Measurements were carried out to find out relations among the depolarization current, polarization current and temperature for purified hexadecane (C
34), hexadecyl alcohol (C
33OH), hexadecyl amine (C
2) and hexadecanoic acid (C
31COOH). Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was also carried out for the same substances.
The polarizing field and temperature used were in a range from 1±10
3 to 5±10
4V/cm and above melting point.
The depolarization and the polarization currents of these substances showed peaks at the temperatures of crystalline transition and melting. The peak temperatures in the DTA curves were in a good correspondence to those of the depolarization and of the polarization currents. The peak temperatures of the depolarization current were independent of the polarizing field. The total amount of depolarized charge was almost linearly related to the applied field strength.
The depth of energy for the trapped ions were estimated as 0.3 to 1.0 eV for the peak at the crystalline transition temperature and above 1 eV for the peak at melting temperature.