Policy and Practice Studies
Online ISSN : 2189-1125
Print ISSN : 2189-2946
Volume 1, Issue 1
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • Susumu Nishibe
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 5-9
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    Market theory contains a basic fallacy in the sense that it neglects some conditions for the establishment of market mechanism. Human beings and its society behave in time-consciousness. Namely, retrospect of the past and prospect of the future decide the present action of man and society. Therefore, any society necessarily needs a certain kind of stability. The most important task of public actions is to prepare for that social stability. Unfortunately, modern society has been dominated by the mass-enthusiasm for simple models and massive modes. In addition, this mass movement has been expanded to a global size. So, we have to anticipate the decay of modern capitalism and modern democratism. In order to protect this decline of civilization, we must pay serious attention to the rebuilding of public actions. If we succeed in this task, modern capitalism and democratism will be able to survive as state-indicating-institutions.
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  • An empirical analysis of the psychological structure of a sense of communities based on Hegel’s theory of civil society
    Tsuyoshi Hatori, Takeshi Nakano, Satoshi Fujii
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 11-18
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    This paper examined two mutually competing hypotheses on the relationship between nationalism and civil society in order to explore the condition under which a sense of communities producing a vitality driving community practices at various levels is promoted. The first hypothesis, which was developed from Hegel’s theory of civil society, supposes a mutually dependent relationship between nationalism and civil society: the stronger (weaker) nationalism, the stronger (weaker) civil society and vice versa. In contrast, the second hypothesis supposes a mutually substitute relationship: the stronger (weaker) nationalism, the weaker (stronger) civil society and vice versa. To test these hypotheses we conducted a survey where participants (n = 100) were asked to respond to measurements for a sense of four communities (family, organization, region, and state). All the items for the measurements were developed based on Hegel’s descriptions about community spirits. The results from the analysis of structural equation models gave supports to the interdependent relationship hypothesis. It was further suggested that a sense of communities consisted of two factors, each associated with bridging and bonding social capital.
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  • Yuki Kawakami, Naoto Tanaka, Masataka Sakamoto
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 19-
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    Recently, weakening of social capital has become a problem. So that the importance of participation is pointed out aiming a good community development, but there are many theories about specific procedures or important elements of participation. In recent years, footpath is focused as the experience “Enjoying the sight of appearance of truth of region” “Opportunity to review the region” in the context of community development and has been implemented in the whole country. Also in Kyusyu, many of the region are working on footpath, especially the Misato town expands characteristic it called “Misato method” and is working with residents. The aim of this study is to analyze the participation developing as the project is carried out focusing on footpath project of Kumamoto Prefecture Shimomashiki District, Kumamoto Misato and extract the important elements in the development of participation from tow viewpoint of making course and management system. As a result, it is analyzed that the development of participating needs three elements “Feeling”, “Collaboration”, “Sustainability”. Local residents by experience the “Feeling” on many occasions, including the course creation, has gained energy that is carried out by “Sustainability” activities. However, it is not satisfied in only two, there is foundation of division of roles with others and “Collaboration” and occurs relationship with others, and conversation, evaluate, and mutual support, and it has become a source of all activities. In Misato footpath project, that method makes realize the “Sustainability” and the “Feeling” on the foundation of the “Collaboration”, it can be said that good “field” is inherited.
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  • Considering historical transition of policy debate on capital function
    Masaya Toyoshige, Yusuke Kanda, Satoshi Fujii
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 29-36
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    One of the most important and biggest practical public politics is “transfer of capital function” as macro-level practice in Japan, relocation of the capital function had been discussed in various periods after the World War II, however after the collapse of bubble economy, such discussion is not done well. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the discussion related to transfer of capital function has actively discussed again, especially considering huge disaster risks on Tokyo metropolitan area. Considering the situation that various capital function such as politics and economy, is over-concentrated in Tokyo metropolitan area, relaxing of over-concentration and transfer of capital function that is the most effective ways are one of the important issues on disaster prevention practical policies in Japan. This study aims to discuss a shape of capital function from the viewpoint of national resilience and disaster prevention policy considering the history of transfer of capital function. And this study proposes a policy direction on “transfer of capital function and its practice” supporting qualitative improvement and activation on national level practical public politics for building resilient national.
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  • Satoshi Nakao, Ayu Miyakawa, Satoshi Fujii
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 37-52
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    In Japan, public works have been fiercely criticized in public opinion. Although some researches assumed the reasons, however, few of them were from historical and folkloric aspects. In this study, we set a hypothesis that the “uncleanness against Doboku (civil engineering)” has germinated in Japanese people’s mind since ancient times, and surveyed the negative subconscious against Doboku through historical literatures about ethnical practices. As a result, we found descriptions interpreted as match to the hypothesis. It is suggested that the historical facts match the interpretation that the “uncleanness against Doboku” formed the history that discriminated people with shamanic power, such as “Kawaramono”, performed public works, the folklore that people spiritually and emotionally evaded against Doboku, and consequently the folkloric reason of present fierce critics against Doboku.
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  • Practice ant the interpretation for building national resilience
    Syoki Sato, Yusuke Kanda, Satoshi Fujii
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 53-64
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    Recently, it is expected to occur a major earthquake. Under these circumstances, it is urgently necessary for JAPAN to build national resilience. However, in local governments, building resilience has not progressed, compared to the central government. In this research, the author interviews various concerned about the disaster management in Kuroshio Town, Kochi Prefecture,where it is expected that a tsunami 34 meters tall hit and constructs a “Narrative” through this interviews. As it is interpreted, the factor that lead success to disaster management in Kuroshio Town seems to be explained.
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  • Tomohiro Arakawa, Marina Yoshimura, Ayu Miyakawa, Satoshi Fujii
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 65-71
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    Due to modernizations, the traditional spirit Sanpou - yoshi that was presented by Omi merchants was lost and, instead, the commercial business based on the profit driven spirit was developed in many industrial sectors in our country. As a result, human resources and capitals have been excessively concentrated in the cities and subsequently the local traditional industries are disappearing. Regional cities are facing a crisis that the region itself disappears. This situation is a crisis of nation-state, which also means the decline of national power. In this study, as one way to overcome the crisis of extinction of these local cities, the authors focused on geothermal power generation business in Oguni-machi Waita, Aso-gun district, Kumamoto Prefecture, which is being practiced right now as a new local industry, that is an alternative to the revival of local traditional industries. We describe the narrative based on interviews to stakeholders involved in the power generation business. Through the interpretation of the interviews, we clarified factors that contribute to start to restore regional vitality in the region, that is, elements that are required to be understood when we aim in particular to regional vitality revival towards the national power enhancement.
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  • The development of “Happiness is Sharing” method
    Yasuhiro Endoh
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 73-76
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    The goal of policy and practical studies is “Environment-friendly Society ” which has three fundamental and interrelated traits of Person, Environment and Technology (System). For policy and practical studies to be valued and flourish in research / practice, a broader conceptualization of research and practice is needed. This involves integrating the end, the means and learning. Policy and practiced studies is active and engaged learning in which professional researchers and planners become knowledge producers of reflective, responsive and contextual thinking and planning. Policy and practical studies promote partnering, collaborating and exchanging of knowledge across divides or boundaries that all too often separate rather than unite universities and communities. The first challenge in policy and practice studies experiences is to see “the other”. If researchers and planners are to interact with “the other” in community settings, they must learn to perceive, engage, and confront issues of identity and difference, including their own. They must penetrate the boundaries between self and ”the others” just as they confront the boundaries between academia and community. For realising “Happiness is sharing” between person and environment, it is necessary to combine of impelling well-being, enabling forms and resilient technology(system), and it makes life, liberty and the pursuit of sustainable happiness.
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  • Historical review of consequences of safety 4M and importance of continuous and effective management
    Yoshinobu Katagata, Haruo Ishida, Naohisa Okamoto
    2015 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 77-87
    Published: 2015
    Released on J-STAGE: January 12, 2025
    Railway operator have been trying to prevent serious accidents through installation of new equipment and systems. We reviewed signal accident data for 57 years in JR East and concluded that these efforts worked well. Based on the empirical consideration on safety 4M (Man, Machine, Media and Management) and its consequences on Risk-Hazard, we find that these effective measures may cause new incidents and instabilities and accordingly know the importance of continuous management.
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