With scintillation counters, there are various methods of pulse-height analysis which can be divided into two groups.
One is to measure the voltage pulse amplitude directly, and the other is to convert the input voltage pulses of various amplitudes into other measurable physical quantities such as time, deflection of electron beam etc. Taking microwave frequency as the corresponding physical quantity, an Amplitude-to-Frequency convertor is devised by using reflection type klystron 2K25 in 9600 MC/S region as the convertor.
In these klystrons, the repeller voltage change of 10 volts induces linear frequency modulation of about 20 MC/S, so that the maximum input voltage of 10 volts from pulse amplifier is sufficient for this converter system. The induced frequency changes due to input voltage pulses are measured by taking beat frequency with another local oscillator klystron.
In this single channel Pulse-Height Analyzer, time resolution is as short as 10 μs in all voltage regions of input pulse and this is about 10 times shorter than the Pulse-Height Analyzer of time conversion principle. At present, energy resolution of 4 to 5% is obtained by this Analyzer, but this figure will probably be reduced below 1%.
This converter may be suitable for multichannel Pulse-Height Analyzer having over 100 channels.