As declining birth rate and aging population are rapidly progressing all over Japan, local cities are attempting to increase the number of migrants while preventing an exodus of residents. This article focuses on the study of the migration and settlement support policies in Bungotakada City, located in Oita Prefecture, to find out the reasons for their success, which has been reflected in a continuous population growth in recent years. In order to achieve this purpose, Bungotakada City’s industrial policies, support guidelines for migration, settlement, employment, child care, and education, support for migrants from private organizations, use of websites and SNS for dissemination of information, and the organizational response by the City Hall in charge were analysed in detail. As a result, it was found that by posting information such as tourist attractions and migration rankings according to the media characteristics, the number of people that visit Bungotakada City is increasing, and that support for migration, settlement, employment, child care and education was carried out through the cooperation of the city and the region with families with small children as the main target. In addition, it was suggested that since the one-stop consultation service from pre-migration to post-migration formed close relationships, this service contributes to boosting migration and settlement.
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