A-1 OS02:「未来戦略デザイン・プロデューサー」の教育プログラム開発
A-2 OS11:AI・シミュレーション技術を駆使した健全な社会の構築に向けて
A-3 OS06:企業経営・社会活動分析へのMATRIXアプローチと意思決定プロセス化の研究
  • 自然対人工体のあるべき姿、中央2重性とカメレオン基準 II
    松井 正之
    セッションID: A-3
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    One-leaf Hyperboloid is the main subject of nature vs. artifacts bodies, and is a fractal(nested) mother of pair-map and its Nash’s zone, by a white-box approach to individual bodies. Then, the traditional pairmap is here systematically tried and semi-finalized toward the generalization of Matsui’s EQ&ME type, and also, the Nash’s zone is graphically illustrated at 3D-type. Finally, the shared equilibrium problem of 3D-type is discussed on the Trickle-down system vs. Modern money theory (up) at Mt. Fuji type in the economic society.
  • 見込生産製造企業のSCMを事例として
    大場 允晶, 石井 信明
    セッションID: A-3
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    Supply chain (SC) entities, such as retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, supplier and others, store and/or produce information on demand, capacity, inventory, and so on. Supply chain management (SCM) can be performed by using such information. Namely, it is critical for successful supply chain management to build an adequate information network among entities to acquire necessary information. However, there has been almost no quantitative method to evaluate the adequacy of the information network in a supply chain. Therefore, we develop a method that quantitatively evaluates the adequacy of an information network for managing a supply chain. The method divides the information network into several sub-networks based on the type of information. Each sub-network is evaluated by the sub-network evaluation index, which is calculated as the sum of the absolute differences between the rank of importance of each entity in the sub-network and the rank of its own information referred to by other entities in a sub-network divided by the maximum sum of the ranking difference value for the number of entities in the supply chain. Then the information network is evaluated comprehensively as the evaluation index SCV, which is calculated as the sum of the weighted value of each sub-network evaluation index. The effectiveness of the proposed evaluation method is examined in the case of SCM of the production company which applied a production seat system.
  • 大宮 望, 中邨 良樹
    セッションID: A-3
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    In recent years, many movies have been released and diversified in the movie industry. It is important for the movie industry. Therefore, this study, compares DVD jackets with word-of-mouth, and analyzes the relationship between them. In this paper, we show which types of colors and designs are effective for the audience.
  • 山田 哲男, 舛井 海斗, 松野 省吾, 長沢 敬祐, 伊集院 大将, 石垣 綾, 稲葉 通将, 井上 全人, 于 亜婷, 岡本 一志, 北 ...
    セッションID: A-3
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    People have both expectations and fears about current AI, which has begun to be integrated into our society through products and services. However, Generation Z, who has been around digital device such as smart phones since they were born and have a new sense of values, will play a leading role in the future society in which AI and people collaborate. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the expectations and fears about AI from their own words.
    In this study, we conduct a questionnaire survey on current AI for Generation Z and text mining to extract information from a large amount of text data, and discusses the research and challenges involved.
A-4 OS05:ポストコロナ社会に計算社会科学はいかに貢献するか
  • 遠藤 薫
    セッションID: A-4
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    The spread of the new coronavirus has accelerated the development of the everyday online world. In the post-corona society, where cyber space and physical space are mutually nested, we will look at the construction of a new social ethics from the perspective of computational social science, a new field whose mission is to capture the reality and contribute to its sound development.
  • 岡田 勇
    セッションID: A-4
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    We introduce the study on the evolution of cooperation that we have been working on so far, and we discuss what kind of insights which can provide to the post-corona society. A purpose of the evolution of cooperation is to answer the question of why people cooperate. In both with-corona and post-corona societies, the theme of how to promote people's cooperative behavior has been continuing to be highlighted as a socially quite important issue. This paper introduces the construction of behavioral models during the infectious disease epidemic, infection prediction and social policy designing using agent-based simulation, and the formulation of a realistic structure of information distribution with a network structure. We hope that the theory and experiments will approach the prevention of infection and the solution of problems in the post-corona society by clarifying the features of effective incentives and institutions.
  • 鳥海 不二夫, Lim Dongwoo
    セッションID: A-4
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    A pandemic of a VOCID-19 emerged with uncertain information about an unknown virus, making it difficult to determine what information was correct, especially in the early stages of the pandemic, and various problems arose. As the term “infodemics” was used, confusion caused by information became a social problem as much as confusion caused by viruses. In particular, social media has been the focus of much attention, and the uncontrolled spread of information by social media has become a social problem. In this presentation, we clarify the actual situation of information diffusion, including fake news, and show that social media has contributed to the diffusion of correct information to a certain extent.
A-5 OS04:計算社会科学と政治-分極化の問題に挑む-
  • 西川 賢
    セッションID: A-5
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    We often hear about “the polarization of American politics.” However, what does it mean to state that American politics is polarized? In this paper, the author examines (1) the definition of polarization, (2) research methods of polarization, and (3) ways to overcome polarization.
  • 国連安全保障理事会の議事録のテキスト分析から
    阪本 拓人
    セッションID: A-5
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    The United Nations Security Council is one of the primary organs of the United Nations, which is primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace. It is also a significant battleground for great-power politics where the permanent members of the Council (the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China) constantly engage in mutual confrontation and cooperation. This study analyzes the official meeting records of the Council using large-scale text analysis methodologies such as word embedding. Focusing on one of the most consequential notions for the Council deliberations, ”threat to the peace,” the study quantitatively represents the members’ conceptions concerning this notion, and rigorously measures the discrepancies among these conceptions. The study thus clarifies how the polarization among the major powers has unfolded over the past decades.
  • 水野 貴之, 上坂 大輔, 幡 容子, 南川 敦宣
    セッションID: A-5
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    We define the residential areas of new and old residents based on the age of the properties, and visualize and model the spatial interaction between new and old residents in the town during the daytime using location data collected through a smartphone application. By measuring the daytime human mobility flow and diversity of the population in each area using entropy, we can visualize the spatial segmentation between old and new residents. We propose a human mobility model based on the statistics of the outing rate, the time spent in each place, and the network of human flows connecting the origin and destination places of the movement. We also propose a recommendation system for places and facilities, which gently improves the segregation in the human flow network. These will provide scientific support for local policies in creating communities where new and old residents cooperate with each other.
B-1 OS03:ポストコロナ社会における地域コミュニティと横幹知
B-2 OS08:ポストコロナ禍に向けた新しい防災の模索
B-3 OS14:行政課題の解決及び国民の生活行動研究における大規模統計データの利活用
B-4 OS07:地球観測によるコロナ・ポストコロナ時代での取り組みについて
B-5 OS12:移動体の自動運転・自動操縦の安全評価
C-1 OS09:COVID-19感染の再発防止・未然防止へ向けて
  • 加藤 進弘, 大石 修二, 鈴木 和幸
    セッションID: C-1
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    Trust and relief for prevention originate from reliability that leads to purpose setting-decision making-action. Also they have deep relations with the social system(security system etc.)such as PCR test and medical care system to be seen in Covid-19, the support system and the behavior pattern. Moreover, we have common understanding that the life and the action in the era of corona coexistence have been greatly influenced by philosophy and ethic including the value and meaning of the human being existence. This fact is similar to the case when we assure trust and relief to our users in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution including IOT, Robot, automatic driving car and AI. This presentation proposes ①the structure of trust and relief, ②seven view-points of culture for safety,③seven view- points of rule for safety, based on previous researches, all of which are evaluated as “Meta prevention for trust and relief”. In addition, the East-West philosophical and ethical thought behind the above proposed models is shown to be effective for meta prevention through the illustration and the description such as Covid-19 seesaw model.
  • 渡辺 吉明
    セッションID: C-1
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/03/09
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
    From the experience of COVID-19, there is an urgent need to develop a digital system for many small stores to maintain their operations safely in case the same situation occurs again in the future. Specifically, it uses mobile to manage customer staying time using automatic recognition technology that does not depend on private information, and is linked with monitoring congestion status etc., which is useful for managing store safety in both White Mode and Black Mode. If the lattes case happens, we propose a system that will be able to take immediate action.
C-2 OS01:第4回コトつくり至宝発掘~コトつくりコレクションの選出~
C-3 一般講演
C-4 OS10:AIMaP企画:メタマテリアルの数理科学