At the up-stream of a consolidation dam, the river bed is generally flat and water flows uniformly at a shallow depth. As a result, the migration of fish is disturbed. More attention must be paid to the scouring which can converge water just at the up-stream of a dam. The relationship among the depth of water, the height of the river bed, and the shape of a notch is investigated.
By comparing the cross section of several notch patterns, some tendencies have come to light. First relatively wider notches (for example, 5.0m in width and 0.30m in depth) have turned out to be more effective for water convergence than the narrower ones (for example, 2.0m in width and 0.5m in depth). Secondly, as a function of water convergence, the shape of notches influences on the river bed form not only at the up-stream of the dam, but through the whole channel as well. As a conclusion, a model on the relationship between a notch and water convergence is proposed and a shape of the notch for more suitable river bed for fish migration is suggested.