Online ISSN : 2186-0955
Print ISSN : 0031-0204
ISSN-L : 0031-0204
1943 巻, 28 号
  • 矢部 長克, 杉山 敏郎, 江口 元起
    1943 年 1943 巻 28 号 p. 299-302
    発行日: 1943年
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new massive coral found in a Carboniferous limestone, together with a Stylidophyllum, several other rugose corals and a chaetetoid, of the Taisyaku limestone plateau in Tyugoku, suggests hexacorals in being characterized by its maeandroid corallum-a growth-habit never seen among rugose corals-with narrow corallites lacking proper wall, connected by confluent, distinctly trabecular septa which are apparently disposed radially, and provided with variably broad papillar columella surrounded by an incomplete cycle of pali or pali-like elements. Superficially it resembles such Palaeozoic corals as Aulina, Phillipsastraea, and Orionastraea, and, among recent hexacorals, certain forms of the Agaricidae, especially of the genus Pavona, though quite distinct from all of them in the details of its inner structure.
    A new generic and specific name,
    Pseudopavona taisyakuana
    is here proposed for this interesting fossil coral it is to be referable to a new famiiy Pseudopavoniidae.
  • 谷 敬一
    1943 年 1943 巻 28 号 p. 303-309
    発行日: 1943年
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    I) 北安省鐵驪縣鐵驪の約4粁北方の丘に於て今泉力藏學士に依り掘鑿の試錐から採集された貝蝦石を鑑定し次の結果を得た。
    a) 地表下55.3米の地點より産せるもの: Estherites septentrionalis (KOBAYASHI and HUZITA)
    b) 地表下60米の地點より産せるもの: Estherites cfr. nengkiangensis (CHI)
    c) 地表下66米の地點より産せるもの: Estherites mitsuishii (KOBAYASHI and HUZITA)
    以上の貝蝦石に依り本化石は松花江統徽江階に層するものと認められる。此の地點では下位にEstherites mitsuishiiを, 上位にEstherites septentrionalisを産出するが, 此の關係が他地方にも當嵌るか否や今後の興味ある研究問題である。66米以深には貝蝦石は見出されない。
    II) 鐵嶺の30粁東南にある大甸子に於て坂口重雄學士が採集された貝蝦石は1新種Estherites tatienteuensisで長さ5乃至8糎, 高さ3乃至6糎, 高さと長さの比は1/1.4乃至1/1.65で脊線の長さは全長の約3/5であり, 成長線の數は13乃至16である。そして成長線の間隔はumboに近づく程幾分廣くなつて居る。
  • 長尾 巧, 湊 正雄
    1943 年 1943 巻 28 号 p. 310-311
    発行日: 1943年
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    栃木縣鍋山より産出する腕足類に就ては早坂一郎博士の研究以來有名である。筆者等は, 此の化石層準を門ノ澤で確めたるに, 此の腕足類帯の下位約10米の層準に, 紡錘蟲の多産する所を發見した。其の中には牛澤正四郎博士の鑑定に依れば, Parafusulina kaerimizuensis (OZAWA) を含む。從來の報告に依れば, 此の腕足類帯の上には, Parafusulina kaerimizuensis OZAWAを含む紡錘蟲帯の疊重する事が知られ, 前者は石炭紀, 後者は下部三疊紀とされてゐた。何れにせよ, 腕足類帯と上の紡錘蟲帯とは切り離して考へられて來てゐた。しかるに今同の發見により, 腕足類帯も亦下部二疊紀に屑する事が明瞭となつたわけである。
  • 鳥山 隆三, 湊 正雄
    1943 年 1943 巻 28 号 p. 312-313
    発行日: 1943年
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    滿洲國吉林省盤石縣明城附近より産出せるPseudoschwagerinaに就いて報告した。所謂北滿型の古生層(小林博士の満蒙層群) の中ではPseudoschwagerinaの産出は從來知られてゐなかつた。明城の現地に見た範圍では, 此の紡錘蟲帯は, Gigantella動物群を産する化石帯に近接してゐる。此の事は二罍石炭紀境界問題に關聯して, 濫りに看過す可き事でないと思はれる。
  • 大立目 謙一郎
    1943 年 1943 巻 28 号 p. 314-316
    発行日: 1943年
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present snort paper, the present writer reported the occurrence of Vicarya callora forma japonica SAGA (MS.) from the lower part of the Kadonosawa Series (Miocene) of Yuda, Kindaiti-mura, Ninohe-gun, Iwate Prefecture. So far as our present knowledge is concerned, this fossil locality is the northernmost limit of the occurrence of Vicarya in Japanese Islands.
  • 藤岡 一男
    1943 年 1943 巻 28 号 p. 317-325
    発行日: 1943年
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper deals with the descriptions of some fossil involucres of Ostrya and Carpinus from the Miocene rocks of Hokkaidô and Tytisen. They are as follows:
    Ostrya japonica SARGENT oblongibracteata subsp. nov. from the Kunnui Series of Abura in Hokkaidô
    Carpinus erosa BLUME ellipticibracteata subsp. nov. from the Kunnui Series of Ahura in Hokkaidô
    Carpinus simplicibracteata sp. nov. from the Enniti Series of Tyôsen.
    Carpinus Kodairae-bracteata sp. nov. from the Engelhardtia Beds of Tyosen.
    Ostrya japonica oblongibracteara is the first fossil involucms of O. japonica-type found in Eastern Asia, though some fossil leaves under this name have been reported from several localities. It resembles closely that of the modern O. japonica now living in Japan, but differs slightly in its longer and oblong shape. Carpinus erosa ellipticibracteata is very close to the modern a erosa of Japan and China, but generally oblong and elliptical in outline. C. simplicibracteata is, as well as the preceding one, a type belonging to the morphic group of C. erosa, but its apical nature and the nervation is quite characteristic as shown in the figures. C. Kodairae-bracteata that has trilobate involucres is related essentially to the modern Japanese C. laxiflora BLUME and similar also to such exotic species as Chinese C. Londoniana and C. lanceolata, European C. betulus and C. grandis (fossil) and American C. caroliniana.
  • 小林 貞一, 木戸 祐邦
    1943 年 1943 巻 28 号 p. 326-333
    発行日: 1943年
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    With the exception of 4 species of Caenestheria and 2 of Cyzicus occurring between the isotherms of N 10°C and 20°C in July and a species of Caenestheria farther north beyond the isotherm of 10°C, all of the living estherids are distributed between the Northern and Southern isotherms of 20°C in July and January respectively, but the number of species tends to decrease in regions that are warmer than 30°C in July. Furthermore, the fact that many species are crowded in the basins along the Donau, Nile and other rivers cannot be overlooked. It may therefore be concluded that a temperate climate (+20°C in Summer) in the continental basin is the optimum for the estherids. Among the seven genera of estherids, Caenestheria, Caenestheriella and Leptestheria are eurythermal and Eoleptestheria and Cyzicus stenothermal, the remainder being intermediate.
    When the four species of Caenestheria known from the Tundra region are morphically compared with 4 species of stenothermal Cyzicus and 4 species of Eohrtestheria, also stenothermal, living in the Hungarian besin, the climate of which is quite suitable for estherids, it is found that the estherids in such unsuitable climatic condition as in the Tundra are commonly diminutive in form, with smaller number of growth lines. The ornamentation between the growth lines is independent of climatic conditions but of value in attempting classification of this group as demonstrated in the joint paper by the senior author and HIIZITA.
    From these observations, it can easily be presumed that glaciation of the past in Central Asia must have offered a barrier to their distribution. In this connection it is noteworthy that 8 of the 14 species known in Eastern Asia belong to eurypic genera while stenopic genera are represented by only 2 species.
    Of Mesozoic Estherites in Koreo-Manchuria it is known that the large ones are most common in the Jehol fauna, the reverse being true in the case of the Daido fauna. In the Kyöngsang and Sungari faunas the size is mostly medium, growth lines being however, commonly more numerous in the Kyöngsang forms. This fact together with others on the palaeogeography and palaeoclimatology suggests that the climatic conditions were the optimum for Estherites in the Jehol period while it was most unfavourable in the Daido period.