Bending and annealing behavior of α-brass single crystal is studied by the etch-pit technique, the bending being by a four-point bending device and the annealing being for various durations at a high temperature. The results show that the ease with which polygonization occurs depends on the orientation of the bending crystal. When the crystals in a given region are so oriented that only the single slip is realizable, a homogeneous aggregation of dislocations is produced. This dislocation configuration develops readily to a large. scale polygonization. When, however, sets of intersecting dislocations are produced locally, Lomer-Cottrell's dislocation reaction is liable to occur, and since climbing of the groups of dislocations thus originated is not easy, no clearly polygonized structure arises. Furthermore, the orientation effect of polygonization reported in a previous paper is confirmed in the present experiment.