined from these experiments.
    Bending of a petiole was recorded by photographs every 2 or 3 hours, and then the angle cc (in Fig. 3) was measured. The mean values of these angles observed in many experiments were represented graphically (Fig. 5), where the angle and the time were shown on the ordinate and the abscissa respecively. These graphs show not only the activity of a substances but. also the change of activity caused by dilution of test substances. Correlation between activity and concentration seems to be characteristic in each substance.
    Activities of test substances are shown in Table l.
  • (第19報)麥角菌における寄生性菌核化性,及びアルカロイド生産性相互間の關係
    阿部 又三, 山野 藤吾, 高津 嘉春, 楠本 貢
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 471-476
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) Agroclavine生産種の分生胞子或は菌絲と分生胞子とにラヂウム或は紫外線を照射し,形態上諸種の特徴を示すもの多敷を含めて合900の菌株を分離した.
    2) これらの菌樵は(i).寄生性を有し,且つ菌核化性とアルカロイド生産性とを有しているもの,(ii).寄生性を有してはいるが,しかし菌核化性とアルカロイド生産性とを殆ど失っでいるもの,(ii).寄生性を失い,且つ菌核化性とアルカロイド生産性とを殆ど失つているもの,及び(iv).寄生性を失ってはいるが,しかし菌核化性とアルカロイド生産性とを有しているものの4群に類別された.
    3) 麥角菌では(i).寄生ということに關與している酵素系は菌核化に關輿している酵素系と何等直接的な關係がなく,また(ii).sphacelia1菌核化を決定づける一連酵素反應のうちの少くとも1つはアルカロイドの生産される過程に不可缺のものとなつていると推察される.
    4) ラヂウム,紫外線などのsphaceliaに對して及ぼす影響のうちには全面的に退化的な性格がある,しかしこの場合,sphaceliaは元のと異うアルカロイドを生産するには至らないようである.
  • 山西 貞, 小幡 彌太郎
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 477-479
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper, we reported that the development of the sunflavor in beer which was exposed to the sunlight was due to the reduction of diethylester of dithiodiglycolic acid (oxidized-type) to ethylester of thioglycolic acid (reduced-type) This is produced by following reaction system.
    By pursuing further our investigation in the direction of the absorption-spectra, we found that the flavin was activated by the sunlight, particularly the rays ranging from 441 to 452 mμ, and then the reaction of this system was accelerated.
  • (第3報)不飽和アルデヒド及び不飽和ケトンの合成
    小幡 彌太郎, 山西 貞
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 479-481
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have synthesized unsaturated aldehydes and ketones by condensation of the aldehydes which are known to be contained in soy, and found that the condensation product of furfural and isovaleral had soy-like flavor. On the other hand we have obtained the reaction product of crotonaldehyde and methylmercaptan whose flavor is also resembling to that of soy. We can make a very good soy flavor by mixing these two compounds.
  • Glutathioneの定量法中沃度法.沃度法中小川法藤田・沼田法の選擇及び結晶純度に就て
    黒岩 芳郎
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 482-485
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The methods for determination of glutathione (GSH) ever published were classified according to my own view as follows: Iodometric method (I), 2) Colorimetric method (II ), 3) Cadmium method, 4) Glyoxalase method, and 5) the others.
    (I) had been particularly researched and revised by many investigators, but it is not, yet settled, because various known or unknown SH contg. substances besides, GSH are present in living organisms and the other substances which consume iodine or interfere SH-determination reagents may be present. Problems in (I) are summarized as follows: 1) Indicator problems (external indicator or internal ind icator), 2) Discrepancy problems between (I) and (g ), 3) Propriety problems between direct and indirect titration, 4) Problems concerning reduction of GSSG, 5) Problems concerning oxidation of GSH, and 6) Problems concerning removement of materials which consume iodine without effecting on GSH.
    The finding of 4 factors for (I) made by OKUDA and OGAWA seemed to settle the problem. But, in 1938, OGAWA and FUJITA & NUMATA presented res . his and their own (I), which, since then, represented two different standpoints. It is the reason why I selected these two methods among them when I tried to reexamine the above problems in (I). I must show the purity of my GSH crystal which was used in my all examinations before I state my results. It is difficult to decide the purity of GSH, crystal by only one test, because the theoretical values of elementary analysis for its two types bear a close resemblance and also, its mp. indicates simultaneously its decomposition point in the case of peptide as GSH, therefore its mp. is everchanging according to heating conditions. I decided the purity of my crystal by testing 7 items shown in Table 1.
  • (第1報)たばこ花のルチン
    和田 英之助, 仁尾 正義
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 485-486
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Rutin (0.3g.) was isolated from fresh flowers of Nicotiana Tabacum L., “Bright Yellow”, (3600g., with moisture). It was identified by absorption spectrographic and paper chromatographic methods (Tables 2, 3) and mp. 185-190°. The acetate of its aglucone melted at 193°, showing no melting point depression when melted simultaneously with, quercetin pentaacetate(mp., 192-193°).
  • 稲垣 長典, 武田 〓一
    1950 年 24 巻 10 号 p. 486-488
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    2). ビタミンB1に就ては1mg%にて蒸溜水溶解のもの99°,180分加熱にてそのまゝのものは8.8%しか殘存しないが,チオ尿素1%添加のものは87.5%殘存する.酸性(N/100G酢酸溶液)の場合はそのまゝにて82.4%チオ尿素0.01%添加にて100%殘存である.又アルカリ性(N/1000苛性ソーダ溶液)の場合まそのままで99°,30分加熱にて,すでに0であるがチオ尿素1%添加にて23.3%殘存する.
    3). ビタミンB2に就ては熱と光分解に就て行つた.熱分解に對するチオ尿素の安定効果はアルカリ性にて67~68°,120分加熱ににて,そのまゝの場合は25%殘存するに反し0.1%チオ尿素添加は35%殘存する.中性の場合は98~99°,120分加熱てそのまゝでは62%,添加79%である.酸牲の場合は同じくそのまゝ82%,添加75%てこの場合はむしろ反對の結果である.
    4). 光分解に對する場合は前記熱分解に於けるよりも著しく安定効果〓ある.即ちチオ尿素添加にてそのまゝの場合の1.6倍,1%添加にて3倍の安定敷果の増加である.