Online ISSN : 1883-6844
Print ISSN : 0002-1407
ISSN-L : 0002-1407
25 巻, 10 号
  • (第7報)木材中に於けるPolyuronide hemicelluloseとligninとの關係に就ての一考察
    舘 勇, 山森 昇
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 521-525
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    ハルニレ或はブナ材ポリウロナイド・ヘミセルローズを構成するグルキュロン酸残基のCOOH基は木材中では遊離してはいないが, RITTER法或はWISE法に依つて脱リグニンするときは遊離し而もその遊離度は脱リグニン率に比例すると云う事実,並びにポリウロナイド・ヘミセルローズのアルカリ抽出は脱リグニン依つて促進されると云う事実を実験的に確認し,而してこれらの事実に基いてポリウロナイド・ヘミセルローズは木材中では或る種の手段に依つて,恐らくCOOH基での結合に依つてリグニンと化学的に密接な関係をもつものであろうと推論した
  • 植物ホルモン性物質の研究第8報
    三井 哲夫
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 526-527
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper(1) it has been reported that in 1, 4-dihydro-naphthoic acid (I) and 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydro-naphthoic acid (II) there is an extreme difference in physiological activity-between “dexter” and “laevus” component, viz. d-(I) is 100 times more active than l-(I), and l-(II) is 10 times more active than d-(II).
    In this paper the configuration of the optical antipodes of (I) and (II) was studied. When hydrogenated with PtO2 at normal temperature d-(I) yielded l-(II) and l-(I) yielded d-(II) quantitatively.
    This result of hydrogenation and previously found physiological activeness of these optical antipodes seems to support the view that the d-(I) and l-(II) (or 1-(I) and d-(II)) should have the same configuration about asymmetric carbon atom Cl (Fig. 2, α in A and a in B or β in A and β in B).
  • 小原 哲二郎, 北村 光雄
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 528-531
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    We found out the following fact as the results of our study on Shiraki (Sapium Japonicum) oil from Niigata prefecture.
    (1) Shiraki fruit contains 66% drying oil. (Iodine value 162.4).
    (2) This oil is composed of about 5.9% solid fatty acids and about 90. 6% liquid fatty acids.
    (3) The solid fatty acids consist of about 66% palmitic acid, about 24% stearic acid and about 10% fatty acids higher than stearic acid.
    (4) As the result of oxidation and bromination tests, it is clear that the liquid fatty acids consist of about 21% oleic acid, 66% linoleic acid and 9% linolneic acid.
    (5) In short, the real yields of Shiraki oil components show that it consists of about 55% linoleic acid, about 19% oleic acid, about 8%linolenic acid, about 4% palmitic acid, about 1% stearic acid and small quantities of higher saturated fatty acids.
  • (報1報)たばこ植物の螢光性物質に就て
    水上 祐一
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 531-533
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The fluorescent substance in the root of N. Tabacum var. Virginica was separated in crystalline form and identified as scopoletin, and its physical and chemical properties were investigated.
  • 林 金雄, 近藤 弘, 水野 卓
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 533-534
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Estimating the content of ashes, sugars and nitrogen in the folding sample and the flowering sample of cabbage, following results were obtained.
    (1) The ash content: The amounts of ashes contained in total body of both samples are almost equal. The content of total leaves of the flowering sample is higher than that of the folding one, while the content of total stem of the latter seems to be higher than that of the former.
    (2) The sugar content : The totalsugar content as well as the total-soluble-sugar content of the total body of both samples is equal, while the reducing-sugar content of the flowering sample is higher than that of the folding. The total-sugar, total-soluble-sugar, and reducing-sugar contents of the folding sample are higher than those of the flowering for total leaves, but the revers is the case for the total stem.
    (3) The nitrogen content: The amounts of total nitrogen, protein-nitrogen, and rkon-protein ni-trogen contained in total body, total leaves, and total stem show no great difference.
    (4) On the whole, differences of chemical constituents between the folding sample and flowering one are remarkable for upper leaves and upper stem. In the leaves more than 90 per cent of total sugar exists in soluble form, while in the stem about one half of total sugar exists in soluble form.
    (5) Carbohydrate/nitrogen ratio for the total leaves is 8.2 in the flowering, and 10.1 in the folding, while for the total stem 11.8 in the flowering, and 8.4 in the folding.
    These relations seem to offer a very interesting problem, we are looking for further researches.
  • (第3報)デハイドロアシルアセトカルボン酸の抗菌作用に就て
    並木 満夫, 中村 啓治, 林田 傅, 新川 保太郎, 中村 千重, 山本 和子, 下瀬 林太
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 535-539
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) Dehydroaceto-carboxylic acid及びdehydrobutyrylaceto-carboxylic acidの各種微生物に対する抗菌試験を行つた.
    その結果,いずれも醋酸菌,乳酸菌に対しては抗菌力を有し, dehydroacetocarboxylic acidは2×10-4, dehydro-butyrylacetocarboxylic acidは2×10-5で生育を完全に阻止した. Saccharomyces, Zygosaccharomyces, Pi-chiaにはいずれも抗菌力無く, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Aspergillusには抗菌力が弱かつた.
    2) 上記化合物の抗菌性を利用して,アルコール醗酵等の醪の汚染酸敗の防止剤としての基礎的な実験を行い酵母のアルコール醗酵には殆ど影響が無く,醋酸菌,乳酸菌等の酸生産をdehydrobutyrylacetocarboxylic acidの2×10-5の添加により抑制し得ることが判つた.
    3) 清酒火落菌に対する抗菌試験を行つた結果, dehydroacetocarboxylic acidは2×10-4で, dehydrobutyryl-acetocarboxylic acidは3×10-5で有効であつた.
    4) マウスに対する経口投与による急性毒性試験を行つた結果,最少致死量はdehydroacetic acidは1.5g/kgで最も毒性少くdehydrobutyrylacetic acidは0.5g/kg dehydrobutyrylacetocarboxylic acidは0.25g/kgであつた.
  • (第3報)清酒酵母による酒精生産に及ぼすLactolinの影響に就て
    児玉 禮次郎
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 539-543
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. In the mixed culture of S 110 (Saccharomyces Sake YABE) with A 2 (Lactolin producer), there appeared deformed cells of S 110 and the production of alcohol was made slower resulting in lower yield.
    2. It has been assumed that the appearance of deformed cells of S 110 was due to increase in aci-dity which seems to be caused by lactic acid produced by lactic acid bacteria, and that the lowering alcohol in this case was due to the deformation.
    3. Lactolin suppresses the growth of S 110 and inhibits the production of alcohol.
    4. It has been deduced that the decrease of alcohol in mixed culture is attributed to at least two factors, Lactolin and lactic acid.
  • (第5報其の1)Sporocytophaga属の分類学的研究に就て
    上田 清基, 石川 七郎, 伊丹 ツル, 朝井 勇宜
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 543-549
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • (第20報) N-D-Glucosaminideの合成
    井上 吉之, 小野寺 幸之進, 中谷 潤
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 550-552
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The procedure for the preparation of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine was investigated. Through the condensation of this compound with amino compounds in absolute alcohol in the presence of a small amount of ammonium chloride N-glycosides were synthesized.
    2. Aniline-(N-acetyl)-N-D-glucosaminide, mp. 193° (decomp.), its acetylation product, mp.167_??_8°, p-toluidine-(N-acetyl)-N-D-glucosaminide, rap. 176_??_7° (decomp.), O-toluidine-(N-acetyl)-N-D-gluco-saminide, mp. 169_??_70° (decomp.), p-anisidine-(N-acetyl)-N-n-glucosaminide, mp. 172_??_3° (decamp.), p-aminobenzoic acid-(N-acetyl)-N-D-glucosaminide, rap. 157°(decomp.) and anthranilic acid-(N-acetyl)-N-D-glucosaminide, mp. 171_??_2° (decomp.) were prepared.
    3. The N-acetyl-N-D-glucosaminides synthesized as mentioned above developed yellow color in the EHRLICH test, while N-acetyl-D-glucosamine developed red purple color. The yellow color development is the evidence for. N-glucosaminides formed.
  • (第21報) Barium HypobromiteによるChitosanの脱アミノ化
    井上 吉之, 小野寺 幸之進
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 553-556
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Chitosan, the deacetylation product of chitin, has been assumed to be a polymer of D-glucosamine, but little is yet known on its structure owing to the peculiarity of chemical behavior on deamination. It has been reported that chitosan forms free D-glucose instead of a polymer of D-glucose when treated with nitrite or nitrous acid. The examination of the conditions under which the experiments had been carried out led us to an attempt to deaminize chitosan without acid solution.
    Experiments were carried out with barium hypobromite as the deamination reagent, and it was proved that free D-glucose, not of polyhexosan, was formed as the deamination product. It may be concluded from this result that some parts, at least, of the interlinkage of D-glucosamine units in chitosan are possibly concerned with nitrogen atom.
  • (第1報) Pseudomonas属酸化細菌の形態学的及び生理学的研究
    横沢 清
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 556-562
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 著者は河水,池水其の他各種の水を採取しそれらより酸化細菌を分離し,その中から13株のPseudomonas属細菌を得た.其の中9株はPseudomonas fluorescensに属し,他の4株は色素を形成しない.
    (2) 13株の菌について形態学的及び生理学的性質を明らかにし, BERGEY(27), KLUYVER(28)の分類法によるPseudomonasの属性と一致することを認めた.
  • (第1報)赤クローバー及びオーチャードより蛋白質の單離に就て
    神立 誠, 西 宏
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 562-567
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nitrogen distribution of red clover and orchard grass by extracting with various solvents has bee determined, and proteins from these leaves has been isolated. Results obtained are as follows:
    1) 70_??_80% of leaf proteins is extractable by succesive treatments with dilute alkali and then hot alcoholic dilute alkali.
    2) Dilute alkali and hot alcoholic alkali soluble proteins have been isolated respectively, showing nitrogen contents ranging from 8.94 to 12.03%, or 13_??_14% on ash- and lipoid-free basis.
    3) Very little pentosan and hemicellulose are detected in our protein preparations, and so most of non-protein constituents are other materials. Nitrogen contents of both proteins cannot be increased by ordinary methods, that is, reprecipitation with acid and ammonium sulfate, boiling with dilute alkali and hydrochloric acid.
    4) Alkali-soluble protein from red clover was hydrolysed with concentrated hydrochloric acid and its nitrogen distribution was determined by VAN SLYKE's method.
    5) Acid-insoluble humin substance contains 3.17% nitrogen and yields 27.5% from proteins by the above acid hydrolysis. It is soluble in 0.2% NaOH, hot acid benzyl alcohol and contains methoxyl group.
  • (第1報) Micro-KJELDAHLの滴定への応用
    河野 哲郎
    1951 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 567-570
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Colpitts型新高周波分析回路を設計試作し,主として強酸,強塩基の中和反応を追跡した.
    2. HCl溶液を中和するのにN/100 Na0H溶液を使用するよりもN 100 Na2CO3溶液を使用した方が溶解したCO2の影響がなく直線的なgraphを得ることが出来る.
    3. 上記の中和点は少量のNH4Cl存在によつて影響されないから,これをmicro-KJELDAHLに利用すればよい結果を得ることが出来る.