A-1 「一般講演1」
A-2 「データ駆動型社会における観光サービスの展望」
A-3 「品質・信頼性・安全性への未然防止体系の新展開」
A-4 「超スマート社会に向けたリモートセンシング分野の最前線」
B-1 「品質工学(タグチメソッド)と統計科学」
B-2 「超スマート社会を支えるエネルギープラットフォームに向けた基盤技術」
B-3 「次世代型デザイン思考とイノベーション」
B-4 「コトつくり至宝発掘の試行」
C-2 「スマート・ファクトリーに向けた生産ネットワークシステムの最適施策」
  • 孫 晶, 山本 久志, 松井 正之
    セッションID: C-2
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/11/10
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    This paper aims to derive optimal switching point for production network system. Due to the customer needs of reducing cost, delivery date shorting and provide quality, prompt change in the production plan became more important. In this paper, first, we discuss a switching model considered the risks of production, due date and quality for a production series line. Then, we present a switching model for parallel production process, where the risk depends on the previous situation and occurs repeatedly throughout multiple periods. Finally, we analyze the policies of optimal switching for the two production systems.
  • 作業者の生産能力が3 種類ある場合
    趙 暁雯, 山本 久志, 孫 晶
    セッションID: C-2
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/11/10
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    Abstract-In this paper, we focus on the property of the optimal assignment with minimized total expected risk (cost) in the limited-cycle model. First, the reset model, a simple model of the limited-cycle model, is presented. Then, the optimal assignment problem under the reset model is defined. After that, for the cases of three special worker groups, the conditions for the optimal assignment are proposed with a mathematical approach. Finally, the assignment optimization rules about untrained or well-trained workers are discussed by numerical analyses.
  • 堀川 三好, 岡本 東, 村田 嘉利
    セッションID: C-2
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/11/10
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    This study was conducted to facilitate implementation of the Internet of Moving things (IoMT), which refers to sensing locations and conditions of moving things during manufacturing. For manufacturing, machinery and robots with installed IoT devices are useful for anomaly detection and facility maintenance. The Radio-frequency identification device (RFIDs), bar codes and QR codes are also used to control products, parts, and work-in-process because they can be introduced easily and at low cost. Nevertheless, these technologies are unsuitable for construction of sensor networks sensing locations and conditions of moving things during manu-facturing. Therefore, this study presents a proposal of a smart tag that enable to construct the sensor network for moving things. First, requirement for smart tags and sensor networks is defined. Then developed prototype of smart tags are evaluated the positioning accuracy and sensing condition through experiments. These results pro-vide guidelines for the introduction of the IoMT.
C-3 「社会リスクマネジメント」
  • 倉橋 節也
    セッションID: C-3
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/11/10
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    Our society is surrounded by many social risks. The 2011 East Japan great earthquake disaster is still new in memory and many natural disasters such as earthquakes, oods, avalanche, typhoons, etc. have also occurred after that. Also infectious diseases such as H1N1 in uenza, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, measles, rubella, dengue, HIV, syphilis endanger our lives. Looking at these, social risk can be said to be a complex system itself in that it is generated by the interaction of multiple factors, increasing its scale and seriousness. Social infrastructure itself has become larger scale. In advanced information processing and decentralization, it is difficult to precisely respond to various social risks as mentioned above merely by individually measuring and controlling various elements constituting our society It is becoming. In this paper, as an example of risk prevention and mitigation measures based on the systems approach, among the social risk countermeasures, the risk of infection is taken as an example.
  • 鈴木 勉
    セッションID: C-3
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/11/10
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    Closing of a regional facility that provides urban services may bring about decline in citizens' accessibility to those services. The paper focuses two strategies to prevent critical facilities from lower accessibility: fortification and reliable location of facilities. We show the interdiction median problem with fortification and optimal risk-averse location problem that minimize the loss of adjacency to a facility due to the interdiction of the facilities.
C-4 「一般講演2」
D-1 「超スマート社会とAI」
D-2 「超スマート社会とIoT(通信、組み込みシステム、センサ)
D-3 「 超スマート社会(Society5.0)のイメージと実現上の課題」
D-4 「超スマート社会と医工連携(オーグメントヒューマン)」
E-2 「超スマート社会とレーザー・光計測技術」