Online ISSN : 1884-3697
Print ISSN : 0029-0343
ISSN-L : 0029-0343
55 巻, 3 号
  • 3. 鉱泥治療の有効性
    貴谷 光, 光延 文裕, 御舩 尚志, 岡崎 守宏, 谷崎 勝朗
    1992 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 127-133
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    気管支喘息に対する鉱泥湿布療法の臨床効果を明らかにする目的で, 治療前後の換気機能の比較検討を行った。気管支喘息19例 (男性7例, 女性12例) を対象とした。このうちステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息は16例であった。人形峠で採取した鉱泥を70-80℃まで加熱し, 布でくるんだ後 (40-43℃), 背中一面に湿布し, バスタオルで体をおおった状態で30分間温めた。換気機能検査は治療前および30分後に施行した。
    1. 治療前の値を100として比較検討したところ, 治療後の平均値は%FVCでは100.5±16.3で治療前後では有意の変化はみられなかったが, FEV1.0%では108.8±18.5, %V50では122.2±48.7, %V25では144.8±102.7, %PEFRでは109.7±17.7, %MMFでは117.7±53.4で, 改善傾向が観察された。
    2. 気道抵抗においては, 治療前後では有意の変化は観察されなかった。
    3. 動脈血ガス分析ではPaO2の平均値は, 治療後に改善傾向を示した。
    以上の結果から, %FVCなどにおいては変化がみられなかったが, 他のパラメーターにおいては改善傾向が観察され, 特に末梢気道を反映すると考えられる%MMF, %V50および%V25でこの傾向は著しく, 鉱泥湿布療法が小ないし細気管支領域の換気障害を改善させることが明らかにされた。
  • 4. ステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息に関する効果
    谷崎 勝朗, 貴谷 光, 岡崎 守宏, 御舩 尚志, 光延 文裕, 奥田 博之, 高取 明正, 越智 浩二, 原田 英雄
    1992 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 134-138
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    ステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息84例を対象に, 温泉療法を行い, その臨床効果について検討を加えた。なお, 温泉療法としては, 温泉プール水泳訓練, 鉱泥湿布療法, ヨードゾル吸入療法などの組み合わせがその主要なものであった。
    1. ステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息 (SDIA) 84例中64例 (76.2%) で温泉療法は有効であった。また, 有効例の平均年齢は無効例に比べやや高い傾向が見られた。
    2. 臨床病型別検討では, II. 細気管支閉塞型において最も有効率が高く (87.5%), 一方, I. 気管支攣縮型で最も低い (69.0%) 傾向が見られ, 温泉療法は, ステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息においても, 過分泌や細気管支閉塞をともなうような症例に対してその有効性が高いことが示唆された。
    3. 温泉療法により, 84例中29例 (34.5%) でステロイド剤の減量が可能であった。また, 減量し得た症例の頻度は, 31.0%-40.0%の間で, 各臨床病型間に有意の差は見られなかった。
  • lentinan との併用において
    川村 陽一, 出口 晃, 鮒田 昌貴, 亀谷 謙, 浜口 均, 川村 耕造
    1992 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 139-144
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The immunological effects of spa bathing and its influence on the systemic performance were studied in 15 patients with stomach or colon cancer who had received operations and were treated by lentinan. Ten patients were treated by spa bathing and five patients were not treated.
    Immunological performance was assessed in terms of white blood cell count, lymphocyte count, surface markers of lymphocytes, natural killer activity and immunoglobulins. There were no significant differences in immunological parameters between the bathing groups and non-bathing group of patients. The systemic performance improved in the majority of patients of the bathing group and became more aggravated in the majority of patients of the nonbathing group. The results of this study suggest that spa bathing is beneficial, not harmful, to the systemic performance of patients with cancer.
  • 観血的血行動態と予後との対比
    松崎 明廣, 小沢 優樹, 柴野 雅宏, 川村 喜太郎, 戸沢 和夫, 安藤 浩巳, 長谷川 雅一, 長山 雅俊, 藤田 良範, 片桐 敬
    1992 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 145-154
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In patients with myocardial infarction (MI), anginal attacks, reinfarctions or sudden deaths occur occasionally during or after bathing. Therefore it is important to know well about influence of bathing on cardiac function. In this study we examined hemodynamic indices by means of Swan-Ganz catheter and blood flow pattern with Doppler echocardiographic method in comparison with cardiac events (CE) during and after admission.
    Forty-nine patients with MI (mean age 58.9 years) were examined, including 14 patients with extensive anterior MI, 12 with anterior, 17 with inferior and 6 with anterior and inferior MI. Bathing was carried out at supine position in a tap water at 42°C during 5 minutes in the Hubbard tank. The patients was classified into two groups, one with CE (Group A), and the other without CE (Group B). Hemodynamic indices by means of Swan-Ganz catheter, peak velocities of blood flow (PV) at left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) and blood flow pattern at left ventricular inflow tract (LVIT) with Doppler echocardiographic method were studied in comparisons.
    Seven of 49 patients had CE (2 cases with sudden death, 2 cases with reattack of MI and 3 cases with heart failure), and 2 of theses 7 cases had CE during bathing (one with sudden death and the other with reattack of MI). Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) increased from 4.0±2.7mmHg to 12.5±4.6mmHg in Group B, while in Group A marked increases in PCWP on bathing were noted from 3.9±1.2mmHg to 18.1±4.8mmHg (p<0.001) and significant high level was maintained during bathing. Mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) in Group A also increased during bathing significantly compared with Group B. Six of 13 patients (46.2%) with decreased PV at LVOT and 3 of 8 patients (37.5%) with markedly increased A/R at LVIT on bathing had CE, which was noted at the higher rate compared with those with increased PV and without markedly increased A/R (each, p<0.001, p<0.05). In Group A, severe heart failure on admission into coronary care unit was significantly noted much (p<0.001), physical work capacity was lower in exercise tolerance test by bycyle ergometer and left ventricular ejection fraction was lower (26.9±6.1% vs 56.1±16.6%, p<0.001) with significance in cardiac catheterization, suggesting cardiac dysfunction.
    In conclusion, bathing should be carried out carefully in patients with markedly increased PCWP or mPAP, with decreased PV at LVOT and with markedly increased A/R at LVIT.
  • 相田 純久, 党 惠慶
    1992 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 155-158
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Although it is known that acupuncture works to normalize the digestive function. Details of its mechanism are still unclear. It is estimated, however, that gastrointestinal hormones such as gastrin play an important role in controlling smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrin also facilitates the secretion from the stomach and pancreas. Therefore the effects of acupuncture on digestive function were examined by observing the serum concentrations of gastrin, amylase and lypase in 39 human volunteers who had been fasting and resting since the evening of the day before (the acupuncture group). Acupuncture needles were inserted into the “Rokou (H64)” (right) and “Shou-sannli (H610)” (right) at 9:00 a.m., and electrical stimulation with 1-Hz square wave pulses was applied to these needles for 30min. Blood samples were collected from the basilic vein of the left forearm of every subject before and 60 and 120min after the start of acupuncture stimulation. Blood samples were also taken from seven subjects of the control group, in whom no acupuncture needles were inserted. The sera were separated immediately and frozen until they were measured. In the acupuncture group, significant increases in gastrin, amylase and lypase were observed after the acupuncture stimulation. In the control group, however, no significant increases in gastrin, amylase or lypase were noted. These results suggest that the effects of acupuncture on digestive function are mediated by gastro-intestinal hormones such as gastrin. In other words, the increase in gastrin following acupuncture may stimulate the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and facilitate the production and secretion of amylase and lypase.
  • 萬 秀憲, 古元 嘉昭
    1992 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 159-163
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    二酸化炭素泉浴による温熱効果を、前腕皮膚血流量と皮膚温の変化を測定し水道水浴と比較検討した。入浴中の前腕皮膚血流量は、8人の健康な被験者に対し33℃、36℃、40℃の二酸化炭素泉での前腕部分浴を行いMコーダーを用いた熱電対法により測定した。その結果、二酸化炭素泉浴によりいずれの温度でも前腕皮膚血流量は増加した。入浴後の皮膚温の変化は、8人の健康な被験者を33℃、36℃、40℃の二酸化炭素泉に全身浴 (10分間) させ、その後の皮膚温の変化をサーモグラフィーを用いて、水道水浴と比較検討した。40℃では、水道水浴と比較し二酸化炭素泉浴の方が皮膚温は高く維持されたが、33℃と36℃では、水道水浴の方が皮膚温は高く維持された。これらの結果は、二酸化炭素泉浴により血流量が増加し、その結果として身体と浴水の間の熱交換が促進されることを示している。
  • 垣鍔 直
    1992 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 164-171
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Physiological effects of local bubbling during bathing have been evaluated from three series of experiments. In the first series, four male subjects bathed for 6 minutes. and their chests were exposed to bubbling at rates of 13, 20 and 45l/min. Water temperature (Tw) was initially controlled to 37 and 42°C, and then adjusted by the subjects to optimum Tw. In the second series, four male subjects bathed in 39°C water. Four sites (chest, back, lower back, and shin) were exposed to bubbling at rates of 8, 13l/min and the rate of 8l/min alternating with the rate of 13l/min at second intervals. In the last series, four male subjects bathed in 39°C water and two sites (chest and lower back) were exposed to bubbling at rates of 13, 33 and 46l/min. Blood pressure, heart rate, rectal and skin temperatures, minute ventilation were monitored on each occasion.
    Subjectively determined optimum Tw was about 39°C in the case of initial Tw of 37°C, and was 41°C in the case of initial Tw of 42°C. Systolic blood pressure decreased while heart rate and minute ventilation increased during bathing. Physiological variables changed significantly when chest and lower back were exposed to bubbling at the rate of 33l/min. The increase in rectal temperature after bathing is likely proportional to the decrease in skin temperature at the lower extremities. It is, therefore, suggested from these results that local bubbling to chest/back may be most effective when the rate of bubbling is controlled in the range of 20-35l/min at Tw of 39°C.