Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B
Online ISSN : 1349-2896
Print ISSN : 0386-2208
ISSN-L : 0386-2208
Special Issue
Volume 66, Issue 6
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
  • Hiroyuki KAGI, Kazuya TAKAHASHI, Akimasa MASUD
    1990 Volume 66 Issue 6 Pages 101-104
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: October 13, 2006
    Raman spectra of micro-diamonds contained in Antarctic ureilite, Y-791538 were observed by laser Raman microprobe. Based on the resultant spectra, diamond particulates could be divided mainly to two groups. For the first group, observed spectra have ordinary Raman shift at 1332cm-1 with fluorescence band. On the other hand, spectra classified into the second group have anomalous Raman shift at 1323cm-1, free from the fluorescence band. Three possible interpretations are proposed for the significant difference in the Raman shift.
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  • Local Asynchronism in the Generation Cycle of Actomyosin Fibrils and its Relationship to the Shuttle Streaming
    Mitsuo ISHIGAMI
    1990 Volume 66 Issue 6 Pages 105-109
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: October 13, 2006
    The cyclic generation-degeneration of actomyosin fibrils, which coincides with the cyclic contraction-relaxation of the plasmodium, was documented quantitatively in the two half regions of dumbbell-shaped fragments of Physarum plasmodium by polarizing microscopy and image analysis, with simultaneous monitoring of the direction and velocity of the shuttle streaming in the central isthmus region. Examination of the phase relationships between those periodic changes showed that the shuttle streaming arises in correspondence with local asynchronism in the fibrillar generation cycles.
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  • Yoshiaki ARATA, Yue-Chang ZHANG
    1990 Volume 66 Issue 6 Pages 110-115
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: October 13, 2006
    It was acknowleged that a“cold”fusion reaction is not caused by only an intense“on-off effect”in deuterized palladium (Pd), but also even with a weak“on-off effect”.
    In addition to the Pd-cathode, the authors used Ni-cathode plasma-spray coated with Pd-powder. We found that this new-cathode was able to produce a“cold”fusion reaction of long duration, and this results will open a new field of study.
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    1990 Volume 66 Issue 6 Pages 116-120
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: October 13, 2006
    The present paper deals with the documentary evidence of strain Ictero No. I; the isolation of the strain, the maintenance of the strain, the subsequent studies using the strain including the serological comparison of the strain with RGA. It is proposed that Ictero No. I should represent serovar icterohaemorrhagiae and that RGA should represent icterogenes, a new serovar to be created.
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  • Takao FUSAYAMA
    1990 Volume 66 Issue 6 Pages 121-126
    Published: 1990
    Released on J-STAGE: October 13, 2006
    A revolutionallfy tooth saving restorative system for dental caries was developed in Japan by using a caries detector and a chemically adhesive composite resin. It surprised dentists in the world causing much resistance and controversy because it was too revolutional. But, the 12 years routine use by many dental schools and clinicians in Japan has confirmed its usefulness and the supporters and followers of the system are now day by day increasing in the other continents too. This article illustrates the technical essence of the system. The conical cavity after complete removal of the infected dentin guided by the caries detector is immediately filled with the chemically adhesive composite resin after etching the whole cavity wall without any lining. It is painless without anesthesia and best saving teeth.
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