Online ISSN : 1883-6844
Print ISSN : 0002-1407
ISSN-L : 0002-1407
26 巻, 12 号
  • (第2報)絹糸腺による蛋白質生成反応
    小出 英興, 板橋 宏子, 志村 憲助
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 607-611
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 蚕の中部絹糸腺をアミノ酸及びその他の種々の物質を含む入工培養液中にincubateして蛋白質を合成せしめ,蛋白質の生成に及ぼす各種物質の影響を比較した.
    2) 蛋白質生成の最適pHは7.8~8.5の範囲にあり, pH 8.0に於て最高値を示した.
    3) この反応は無機燐酸塩の添加で著しく促進され,又Mg++及びMn++の存在は反応に好い結果を与えた.
    4) 試験した多数の物質中蛋白質の生成を著しく促進したものは,α-keto acids (pyruvate, oxalacetate, α-ketoglutarate), lactate, ATP, pantothenic acid及びascorbic acid等であつた.
    5) 2, 4-Dinitrophenol及びNaFによつて蛋白質の生成は殆んど阻害された.
  • (第3報)蚕兒五齢中の蛋白質合成作用と燐酸代謝との関係
    板橋 宏子, 小出 英興, 志村 憲助
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 611-614
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 生体内に於る蛋白質の合成と燐酸代謝との関係を研究する為に,蚕児5齢中の体液,中部絹糸腺及び後部絹糸腺の全燐酸及び無機燐酸の変化を測定した.
    2) 体液中の全燐酸濃度は絹糸腺に於る蛋白質の合成作用と共に増大し,5齢第5, 6日目に最大値が見られた.これに対し無機燐酸は殆ど変化がなかつた.従つて蛋白質合成に伴つて変化しているのは有機熊燐酸で,このものは全燐酸の80%以上に相当している.
    3) 同様の傾向は後部糸腺に於ても見られ,10%トリクロール醋酸で沈澱する区分の燐酸が蛋白質合成反応と平行して増減した.
    4) 中部糸腺全体の1g当の全燐酸は5齢日数と共に誠少するが,之は内容物(液状絹)が蓄積することに基くもので,蚕児1匹当りの中部糸腺中の全燐酸含量は5齢第3, 4, 5日と急激に増加し,以後は殆ど変化がない.
  • 小嶋 尚夫, 遠藤 明, 古坂 澄石, 高松 千秋
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 614-617
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the studies on the production of the carotenoid pigment by the mould belonging to the genus Neurospora, a new, simple and rapid colorimetric apparatus was designed. The principle was as follows; a sample was compared with standard potassium bichromate a long solution in path comparator equipped with a special mixed color liquid filter. This gave about :four times exacter values than by ordinary comparator. (The extinction of E=0.007_??_0.0035 could be discriminated by this apparatus.)
    This method is profitable for the cases of using easily volatile solvents, of analyzing many samples, of having no accurate colorimeter, and especially of treating the samples contaminated with other coloring substance, which makes the colorimetric comparison of the sample with standard solution very hard.
    The carotenoid pigments produced by the mould were separated by the chromatography into four parts, and the ratio between carotene and others was determined.
  • (第1報の1) 日本在來種(六條種)麦汁の主醗酵に際し麦酒酵母が早期異常に凝集を起す現象に就て
    工藤 四郎
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 617-622
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • (第6報)綿實油及び罌粟油のBOUVEAULT-BLANC還元び尿素法によるセチル,オレイル,リノールアルコールの製取に就て
    益山 新六
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 622-625
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) Unsaturated-long chain fatty alcohols were prepared in good yield by the reduction of cotton-seed and poppy-seed oils with sodium and ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (Cellosolve) in toluene.
    2) These alcohols were fractionated by vacuum distillation and characterized by the deter-mination of iodine and hydroxyl values.
    3) An effective procedure is described for fractionating unsaturated higher fatty alcohols rich in oleyl and linoleyl alcohols by formation of urea adducts in methanol solution. Pure cetyi and linoleyl alcohols from cotton-seed alcohol and pure linoleyl alcohol from poppy-seed alcohol were isolated by this procedure.
  • (第5報) Galactoseより2-Ketogalactonic Acidの生成に就て
    朝井 勇宣, 相田 浩, 上野 靖博
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 625-630
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 著者の一入朝井(8)は古くGluconoacetobacter liquefaciens nov. sp.を使用し, galactoseの醗酵生産物としてgalactonic acid及びcomenic acidを見出し,又前報に於てはPs. 33Fを使用しgalactoseよりgalactonic acidの生成に就て報告したが,今回新たにPseudomonas fluorescens liq.が振盪培養に於てgalactose及びgalactonateを酸化して2-ketogalactonic acidを生成する事実を見出してこれを確認した.
    (2) Galactoseより2-ketogalactonic acidへの酸化の状況を還元力及び溶存Caの状況より観察するに一度急速にgalactoseの還元力が減少し,次に徐々に再び還元力が増大して来る.最初に於ける還元力の減少は同時に溶存Caの増大を伴い,前報に報告する如くこの時期に於てgàlactonateの生成が認められる事実及びこれに続く還元加増大の後に2-ketogalactonateが分解確認された事実よりしてgalactoseがgalactonateに酸化された後,更仁2-ketogalactonateに酸化せられるものである事は容易に想像される所である.
    (3) J. J. STUBBS等(9)はglucoseより2-ketogluconic acid及び5-ketogluconic acidの生成状況を観察し, 2-ketogluconic acid生成の場合には中途にgluconic acidが集積せられず,直ちに2-ketogluconic acidの生成が見られるが, 5-ketogluconic acidの場合には一旦glucoseがgluconateに酸化せられ, glucoseが大部分gluconateになつた後始めて5-ketogluconateへの酸化が行われる事実を認めた.これを著者等の2-ketogalactonateの生成に就て見るに,一応galactoseよりgalactonateへの酸化が行われ,galactopateが集積した後に2-ketogalactonateへの酸化が行われる点,酸化のtypeはJ. J. STUBBS等の5-ketogluconic acidの場合に比せられる. Ps. fluor. tiqによる2-ketogluconateの生成に就て池田(10)は酵素的な研究を行い, glucose酸化酵素よりもgluconate酸化酵素の方が強力である為に中間にgluconateの集積が見られぬ事を示した.然るに同じ2-ketohexonic acidの生成に於て2-ketogalactonic acid生成の場合にはむしろgluconate酸化酵素がglucoseが完全にgluconateに酸化された後に始めて活性化されると考えられている5-ketogluconate生成のtypeに属する事は興味深い.
    (4) Galactoseを基質にした場合にCaCO3の量をやや過剰に加えるとgalactonateの生成後2-ketoga-lactonateへの酸化が極めて遅く, CaCO3がやや不足で完全に溶解し, pHが若干酸性側にある時に好結果を与える事実が認められたので, Ps. fluor. liq.に就て試験した結果galactose→galactonic acidの酸化はpH 3.5~8.0に於て著しい差は無いが, galactonic acid→2-ketogalactonic acidの酸化はpH 4.4~5.2に於て速かに行われるが, pH 6.0~7.0に於ては遅く, pH 8.0に於ては殆んど行われない事を見出した.
    (6) 試験した範囲内に於てはglucoseより2-ketogluconateを生成するPseudomonasの菌株は何れもgalactoseより還元性物質の生成を認め, glucoseよりgluconateを生成する菌株に於ては還元性物質の生成は認められなかつた.これら還元性物質生成の状況は何れもPs. fluer. lig.の場合と同様であり, 2-ketoga-lactonateであると思われる.
    (7) Ps. fluor. liq.のcell suspensionによつてCa-d-gluconate, Ca-d-galactonate, K-d-xylonateより還元性物質の生成が認められたが, Ca-d-arabonateよりの選元性物質の生成は僅かであり, Ca-d-man-nonateの場合には還元力の増加は認められなかつた.
    (8) 糖の化学構造と酸化の関係に就てみるにPs. fluore. liq.はglucoseよりgluconateを経て2-keto-gluconic acidを, galactoseよりgalactonateを経て2-ketogalactonic acidを生成する事実が確認されなた.又GRAY(5)によつてPs. mildenbergiil-idonic acidより2-ketogulonic acidを生成する事実が知られている.これらの化含物はFig. 4に見る如く何れもC2,C3のOHがtrans型である.然るにcis型のd-mannonateに於てはC2の酸化が行われなかつれた.
  • (第7報) β-Methylmaltoside heptaacetateのα-formへの轉換
    井上 吉之, 小野寺 幸之進, 唐澤 郁夫, 西澤 嘉彦
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 631-634
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    α-Methylmaltoside heptaacetate, a new isomer of β-methylmaltoside heptaacetate, was prepared through the transformation-of the latter with the aid of antimony pentachloride, and, it was found that titanium tetrachloride and selenium tetrachloride were, on the contrary, not effective.
    The α-isomer was obtained in the following way. β-methylmaltoside heptaacetate was tre-ated with antimony pentachloride in chloroform solution at 20°C for about two hours. The reaction mixture was poured into ice-water, and the chloroform layer was washed with water, dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate, concentrated in vacuo, and then petroleum-ether was added. A crystalline mass separated. It was dissolved in boiling absolute alcohol, and purified by diluting alcohol concentration with water, to 50% and 30% successively, and finally recrystallized from 30% alcohol.
    The purified crystal has the melting point of 68° (uncorr.) and the [α]20D of 130.6° (chloro-form). It is concluded that the crystal obtained from β-methylmaltoside heptaacetate by the action of antimony pentachioride is the α-isomer.
  • (第15報)高級飽和脂肪酸のペーバークロマトグラフィ
    井上 吉之, 野田 万次郎
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 634-638
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Separation of longer-chain fatty acids has been attempted by reversal of the phases of paper chromatography. This was accomplished by the use of filter paper impregnated with petroleum hydrocarbon (b. p., 140_??_170°), which successfully separated the higher members of the saturated fatty acids by pairing with polar mobile phase. The most suitable solvent systems were methanol-petroleum hydrocarbon or methanol-acetone (3:1)-petroleum hydrocarbon. As the spray reagent the 0.2% solutiorrof bromocresol green in alcohbl (adjusted to blue with potassium hydroxide) was used. RF values for thirteen saturated fatty acids from butyric to behenic were determined and their variations affected by various conditions were also discussed.
  • (第3報)靜置培養における細菌發育曲線について
    松山 晃
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 638-642
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) Errors that are due to the variations between the multiplicate cultures of bacteria under the same condition distribute in the Gaussian type (Fig. 1), and their standard deviations have the trend which is shown in Fig. 2 as well as that of the errors in the mean growth of the multiplicate cultures. (2) The bacterial growth curve in the stationary phase by means of the stationary culture is seriously influenced by the ratio S/B (S: the surface area of the medium contacting with air, B: the volume of the medium). (3) Using these results, the errors of the microbiological assay by turbidimetry have been discussed. (4) The bacterial growth curves under the various conditions of the stationary culture, were examined by means of difference diagrams, in order to find whether or not they would well fit to the logistic curve y=L/[1+e-r(t-a)], and the best fitted growth to the logistic curve including the lag phase was obtained in the most suitable medium for the bacterial growth.
  • 中村 幸彦, 辻野 勇
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 642-645
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    On the acidic constituents of porpoise head oil (Phocaenoides dalli TRUE) we found the following facts:
    1. Porpoise head oil contains 29.1% of volatile fatty acids, which mainly consist of isovaleric and small amount of isolutyric, capric, palmitic and trace of caprylic acid.
    2. Nonvolatile saturated fatty acids are palmitic, lauric, myristic and stearic acid. Nonvolatile unsaturated acids are zoomaric, oleic and tetradecenoic acid. And also highly unsaturated acids are present in the higher boiling fraction.
  • (第2報)紫外線照射による生産株(A 33號麹菌)の變異
    下田 忠次郎, 島田 四郎, 杉田 脩
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 645-647
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to obtain artificially variated strains that produce Oryzacidin more than the original strain of Asp. oryzae sp. A-33, we irradiated ultra-violet ray to the conidia of A-33. Twenty mutants were obtained and we classificated them in following 5 types: 1. Restricted, 2. Extremely restricted, 3. Light yellow, 4. Yellow, 5. Nitrate nonassimilative. But, we could not obtain the strain which has higher potency than the original strain.
  • (第3報)タンク醗酵に於ける培養液成分の化學變化
    下田 忠次郎, 西脇 幸喜
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 648-650
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    We produced Oryzacidin by tank fermentation of the strain Asp. oryzae sp. A-33, and pursued the relation between Oryzacidin production and chemical changes of the media. The results are as follows.
    In the fermentation, pH of the media decreases with the consumption of sugar and N-substances by the organism, in the media, then increases sharply when sugar is almost lost and only N-substances are digested. At the time just before pH reaches to 7.0, the produc-tion of Oryzacidin become maximum. The production of Oryzacidin by tank fèrmentation is about double as compared with surface culture.
  • (第2報)クローム鞣に及ぼす陰電荷錯化合物の影響(その2)
    川村 亮, 和田 敬三, 山口 昭俊
    1952 年 26 巻 12 号 p. 650-654
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    As cationic chrome [Cr(H2O)_??_]2 (S04)3, and as anionic chrome K[Cr(C204)2(H2O)2], K3[Cr (C204)3] were synthesized and used in the following experimeuts; i.e. after making hide powders work upon the solutions of each and the mixture of both, at pH 2.0, 4.0, 4.7, quautitative determinations of chrome, fixed to the hides, were doue. In addition, chrome-ch-rowate solutious corresponding to the formula Cr[Cr(C2O4)3], [Cr(C2O4)] [Cr(C2O4)2] were prepared, the same experimeuts were carried out and the relation of quantities to the sorts of ionic charge of combined chrome were discussed vdlency.
    The quantities of anionic chromes, fixed to hides with the progress of time were different from those of cationic; i.e. they were fixed to hide within short time and no increase of chrome was seen with the progress, of time but the cationic chromes were fixed to them- gradually with the progress of time.
    The quantities of Cr2O3 to the hide at pH 4.0, when the mixed solutions of chrome were used, were more larger than in the case of solution, when only one chrome wrs used. This phenomeno seems to have been caused by the fact that the solution contained [Cr(C2O4)]+ ion produced.
    The chrome complexs were fixed to the collagen at at different pH stages according to the sorts of charge and magnitude of valency. At lower pH value, the anionic chromes were fixed to hides withe almort the same quantities regardless of complex's valency, but at hig-her pH value those chrmoes which have higher valecies were decreased in quantity and that which have lower valencies were increased in quantity.
    On the other hand, the quantities of cationic chromes were fixed to them to a very small degree at lower pH value, but they acceleratively increased in quantity at higher. This tendency was remarkable to the chrome which have high complex's.