By using a well-defined mono-energetic, pencil-like, high-energy and intense muon beam, one can realize, via simultaneous measurements of energy-loss and multiple-scattering, a quick and element-selective radiography to detect e.g. a few kg of U which is shielded in a thick Fe container or hidden within 2-3 m of low-Z material. A source of such an ideal beam of muons can be realized in transportable form via truck trailers, by combining a compact 400 MeV electron accelerator for photo π/μ production, a superconducting solenoid for full-solid-angle π/μ capture and transport, a stopping in hot tungsten metal for cooling of energetic μ
+ to sub-eV μ
+, and finally a compact linear accelerator for rapid acceleration to 600 MeV. Principle and some details are described.
(Communicated by Kazuhiko NISHIJIMA, M.J.A.)
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