Many theoretical papers dealing with instantaneous loading of X-ray tubes have been published but none so far with detailed experimental results. The writer measured the temperature of focusing surface on anode by means of a device of reading instantaneous colour temperature using two photomultipliers of special design. The distribution of electron density on the focusing surface was also observed. The instantaneous input power
P for a given maximum temperature of the focusing surface is calculated by
SQ0t-n where
S is the actual area of the focused surface,
t the loading time, and
Q0 and
n constants. This formula holds good within experimental error if the loading time is 0.1_??_10 sac.
Q0 depends very much on the breadth of the focus, the distribution of erectron density and the high tension circuit system (the wave form of the tube voltage). It also depends on the thick-ness of
W-target but slightly. The breadth of the focus, the high tension circuit system and the thick-ness of
W-target affect the value of
n a little.